mirror of https://github.com/wbbaddons/Tims-Chat.git synced 2025-02-22 06:10:40 +00:00

Merge branch 'privateChannels'

This commit is contained in:
Tim Düsterhus 2013-07-24 16:21:33 +02:00
commit 51c5aed800
2 changed files with 108 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ exposed by a function if necessary.
inputErrorHidingTimer = null
lastMessage = null
openChannel = 0
remainingFailures = 3
@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ and afterwards sent to the server by an AJAX request.
return false if text.length is 0
unless openChannel is 0
text = "/whisper #{$("#timsChatMessageContainer#{openChannel}").data 'username'}, #{text}"
# Free the fish!
do freeTheFish if text.toLowerCase() is '/free the fish'
@ -215,8 +219,8 @@ Clear the chat by removing every single message once the clear button is `clicke
$('#timsChatClear').click (event) ->
do event.preventDefault
do $('.timsChatMessage').remove
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer').prop 'scrollHeight'
do $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active .timsChatMessage').remove
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop 'scrollHeight'
Handle toggling of the toggleable buttons.
@ -277,9 +281,9 @@ Scroll down when autoscroll is being activated.
$('#timsChatAutoscroll').click (event) ->
if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data 'status'
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer').prop 'scrollHeight'
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop 'scrollHeight'
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').on 'scroll', (event) ->
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').on 'scroll', (event) ->
element = $ @
scrollTop = element.scrollTop()
scrollHeight = element.prop 'scrollHeight'
@ -431,14 +435,16 @@ Prevent loading messages in parallel.
Insert the given messages into the chat stream.
handleMessages = (messages) ->
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').trigger 'scroll'
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').trigger 'scroll'
for message in messages
events.newMessage.fire message
message.isInPrivateChannel = (String(message.type) is v.config.messageTypes.WHISPER) and ($.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver}") or $.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender}"))
createNewMessage = yes
if $('.timsChatMessage:last-child .text').is('ul') and lastMessage isnt null and lastMessage.type in [ 0, 7 ]
if lastMessage.type is message.type and lastMessage.sender is message.sender and lastMessage.receiver is message.receiver
if lastMessage.type is message.type and lastMessage.sender is message.sender and lastMessage.receiver is message.receiver and lastMessage.isInPrivateChannel is message.isInPrivateChannel
createNewMessage = no
if createNewMessage
@ -453,18 +459,30 @@ Insert the given messages into the chat stream.
li.addClass "user#{message.sender}"
li.addClass 'ownMessage' if message.sender is WCF.User.userID
li.append output
li.appendTo $ '#timsChatMessageContainer > ul'
if message.isInPrivateChannel and message.sender is WCF.User.userID
li.appendTo $ "#timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver} > ul"
else if message.isInPrivateChannel
li.appendTo $ "#timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender} > ul"
li.appendTo $ '#timsChatMessageContainer0 > ul'
message.isFollowUp = yes
output = v.messageTemplate.fetch
message: message
messageTypes: v.config.messageTypes
$('.timsChatMessage:last-child .text').append $(output).find('.text li:last-child')
if message.isInPrivateChannel and message.sender is WCF.User.userID
messageContainerID = message.receiver
else if message.isInPrivateChannel
messageContainerID = message.sender
messageContainerID = 0
$("#timsChatMessageContainer#{messageContainerID} .timsChatMessage:last-child .text").append $(output).find('.text li:last-child')
lastMessage = message
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer').prop('scrollHeight') if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop('scrollHeight') if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1
Rebuild the userlist based on the given `users`.
@ -472,60 +490,64 @@ Rebuild the userlist based on the given `users`.
foundUsers = { }
for user in users
id = "timsChatUser#{user.userID}"
do (user) ->
id = "timsChatUser#{user.userID}"
Move the user to the new position if he was found in the old list.
if $.wcfIsset id
console.log "Moving User: '#{user.username}'"
element = $("##{id}").detach()
if user.awayStatus?
element.addClass 'away'
element.attr 'title', user.awayStatus
element.removeClass 'away'
element.removeAttr 'title'
element.data 'tooltip', ''
if user.suspended
element.addClass 'suspended'
element.removeClass 'suspended'
$('#timsChatUserList > ul').append element
if $.wcfIsset id
console.log "Moving User: '#{user.username}'"
element = $("##{id}").detach()
if user.awayStatus?
element.addClass 'away'
element.attr 'title', user.awayStatus
element.removeClass 'away'
element.removeAttr 'title'
element.data 'tooltip', ''
if user.suspended
element.addClass 'suspended'
element.removeClass 'suspended'
$('#timsChatUserList > ul').append element
Build HTML of the user and insert it into the list, if the users was not found in the chat before.
console.log "Inserting User: '#{user.username}'"
li = $ '<li></li>'
li.attr 'id', id
li.addClass 'timsChatUser'
li.addClass 'jsTooltip'
li.addClass 'dropdown'
li.addClass 'you' if user.userID is WCF.User.userID
li.addClass 'suspended' if user.suspended
if user.awayStatus?
li.addClass 'away'
li.attr 'title', user.awayStatus
li.data 'username', user.username
console.log "Inserting User: '#{user.username}'"
li = $ '<li></li>'
li.attr 'id', id
li.addClass 'timsChatUser'
li.addClass 'jsTooltip'
li.addClass 'dropdown'
li.addClass 'you' if user.userID is WCF.User.userID
li.addClass 'suspended' if user.suspended
if user.awayStatus?
li.addClass 'away'
li.attr 'title', user.awayStatus
li.data 'username', user.username
li.append v.userTemplate.fetch user
menu = $ '<ul></ul>'
unless user.userID is WCF.User.userID
menu.append $("<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.query')}</a></li>").click -> openPrivateChannel user.userID
menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.kick')}</a></li>"
menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.ban')}</a></li>"
menu.append $ """<li><a href="#{user.link}">#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.profile')}</a></li>"""
events.userMenu.fire user, menu
if menu.find('li').length
li.append menu
menu.addClass 'dropdownMenu'
li.appendTo $ '#timsChatUserList > ul'
li.append v.userTemplate.fetch user
menu = $ '<ul></ul>'
menu.addClass 'dropdownMenu'
menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.query')}</a></li>"
menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.kick')}</a></li>"
menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.ban')}</a></li>"
menu.append $ """<li><a href="#{user.link}">#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.profile')}</a></li>"""
events.userMenu.fire user, menu
li.append menu
li.appendTo $ '#timsChatUserList > ul'
foundUsers[id] = true
foundUsers[id] = true
Remove all users that left the chat.
@ -559,7 +581,7 @@ Send out notifications for the given `message`. The number of unread messages wi
notify = (message) ->
if scrollUpNotifications
$('#timsChatMessageContainer').addClass 'notification'
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').addClass 'notification'
return if isActive or $('#timsChatNotify').data('status') is 0
@ -672,6 +694,31 @@ Joins a room.
failure: ->
showError WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.join'
Open private channel
openPrivateChannel = (userID) ->
unless $.wcfIsset "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}"
return unless $.wcfIsset "timsChatUser#{userID}"
div = $('<div>')
div.attr 'id', "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}"
div.addClass 'timsChatMessageContainer'
div.addClass 'marginTop'
div.addClass 'container'
div.data 'username', $("#timsChatUser#{userID}").data 'username'
div.wrapInner '<ul>'
$('#timsChatMessageContainer0').after div
$('.timsChatMessageContainer').removeClass 'active'
$("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").addClass 'active'
openChannel = userID
Close private channel
closePrivateChannel = (userID) ->
do $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").remove unless userID is 0
openPrivateChannel 0
Bind the given callback to the given event.
addListener = (event, callback) ->
@ -697,6 +744,8 @@ And finally export the public methods and variables.
insertText: insertText
freeTheFish: freeTheFish
join: join
closePrivateChannel: closePrivateChannel # TODO: REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING
openPrivateChannel: openPrivateChannel # TODO: REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING
add: addListener
remove: removeListener

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<span class="topic">{$room->topic|language}</span>
<div id="timsChatMessageContainer" class="timsChatMessageContainer marginTop container active">
<div id="timsChatMessageContainer0" class="timsChatMessageContainer marginTop container active">
<p class="error noJsOnly" style="display: none;">{lang}chat.general.noJs{/lang}</p>