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2018-08-17 00:30:59 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the LICENSE file.
2020-03-25 23:03:38 +01:00
* Change Date: 2024-03-25
2018-08-17 00:30:59 +02:00
* On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source
* License, use of this software will be governed by version 2
* or later of the General Public License.
define([ 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Date/Util'
, 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Language'
], function (DateUtil, Language) {
"use strict";
class Helper {
static deepFreeze(obj) {
const propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)
propNames.forEach(function (name) {
let prop = obj[name]
if (typeof prop === 'object' && prop !== null) Helper.deepFreeze(prop)
return Object.freeze(obj)
* Returns true if the given element is an input[type=text],
* input[type=password] or textarea.
* @param {Node} element
* @returns {boolean}
static isInput(element) {
if (element.tagName === 'INPUT') {
if (element.getAttribute('type') !== 'text' && element.getAttribute('type') !== 'password') {
return false
else if (element.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
return false
return true
static throttle(fn, threshold = 250, scope) {
let last = 0
let deferTimer = null
return function() {
const now = new Date().getTime()
const args = arguments
const context = scope || this
if (last && (now < (last + threshold))) {
return deferTimer = setTimeout(function() {
last = now
return fn.apply(context, args)
}, threshold)
else {
last = now
return fn.apply(context, args)
* Returns the caret position of the given element. If the element
* is not an input or textarea element -1 is returned.
* @param {Node} element
* @returns {number}
static getCaret(element) {
if (!Helper.isInput(element)) throw new Error('Unsupported element')
let position = 0
if (element.selectionStart) {
position = element.selectionStart
return position
static setCaret(element, position) {
if (!Helper.isInput(element)) throw new Error('Unsupported element')
if (element.selectionStart) {
element.setSelectionRange(position, position)
static wrapElement(element, wrapper) {
wrapper = wrapper || document.createElement('div')
if (element.nextSibling) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, element.nextSibling)
else {
return wrapper.appendChild(element)
// Based on https://github.com/alexdunphy/flexText
static makeFlexible(textarea) {
if (textarea.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
throw new Error(`Unsupported element type: ${textarea.tagName}`)
const pre = document.createElement('pre')
const span = document.createElement('span')
const mirror = function () {
span.textContent = textarea.value
if (!textarea.parentNode.classList.contains('flexibleTextarea')) {
textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(pre, textarea)
textarea.addEventListener('input', mirror)
static getCircularArray(size) {
class CircularArray extends Array {
constructor(size) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'size', { enumerable: false
, value: size
, writable: false
, configurable: false
push() {
super.push.apply(this, arguments)
if (this.length > this.size) {
return this.length;
unshift() {
super.unshift.apply(this, arguments)
if (this.length > this.size) {
return this.length;
first() {
return this[0]
last() {
return this[this.length - 1]
return new CircularArray(size)
static intToRGBHex(integer) {
const r = ((integer >> 16) & 0xFF).toString(16)
const g = ((integer >> 8) & 0xFF).toString(16)
const b = ((integer >> 0) & 0xFF).toString(16)
const rr = r.length == 1 ? `0${r}` : r
const gg = g.length == 1 ? `0${g}` : g
const bb = b.length == 1 ? `0${b}` : b
return `#${rr}${gg}${bb}`
* Returns the markup of a `time` element based on the given date just like a `time`
* element created by `wcf\system\template\plugin\TimeModifierTemplatePlugin`.
* @param {Date} date displayed date
* @returns {string} `time` element
static getTimeElementHTML(date) {
const isFutureDate = date.getTime() > new Date().getTime()
let dateTime = ''
if (isFutureDate) {
dateTime = DateUtil.formatDateTime(date)
// WSC 3.1
if (typeof DateUtil.getTimeElement === 'function') {
const elem = DateUtil.getTimeElement(date)
// Work around a bug in DateUtil paired with Time/Relative
if (isFutureDate) elem.innerText = dateTime
return elem.outerHTML
return `<time class="datetime"
datetime="${DateUtil.format(date, 'c')}"
data-offset="${date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60}"
data-timestamp="${(date.getTime() - date.getMilliseconds()) / 1000}"
${isFutureDate ? 'data-is-future-date="true"' : ''}
* Returns whether the supplied selection range covers the whole text inside the given node
* Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27686686/1112384
* @param {Range} range Selection range
* @param {Node}
* @return {Boolean}
static rangeSpansTextContent(range, node) {
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)
let firstTextNode, lastTextNode
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
if (treeWalker.currentNode.nodeValue.trim() === '') continue
if (!firstTextNode) {
firstTextNode = treeWalker.currentNode
lastTextNode = treeWalker.currentNode
const nodeRange = range.cloneRange()
if (firstTextNode) {
nodeRange.setStart(firstTextNode, 0)
nodeRange.setEnd(lastTextNode, lastTextNode.length)
else {
const bp1 = range.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, nodeRange)
const bp2 = range.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, nodeRange)
return bp1 < 1 && bp2 > -1
* Returns the text of a node and its children.
* @see {@link https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/blob/a20be4267fc711299d6bde7c34a8b36199ae393f/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WCF.Message.js#L1180-L1264}
* @param {Node} node
* @return {String}
static getTextContent(node) {
const acceptNode = node => {
if (node instanceof Element) {
if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' || node.tagName === 'STYLE') return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT
let out = ''
const flags = NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT | NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(node, flags, { acceptNode })
const ignoredLinks = [ ]
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
const node = treeWalker.currentNode
if (node instanceof Text) {
if (node.parentNode.tagName === 'A' && ignoredLinks.indexOf(node.parentNode) >= 0) {
out += node.nodeValue.replace(/\n/g, '')
else {
switch (node.tagName) {
case 'IMG': {
const alt = node.getAttribute('alt')
if (node.classList.contains('smiley')) {
out += ` ${alt} `
else if (alt && alt !== '') {
out += ` ${alt} [Image ${node.src}] `
else {
out += ` [Image ${node.src}] `
break }
case 'BR':
case 'LI':
case 'UL':
case 'DIV':
case 'TR':
out += '\n'
case 'TH':
case 'TD':
out += '\t'
case 'P':
out += '\n\n'
case 'A': {
let link = node.href
const text = node.textContent.trim()
// handle named anchors
if (text !== '' && text !== node.href) {
let truncated = false
if (text.indexOf('\u2026') >= 0) {
const parts = text.split(/\u2026/)
if (parts.length === 2) {
truncated = node.href.startsWith(parts[0]) && node.href.endsWith(parts[1])
if (!truncated) {
link = `${node.textContent} [URL:${node.href}]`
out += link
break }
return out
return Helper