mirror of https://github.com/wbbaddons/Tims-Chat.git synced 2025-02-22 06:10:40 +00:00

Some more comments

This commit is contained in:
Tim Düsterhus 2012-01-28 15:57:33 +01:00
parent c1fac59618
commit a0ea7bce95

View File

@ -38,11 +38,15 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
autocomplete: (firstChars, offset = @autocompleteOffset) ->
users = []
# Search all matching users
for user in $ '.chatUser'
username = $(user).data('username');
if username.indexOf(firstChars) is 0
users.push username
# None found -> return firstChars
# otherwise return the user at the current offset
return if users.length is 0 then firstChars else users[offset % users.length]
# Binds all the events needed for Tims Chat.
@ -58,20 +62,24 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
@isActive = false
, @
# Insert a smiley
$('.smiley').click $.proxy (event) ->
@insertText ' ' + $(event.target).attr('alt') + ' '
, @
# Switch sidebar tab
$('.chatSidebarTabs li').click $.proxy (event) ->
@toggleSidebarContents $ event.target
, @
# Submit Handler
$('#chatForm').submit $.proxy (event) ->
@submit $ event.target
, @
# Autocompleter
$('#chatInput').keydown $.proxy (event) ->
# tab key
if event.keyCode is 9
@ -84,17 +92,21 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
console.log '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Autocompleting "' + firstChars + '"'
return if firstChars.length is 0
# Insert name and increment offset
$('#chatInput').val(@autocompleteValue.substring(0, @autocompleteValue.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) + @autocomplete(firstChars) + ', ')
@autocompleteOffset = 0
@autocompleteValue = null
, @
# Clears the stream
$('#chatClear').click (event) ->
# Toggle Buttons
$('.chatToggle').click (event) ->
element = $ @
icon = element.find 'img'
@ -107,11 +119,13 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
icon.attr 'src', icon.attr('src').replace /disabled(\d?).([a-z]{3})$/, 'enabled$1.$2'
element.attr 'title', element.data 'disableMessage'
# Immediatly scroll down when activating autoscroll
$('#chatAutoscroll').click (event) ->
if $(this).data 'status'
$('.chatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('.chatMessageContainer ul').height()
# Desktop Notifications
if typeof window.webkitNotifications isnt 'undefined'
$('#chatNotify').click (event) ->
window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission() if $(this).data 'status'
@ -133,11 +147,11 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
@loading = false
target.parent().removeClass 'ajaxLoad'
# mark as active
# Mark as active
$('.activeMenuItem .chatRoom').parent().removeClass 'activeMenuItem'
target.parent().addClass 'activeMenuItem'
# set new topic
# Set new topic
if data.topic is ''
return if $('#topic').text().trim() is ''
@ -151,7 +165,7 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
, @)
error: () ->
# reload page to change the room the old fashion-way
# Reload the page to change the room the old fashion-way
# inclusive the error-message :)
window.location.reload true
beforeSend: $.proxy(() ->
@ -166,7 +180,7 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
freeTheFish: () ->
return if $.wcfIsset('fish')
console.warn '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Freeing the fish'
fish = $ '<div id="fish">' + WCF.String.escapeHTML('><((((°>') + '</div>'
fish = $ '<div id="fish">' + WCF.String.escapeHTML('><((((\u00B0>') + '</div>'
position: 'absolute'
top: '150px'
@ -181,11 +195,11 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
top = (Math.random() * 100 - 50)
fish = $('#fish')
left *= -1 if((fish.position().left + left) < (0 + fish.width()) or (fish.position().left + left) > ($(document).width() - fish.width()))
top *= -1 if((fish.position().top + top) < (0 + fish.height()) or (fish.position().top + top) > ($(document).height() - fish.height()))
left *= -1 if ((fish.position().left + left) < (0 + fish.width()) or (fish.position().left + left) > ($(document).width() - fish.width()))
top *= -1 if ((fish.position().top + top) < (0 + fish.height()) or (fish.position().top + top) > ($(document).height() - fish.height()))
fish.text('><((((°>') if (left > 0)
fish.text('<°))))><') if (left < 0)
fish.text('><((((\u00B0>') if (left > 0)
fish.text('<\u00B0))))><') if (left < 0)
top: '+=' + top
@ -209,13 +223,14 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
# @param array<object> messages
handleMessages: (messages) ->
# disable scrolling automagically when user manually scrolled
# Disable scrolling automagically when user manually scrolled
if @scrollHeightTopDiff isnt null
if @scrollHeightTopDiff isnt $('.chatMessageContainer ul').height() - $('.chatMessageContainer').scrollTop()
if $('#chatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1
# Insert the messages
for message in messages
@events.newMessage.fire message
@ -227,19 +242,27 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
li.appendTo $ '.chatMessageContainer ul'
# autoscroll down
# Autoscroll down
if $('#chatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1
$('.chatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('.chatMessageContainer ul').height()
@scrollHeightTopDiff = $('.chatMessageContainer ul').height() - $('.chatMessageContainer').scrollTop()
# Builds the userlist.
# @param array<object> users
handleUsers: (users) ->
foundUsers = {}
for user in users
id = 'chatUser-'+user.userID
element = $('#'+id)
# Move the user to the correct position
if element[0]
console.log '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Shifting user ' + user.userID
element = element.detach()
$('#chatUserList').append element
# Insert the user
console.log '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Inserting user ' + user.userID
li = $ '<li></li>'
@ -300,6 +323,7 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
document.title = '(' + @newMessageCount + ') ' + @titleTemplate.fetch({ title: $('#chatRoomList .activeMenuItem a').text() })
# Desktop Notifications
if typeof window.webkitNotifications isnt 'undefined'
if window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() is 0
notification = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification WCF.Icon.get('timwolla.wcf.chat.chat'), WCF.Language.get('wcf.chat.newMessages'), message.username + ' ' + message.message
@ -311,7 +335,7 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
# Refreshes the room-list.
refreshRoomList: () ->
console.log '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Refreshing the room-list'
console.log '[TimWolla.WCF.Chat] Refreshing the roomlist'
$('#toggleRooms a').addClass 'ajaxLoad'
$.ajax $('#toggleRooms a').data('refreshUrl'),
@ -342,9 +366,10 @@ TimWolla.WCF ?= {}
# @param jQuery-object target
submit: (target) ->
# break if input contains only whitespace
# Break if input contains only whitespace
return false if $('#chatInput').val().trim().length is 0
# Finally free the fish
@freeTheFish() if $('#chatInput').val().trim().toLowerCase() is '/free the fish'
$.ajax $('#chatForm').attr('action'),