/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2028-06-15 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Core', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Language', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Upload', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Change/Listener', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Util', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Dialog', '../../DataStructure/EventEmitter', ], function ( Core, Language, Upload, DomChangeListener, DomUtil, Dialog, EventEmitter ) { 'use strict' const DIALOG_BUTTON_ID = 'chatAttachmentUploadButton' const DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID = 'chatAttachmentUploadDialog' const DEPENDENCIES = ['UiInput', 'Room'] class UiAttachmentUpload extends Upload { constructor(input, room) { const buttonContainer = document.querySelector( `#${DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID} > .upload` ) const buttonContainerId = DomUtil.identify(buttonContainer) const previewContainer = document.querySelector( `#${DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID} > .attachmentPreview` ) const previewContainerId = DomUtil.identify(previewContainer) super(buttonContainerId, previewContainerId, { className: 'wcf\\data\\attachment\\AttachmentAction', }) this.input = input this.room = room this.previewContainer = previewContainer this.tmpHash = undefined } bootstrap() { this.uploadDescription = document.querySelector( `#${DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID} > small` ) const button = document.getElementById(DIALOG_BUTTON_ID) const container = document.getElementById(DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID) elHide(container) container.classList.remove('jsStaticDialogContent') container.dataset.isStaticDialog = 'true' if (button) { button.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault() Dialog.openStatic(container.id, null, { title: elData(container, 'title'), onShow: () => this.showDialog(), onClose: () => this.onClose(), }) }) const deleteAction = new WCF.Action.Delete( 'wcf\\data\\attachment\\AttachmentAction', `#${this.previewContainer.id} > p` ) deleteAction.setCallback(() => this.onAbort()) this.input.on('input', (event) => { if (event.target.input.value.length == 0) { button.classList.remove('disabled') } else { button.classList.add('disabled') } }) } } /** * Called by the WCF.Action.Delete callback. */ onAbort() { this.deleteOnClose = false this.closeDialog() } /** * Called when the dialog has been closed. */ onClose() { if (this.deleteOnClose) { Core.triggerEvent(this.cancelButton, 'click') } } /** * Closes the dialog safely by checking if it has been created properly before. */ closeDialog() { if (Dialog.getDialog(DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID)) { Dialog.close(DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID) } } /** * Prepares the initial dialog content. */ showDialog() { this.deleteOnClose = false if (this._button.parentNode) { this._removeButton() } this._target.innerHTML = '' this._createButton() elShow(this.uploadDescription) } /** * Creates the dialog form buttons (send and cancel). */ createButtons(uploadId, objectId, tmpHash) { const formSubmit = elCreate('div') formSubmit.classList.add('formSubmit', 'dialogFormSubmit') this.sendButton = document.createElement('button') this.sendButton.classList.add('button', 'buttonPrimary') this.sendButton.innerText = Language.get('wcf.global.button.submit') this.sendButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.send(tmpHash, e)) formSubmit.appendChild(this.sendButton) this.cancelButton = document.createElement('button') this.cancelButton.classList.add('button', 'jsDeleteButton') this.cancelButton.dataset.objectId = objectId this.cancelButton.dataset.eventName = 'attachment' this.cancelButton.innerText = Language.get('wcf.global.button.cancel') formSubmit.appendChild(this.cancelButton) const target = this._fileElements[uploadId][0] target.appendChild(formSubmit) DomChangeListener.trigger() } /** * Tells the system to send a chat message with the * given attachment (identified by its temporary hash). */ async send(tmpHash, event) { event.preventDefault() const parameters = { promise: Promise.resolve(), tmpHash } this.emit('send', parameters) try { await parameters.promise this.deleteOnClose = false this.closeDialog() } catch (error) { console.error(error) let container = this._target.querySelector('.error') if (!container) { container = document.createElement('div') container.classList.add('error') this._target.insertBefore(container, this._target.firstChild) } container.innerText = error.message Dialog.rebuild(DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID) } } /** * @see WoltLabSuite/Core/Upload#_getParameters */ _getParameters() { this.tmpHash = [...crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(20))] .map((m) => ('0' + m.toString(16)).slice(-2)) .join('') return { objectType: 'be.bastelstu.chat.message', parentObjectID: this.room.roomID, tmpHash: this.tmpHash, } } /** * @see WoltLabSuite/Core/Upload#_success */ _success(uploadId, data, responseText, xhr, requestOptions) { const target = this._fileElements[uploadId][0] const progress = target.querySelector(':scope > progress') if (data.returnValues.errors && data.returnValues.errors[uploadId]) { const error = data.returnValues.errors[uploadId] elInnerError( this._button, Language.get(`wcf.attachment.upload.error.${error.errorType}`, { filename: error.filename, }) ) progress.remove() return } else { elInnerError(this._button, '') } if ( data.returnValues.attachments && data.returnValues.attachments[uploadId] ) { // An attachment was uploaded successfully, which // means that we should delete it when the dialog gets closed, // unless the user used the send or cancel button explicitly. this.deleteOnClose = true this._removeButton() elHide(this.uploadDescription) const attachment = data.returnValues.attachments[uploadId] if (attachment.isImage) { const url = attachment.thumbnailURL || attachment.tinyURL || attachment.url if (!url) { throw new Error('Missing image URL') } const img = document.createElement('img') img.setAttribute('src', url) img.setAttribute('alt', '') if (url === attachment.tinyURL) { img.classList.add('attachmentTinyThumbnail') } else { img.classList.add('attachmentThumbnail') } img.dataset.width = attachment.width img.dataset.height = attachment.height DomUtil.replaceElement(progress, img) } else { const anchor = document.createElement('a') anchor.setAttribute('href', attachment.url) anchor.innerText = attachment.filename DomUtil.replaceElement(progress, anchor) } this.createButtons(uploadId, attachment.attachmentID, this.tmpHash) Dialog.rebuild(DIALOG_CONTAINER_ID) } else { console.error('Received neither an error nor an attachment response') console.error(data.returnValues) } } } UiAttachmentUpload.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES EventEmitter(UiAttachmentUpload.prototype) return UiAttachmentUpload })