/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2025-02-04 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define(['Bastelstu.be/parser-combinator'], function (parsec) { 'use strict' const { C, F, N, X, parser, Streams } = parsec const response = parsec.parsec.response const peek = function (p) { return new parser((input, index = 0) => p.parse(input, index).fold( (accept) => response.accept(accept.value, accept.input, index, false), (reject) => response.reject(input.location(reject.offset), false) ) ) } const Whitespace = F.satisfy((item) => /\s/.test(item)) const Rest = F.any.optrep().map((item) => item.join('')) const Rest1 = F.any.rep().map((item) => item.join('')) const AlnumTrigger = C.letter .or(N.digit) .rep() .map((item) => item.join('')) const SymbolicTrigger = F.not(C.letter.or(N.digit).or(Whitespace)) .rep() .map((item) => item.join('')) const Slash = C.char('/') const Trigger = Slash.thenRight( peek(Slash.map((item) => null)) .or(AlnumTrigger.thenLeft(Whitespace.rep().or(F.eos))) .or(SymbolicTrigger.thenLeft(Whitespace.optrep())) ).or(F.returns(null)) const Command = Trigger.then(Rest) const Quote = C.char('"') const QuotedUsername = Quote.thenRight( Quote.thenRight(Quote).or(F.not(Quote)).rep() ) .thenLeft(Quote) .map((item) => item.join('')) const Comma = C.char(',') const UnquotedUsername = F.not(Comma.or(Quote).or(Whitespace)) .then( F.not(Comma.or(Whitespace)) .optrep() .map((item) => item.join('')) ) .map((item) => item.join('')) const Username = QuotedUsername.or(UnquotedUsername) const Decimal = (length) => N.digit.occurrence(length).map((item) => parseInt(item.join(''), 10)) const Hexadecimal = N.digit .or(C.charIn('abcdefABCDEF')) .rep() .map((x) => x.join('')) const RGBHex = C.char('#') .opt() .thenRight( Hexadecimal.filter((x) => x.length === 3 || x.length === 6).map( (item) => { if (item.length === 3) { item = `${item[0]}${item[0]}${item[1]}${item[1]}${item[2]}${item[2]}` } return item } ) ) .map((item) => `#${item}`) const Dash = C.char('-') const Datestring = Decimal(4) .filter((item) => 2000 <= item && item <= 2030) .thenLeft(Dash) .then(Decimal(2).filter((item) => 1 <= item && item <= 12)) .thenLeft(Dash) .then(Decimal(2).filter((item) => 1 <= item)) const Colon = C.char(':') const Timestring = Decimal(2) .filter((item) => 0 <= item && item <= 23) .thenLeft(Colon) .then(Decimal(2).filter((item) => 0 <= item && item <= 59)) .thenLeft(Colon) .then(Decimal(2).filter((item) => 0 <= item && item <= 59)) const ISODate = Datestring.then(C.char('T').thenRight(Timestring).opt()).map( function ([year, month, day, time]) { const date = new Date() date.setFullYear(year) date.setMonth(month - 1) date.setDate(day) time.map(function ([hour, minute, second]) { date.setHours(hour) date.setMinutes(minute) date.setSeconds(second) }) return date } ) return { Streams, stream: Streams, AlnumTrigger, Colon, Command, Dash, Datestring, Decimal, Hexadecimal, ISODate, Quote, QuotedUsername, RGBHex, Rest, Rest1, Slash, SymbolicTrigger, Timestring, Trigger, UnquotedUsername, Username, Whitespace, C, F, N, X, } })