/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2024-03-25 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ './CommandHandler' , './Parser' ], function (CommandHandler, Parser) { "use strict"; const DEPENDENCIES = [ 'CommandHandler' ] class Autocompleter { constructor(commandHandler) { if (!(commandHandler instanceof CommandHandler)) throw new TypeError('You must pass a CommandHandler to the Autocompleter') this.commandHandler = commandHandler } * autocomplete(text) { if (text === '/') { yield * this.autocompleteCommandTrigger(text, '') return } const [ trigger, parameterString ] = this.commandHandler.splitCommand(text) let command if (trigger === null) { command = this.commandHandler.getCommandByIdentifier('be.bastelstu.chat', 'plain') } else { const triggerDone = Parser.Slash.thenRight(Parser.AlnumTrigger.or(Parser.SymbolicTrigger).thenLeft(Parser.Whitespace)).parse(Parser.Streams.ofString(text)) if (!triggerDone.isAccepted()) { yield * this.autocompleteCommandTrigger(text, trigger) return } command = this.commandHandler.getCommandByTrigger(trigger) } if (command === null) { return } const values = command.autocomplete(parameterString) if (trigger !== null) { for (const item of values) { yield `/${trigger} ${item}` } } else { yield * values } } * autocompleteCommandTrigger(text, prefix) { const triggers = Array.from(this.commandHandler.getTriggers()) triggers.sort() for (const trigger of triggers) { if (trigger === '') continue if (!trigger.startsWith(prefix)) continue if (!this.commandHandler.getCommandByTrigger(trigger).isAvailable) continue yield `/${trigger} ` } } } Autocompleter.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return Autocompleter });