Main JavaScript file for Tims Chat ================================== Copyright Information --------------------- "@author Tim Düsterhus" "@copyright 2010-2013 Tim Düsterhus" "@license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike <>" "@package" Setup ----- Ensure sane values for `$` and `window` (($, window) -> # Enable strict mode "use strict"; # Ensure our namespace is present ?= {} be.bastelstu ?= {} Overwrite `console` to add the origin in front of the message console = log: (message) -> window.console.log "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" warn: (message) -> window.console.warn "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" error: (message) -> window.console.error "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" be.bastelstu.Chat ================= be.bastelstu.Chat = Class.extend Attributes ---------- When `shields` reaches zero `@pe.getMessages` is stopped, to prevent annoying the server with requests that don't go through. Decreased every time `@getMessages()` fails. shields: 3 Prevents loading messages in parallel. loading: false Instances of `WCF.Template` titleTemplate: null messageTemplate: null userTemplate: null Attributes needed for notificationss newMessageCount: null isActive: true Attributes needed for autocompleter autocompleteOffset: 0 autocompleteValue: null autocompleteCaret: 0 Attributes needed for automated scrolling oldScrollTop: null Events one can listen to. Allows 3rd party developers to change data shown in the chat by appending a callback. events: newMessage: $.Callbacks() userMenu: $.Callbacks() submit: $.Callbacks() Instance of for real time chatting. socket: null Every `WCF.PeriodicalExecuter` used by the chat to allow access for 3rd party developers. pe: getMessages: null refreshRoomList: null fish: null Methods ------- **init(@config, @titleTemplate, @messageTemplate, @userTemplate)** Constructor, binds needed events and initializes `@events` and `PeriodicalExecuter`s. init: (@config, @titleTemplate, @messageTemplate, @userTemplate) -> console.log 'Initializing' Bind events and initialize our own event system. @events = newMessage: $.Callbacks() userMenu: $.Callbacks() submit: $.Callbacks() @bindEvents() @events.newMessage.add $.proxy @notify, @ Initialize `PeriodicalExecuter` and run them once. @pe.refreshRoomList = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter $.proxy(@refreshRoomList, @), 60e3 @pe.getMessages = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter $.proxy(@getMessages, @), @config.reloadTime * 1e3 @refreshRoomList() @getMessages() Initialize `nodePush` @initPush() Finished! console.log 'Finished initializing - Shields at 104 percent' **autocomplete(firstChars, offset = @autocompleteOffset)** Autocompletes a username based on the `firstChars` given and the given `offset`. `offset` allows to skip users. autocomplete: (firstChars, offset = @autocompleteOffset) -> Create an array of active chatters with usernames beginning with `firstChars` users = [ ] for user in $ '.timsChatUser' username = $(user).data 'username' if username.indexOf(firstChars) is 0 users.push username If no matching user is found return `firstChars`, return the user at the given `offset` with a trailing comma otherwise. return if users.length is 0 then firstChars else users[offset % users.length] + ',' **bindEvents()** Binds needed DOM events. bindEvents: -> Mark chat as `@isActive` and reset `document.title` to default title, thus removing the number of new messages. $(window).focus => document.title = @titleTemplate.fetch title: $('#timsChatRoomList .activeMenuItem a').text() @newMessageCount = 0 @isActive = true Mark chat as inactive, thus enabling notifications. $(window).blur => @isActive = false Calls the unload handler (`@unload`) before unloading the chat. $(window).on 'beforeunload', => @unload() undefined Inserts a smiley into the input. $('#smilies').on 'click', 'img', (event) => @insertText ' ' + $('alt') + ' ' Switches the active sidebar tab. $('.timsChatSidebarTabs li').click (event) => event.preventDefault() @toggleSidebarContents $ Calls the submit handler (`@submit`) when the `#timsChatForm` is `submit`ted. $('#timsChatForm').submit (event) => event.preventDefault() @submit $ Autocompletes a username when TAB is pressed. $('#timsChatInput').keydown (event) => if event.keyCode is 9 event.preventDefault() Calculate `firstChars` to autocomplete, based on the caret position. @autocompleteValue = $('#timsChatInput').val() if @autocompleteValue is null @autocompleteCaret = $('#timsChatInput').getCaret() if @autocompleteCaret is null beforeCaret = @autocompleteValue.substring 0, @autocompleteCaret lastSpace = beforeCaret.lastIndexOf ' ' beforeComplete = @autocompleteValue.substring 0, lastSpace + 1 toComplete = @autocompleteValue.substring lastSpace + 1 nextSpace = toComplete.indexOf ' ' if nextSpace is -1 afterComplete = ''; else afterComplete = toComplete.substring nextSpace + 1 toComplete = toComplete.substring 0, nextSpace return if toComplete.length is 0 console.log "Autocompleting '#{toComplete}'" Insert completed value into `#timsChatInput` name = @autocomplete toComplete $('#timsChatInput').val "#{beforeComplete}#{name} #{afterComplete}" $('#timsChatInput').setCaret (beforeComplete + name).length + 1 @autocompleteOffset++ Resets autocompleter to default status, when a key is pressed that is not TAB. else @autocompleteOffset = 0 @autocompleteValue = null @autocompleteCaret = null Resets autocompleter to default status, when input is `click`ed, as the position of the caret may have changed. $('#timsChatInput').click => @autocompleteOffset = 0 @autocompleteValue = null @autocompleteCaret = null Refreshes the room list when the associated button is `click`ed. $('#timsChatRoomList button').click $.proxy @refreshRoomList, @ Clears the chat, by removing every single message. $('#timsChatClear').click (event) -> event.preventDefault() $('.timsChatMessage').remove() @oldScrollTop = null $('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer ul').height() Handling toggling when a toggable button is `click`ed. $('.timsChatToggle').click (event) -> element = $ @ icon = element.find 'span.icon' if'status') is 1 'status', 0 icon.removeClass('icon-circle-blank').addClass('icon-off') element.attr 'title', 'enableMessage' else 'status', 1 icon.removeClass('icon-off').addClass('icon-circle-blank') element.attr 'title', 'disableMessage' $('#timsChatInput').focus() Mark smilies as disabled. $('#timsChatSmilies').click (event) -> if $(@).data 'status' $('#smilies').removeClass 'disabled' else $('#smilies').addClass 'disabled' Toggle fullscreen mode. $('#timsChatFullscreen').click (event) -> if $(@).data 'status' $('html').addClass 'fullscreen' else $('html').removeClass 'fullscreen' Scroll down when autoscroll is being activated. $('#timsChatAutoscroll').click (event) -> $(@).removeClass 'active' if $(@).data 'status' $('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer ul').height() @oldScrollTop = $('.timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop() Ask for permissions to use Desktop notifications when notifications are activated. if window.Notification? $('#timsChatNotify').click (event) -> return unless $(@).data 'status' if window.Notification.permission isnt 'granted' window.Notification.requestPermission (permission) -> window.Notification.permission ?= permission **changeRoom(target)** Change the active chatroom. `target` is the link clicked. changeRoom: (target) -> Update URL to target URL by using `window.history.replaceState()`. window.history.replaceState {}, '', target.attr('href') $.ajax target.attr('href'), dataType: 'json' data: ajax: 1 type: 'POST' success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => @loading = false target.parent().removeClass 'loading' # Mark as active $('.activeMenuItem .timsChatRoom').parent().removeClass 'activeMenuItem' target.parent().addClass 'activeMenuItem' Update topic, hiding and showing the topic container when necessary. $('#timsChatTopic').text data.topic if data.topic is '' $('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'empty' else $('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'empty' Mark old messages as `unloaded`. $('.timsChatMessage').addClass 'unloaded' Show the messages written before entering the room to get a quick glance at the current topic. @handleMessages data.messages Update `document.title` to reflect the cnew room. document.title = @titleTemplate.fetch data Fix smiley category URLs, as the URL changed. $('#smilies .menu li a').each (key, value) -> anchor = $(value) anchor.attr 'href', anchor.attr('href').replace /.*#/, "#{target.attr('href')}#" Reload the whole page when an error occurs. The users thus sees the error message (usually `PermissionDeniedException`) error: -> window.location.reload true Show loading icon and prevent switching the room in parallel. beforeSend: => return false if target.parent().hasClass('loading') or target.parent().hasClass 'activeMenuItem' @loading = true target.parent().addClass 'loading' **freeTheFish()** Free the fish! freeTheFish: -> return if $.wcfIsset 'fish' console.warn 'Freeing the fish' fish = $ """<div id="fish">#{WCF.String.escapeHTML('><((((\u00B0>')}</div>""" fish.css position: 'absolute' top: '150px' left: '400px' color: 'black' textShadow: '1px 1px white' zIndex: 9999 fish.appendTo $ 'body' = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter () -> left = Math.random() * 100 - 50 top = Math.random() * 100 - 50 fish = $ '#fish' left *= -1 unless fish.width() < (fish.position().left + left) < ($(document).width() - fish.width()) top *= -1 unless fish.height() < (fish.position().top + top) < ($(document).height() - fish.height()) fish.text '><((((\u00B0>' if left > 0 fish.text '<\u00B0))))><' if left < 0 fish.animate top: "+=#{top}" left: "+=#{left}" , 1e3 , 1.5e3 **getMessages()** Loads new messages. getMessages: -> $.ajax @config.messageURL, dataType: 'json' type: 'POST' Handle reply. success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.enable() @handleMessages(data.messages) @handleUsers(data.users) WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.disable() Decrease `@shields` on error and disable PeriodicalExecuters once `@shields` reaches zero. error: => console.error 'Battle Station hit - shields at ' + (--@shields / 3 * 104) + ' percent' if @shields is 0 @pe.refreshRoomList.stop() @pe.getMessages.stop() @freeTheFish() console.error 'We got destroyed, but could free our friend the fish before he was killed as well. Have a nice life in freedom!' alert 'herp i cannot load messages' complete: => @loading = false Prevent loading messages in parallel, as this leads to several problems. beforeSend: => return false if @loading @loading = true **handleMessages(messages)** Inserts the `messages` given into the stream. handleMessages: (messages) -> Disable autoscroll when the user scrolled up to read old messages unless @oldScrollTop is null if $('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop() < @oldScrollTop if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1 $('#timsChatAutoscroll').click() $('#timsChatAutoscroll').addClass 'active' $('#timsChatAutoscroll').parent().fadeOut('slow').fadeIn 'slow' Insert the new messages. for message in messages Prevent problems with race condition continue if $.wcfIsset "timsChatMessage#{message.messageID}" Call the `@events.newMessage` event. message Build HTML of the message and append it to our current message list output = @messageTemplate.fetch message li = $ '<li></li>' li.attr 'id', "timsChatMessage#{message.messageID}" li.addClass 'timsChatMessage timsChatMessage'+message.type li.addClass 'ownMessage' if message.sender is WCF.User.userID li.append output li.appendTo $ '#timsChatMessageContainer > ul' Scroll down when autoscrolling is enabled. $('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop $('#timsChatMessageContainer ul').height() if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1 @oldScrollTop = $('#timsChatMessageContainer').scrollTop() **handleUsers(users)** Rebuild the userlist containing `users` afterwards. handleUsers: (users) -> Keep track of the users that did not leave. foundUsers = { } Loop all users. for user in users id = "timsChatUser-#{user.userID}" element = $ "##{id}" Move the user, to prevent rebuilding the entire user list. if element[0] console.log "Moving User: '#{user.username}'" element = element.detach() if user.awayStatus? element.addClass 'away' element.attr 'title', user.awayStatus else element.removeClass 'timsChatAway' element.removeAttr 'title' 'tooltip', '' if user.suspended element.addClass 'suspended' else element.removeClass 'suspended' $('#timsChatUserList').append element Build HTML of new user and append it. else console.log "Inserting User: '#{user.username}'" li = $ '<li></li>' li.attr 'id', id li.addClass 'timsChatUser' li.addClass 'jsTooltip' li.addClass 'dropdown' li.addClass 'you' if user.userID is WCF.User.userID li.addClass 'suspended' if user.suspended if user.awayStatus? li.addClass 'timsChatAway' li.attr 'title', user.awayStatus 'username', user.username li.append @userTemplate.fetch user: user menu = $ '<ul></ul>' menu.addClass 'dropdownMenu' menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.query')}</a></li>" menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.kick')}</a></li>" menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.ban')}</a></li>" # TODO: SID and co menu.append $ """<li><a href="index.php/User/#{user.userID}-#{encodeURI(user.username)}/">#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.profile')}</a></li>""" user, menu li.append menu li.appendTo $ '#timsChatUserList' foundUsers[id] = true Remove all users that left the chat. $('.timsChatUser').each () -> unless foundUsers[$(@).attr('id')]? console.log "Removing User: '#{$(@).data('username')}'" $(@).remove(); $('#toggleUsers .badge').text users.length **initPush()** Initialize to enable nodePush. initPush: -> if console.log 'Initializing nodePush' @socket = io.connect @config.socketIOPath @socket.on 'connect', => console.log 'Connected to nodePush' Disable `@pe.getMessages` once we are connected. @pe.getMessages.stop() @socket.on 'disconnect', => console.log 'Lost connection to nodePush' Reenable `@pe.getMessages` once we are disconnected. @pe.getMessages = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter $.proxy(@getMessages, @), @config.reloadTime * 1e3 @socket.on 'newMessage', => @getMessages() **insertText(text, options)** Inserts the given `text` into the input. If `options.append` is truthy the given `text` will be appended and replaces the existing text otherwise. If `options.submit` is truthy the message will be submitted afterwards. insertText: (text, options) -> options = $.extend append: true submit: false , options or {} text = $('#timsChatInput').val() + text if options.append $('#timsChatInput').val text $('#timsChatInput').keyup() if (options.submit) $('#timsChatForm').submit() else $('#timsChatInput').focus() **notify(message)** Sends out notifications for the given `message`. The number of unread messages will be prepended to `document.title` and if available desktop notifications will be sent. notify: (message) -> return if @isActive or $('#timsChatNotify').data('status') is 0 @newMessageCount++ document.title = '(' + @newMessageCount + ') ' + @titleTemplate.fetch title: $('#timsChatRoomList .activeMenuItem a').text() # Desktop Notifications title = WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.notify.title' content = "#{message.username}#{message.separator} #{message.message}" if window.Notification? if window.Notification.permission is 'granted' do -> notification = new window.Notification title, body: content onclick: -> notification.close() setTimeout -> notification.close() , 5e3 **refreshRoomList()** Updates the room list. refreshRoomList: -> console.log 'Refreshing the roomlist' $('#toggleRooms .ajaxLoad').show() proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'getRoomList' className: 'chat\\data\\room\\RoomAction' showLoadingOverlay: false success: (data) => $('#timsChatRoomList li').remove() $('#toggleRooms .ajaxLoad').hide() $('#toggleRooms .badge').text data.returnValues.length for room in data.returnValues li = $ '<li></li>' li.addClass 'activeMenuItem' if $("""<a href="#{}">#{room.title}</a>""").addClass('timsChatRoom').appendTo li $('#timsChatRoomList ul').append li Bind click event for inline room change if we have the history API available. if window.history?.replaceState? $('.timsChatRoom').click (event) => event.preventDefault() @changeRoom $ console.log "Found #{data.length} rooms" **submit(target)** Submits the message. submit: (target) -> # Break if input contains only whitespace return false if $('#timsChatInput').val().trim().length is 0 # Free the fish! @freeTheFish() if $('#timsChatInput').val().trim().toLowerCase() is '/free the fish' text = $('#timsChatInput').val() # call submit event # TODO: Fix this # text = text $('#timsChatInput').val('').focus().keyup() proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'send' className: 'chat\\data\\message\\MessageAction' parameters: text: text enableSmilies: $('#timsChatSmilies').data 'status' showLoadingOverlay: false success: => $('#timsChatInputContainer').removeClass('formError').find('.innerError').hide() @getMessages() failure: (data) => return true if not (data?.returnValues?.errorType?) and not (data?.message?) $('#timsChatInputContainer').addClass('formError').find('.innerError').show().html (data?.returnValues?.errorType) ? data.message false **toggleSidebarContents(target)** Switches the active sidebar tab to the one belonging to `target`. toggleSidebarContents: (target) -> return if target.parents('li').hasClass 'active' if target.parents('li').attr('id') is 'toggleUsers' $('#toggleUsers').addClass 'active' $('#toggleRooms').removeClass 'active' $('#timsChatRoomList').hide() $('#timsChatUserList').show() else if target.parents('li').attr('id') is 'toggleRooms' $('#toggleRooms').addClass 'active' $('#toggleUsers').removeClass 'active' $('#timsChatUserList').hide() $('#timsChatRoomList').show() **unload()** Sends leave notification to the server. unload: -> $.ajax @config.unloadURL, type: 'POST' async: false )(jQuery, @)