/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2024-03-25 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ './console' , 'Bastelstu.be/_Push' , 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Util' , 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Timer/Repeating' , 'Bastelstu.be/PromiseWrap/Ajax' ], function (console, Push, DomUtil, RepeatingTimer, Ajax) { "use strict"; let timer = undefined const mapping = new Map() class BoxRoomList { constructor(container) { this.container = container mapping.set(container, this) if (timer == null) { timer = new RepeatingTimer(BoxRoomList.updateBoxes.bind(BoxRoomList), 60e3) } Push.onConnect(timer.setDelta.bind(timer, 300e3)).catch(error => { console.debug(error) }) Push.onDisconnect(timer.setDelta.bind(timer, 60e3)).catch(error => { console.debug(error) }) Push.onMessage('be.bastelstu.chat.join', BoxRoomList.updateBoxes.bind(BoxRoomList)).catch(error => { console.debug(error) }) Push.onMessage('be.bastelstu.chat.leave', BoxRoomList.updateBoxes.bind(BoxRoomList)).catch(error => { console.debug(error) }) } static updateBoxes() { mapping.forEach(object => { object.update() }) } async update() { const payload = { className: 'chat\\data\\room\\RoomAction' , actionName: 'getBoxRoomList' , parameters: { } } payload.parameters.activeRoomID = this.container.dataset.activeRoomId payload.parameters.boxID = this.container.dataset.boxId payload.parameters.isSidebar = this.container.dataset.isSidebar payload.parameters.skipEmptyRooms = this.container.dataset.skipEmptyRooms this.replace(await Ajax.api(this, payload)) } replace(data) { if (data.returnValues.template == null) throw new Error('template could not be found in returnValues') const fragment = DomUtil.createFragmentFromHtml(data.returnValues.template) const oldRoomList = this.container.querySelector('.chatBoxRoomList') const newRoomList = fragment.querySelector('.chatBoxRoomList') if (oldRoomList == null) { throw new Error('.chatBoxRoomList could not be found in container') } if (newRoomList == null) { throw new Error('.chatBoxRoomList could not be found in returned template') } if (oldRoomList.dataset.hash !== newRoomList.dataset.hash) { this.container.replaceChild(newRoomList, oldRoomList) } } _ajaxSetup() { return { silent: true , ignoreError: true } } } return BoxRoomList });