/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2028-06-15 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ '../Helper', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Date/Util', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Change/Listener', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Language', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/User', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Dom/Traverse', '../DataStructure/EventEmitter', '../DataStructure/RedBlackTree/Tree', ], function ( Helper, DateUtil, DomChangeListener, Language, User, DOMTraverse, EventEmitter, Tree ) { 'use strict' const enableAutoscroll = Symbol('enableAutoscroll') const DEPENDENCIES = [] class MessageStream { constructor() { this.stream = elById('chatMessageStream') this.scrollContainer = elBySel('.scrollContainer', this.stream) this[enableAutoscroll] = true this.lastScrollPosition = undefined this.nodeMap = new WeakMap() this.positions = new Tree() } get enableAutoscroll() { return this[enableAutoscroll] } set enableAutoscroll(value) { this[enableAutoscroll] = value if (this[enableAutoscroll]) { this.scrollToBottom() } } bootstrap() { this.scrollContainer.addEventListener('copy', this.onCopy.bind(this)) this.scrollContainer.addEventListener( 'scroll', Helper.throttle(this.onScroll, 100, this), { passive: true } ) } getDateMarker(date) { const dateMarker = elCreate('li') dateMarker.classList.add('dateMarker') const time = elCreate('time') time.innerText = DateUtil.formatDate(date) time.setAttribute('datetime', DateUtil.format(date, 'Y-m-d')) dateMarker.appendChild(time) return dateMarker } onDifferentDays(a, b) { return DateUtil.format(a, 'Y-m-d') !== DateUtil.format(b, 'Y-m-d') } ingest(messages) { let scrollTopBefore = this.enableAutoscroll ? 0 : this.scrollContainer.scrollTop let prependedHeight = 0 const ul = elBySel('ul', this.scrollContainer) const first = ul.firstElementChild const ingested = messages.map( function (item) { let currentScrollHeight = 0 const li = elCreate('li') // Allow messages types to not render a messages // This can be used for status messages like ChatUpdate let fragment if ((fragment = item.getMessageType().render(item)) === false) return if ( fragment.querySelector( `.userMention[data-user-id="${User.userId}"]` ) ) li.classList.add('mentioned') li.appendChild(fragment) li.classList.add('chatMessageBoundary') li.setAttribute('id', `message-${item.messageID}`) li.dataset.objectType = item.objectType li.dataset.userId = item.userID if (item.isOwnMessage()) li.classList.add('own') if (item.isDeleted) li.classList.add('tombstone') const position = this.positions.insert(item.messageID) if (position[1] !== undefined) { const sibling = elById(`message-${position[1]}`) if (!sibling) throw new Error('Unreachable') let nodeBefore, nodeAfter let dateMarkerBetween = false if (position[0] === 'LEFT') { nodeAfter = sibling nodeBefore = sibling.previousElementSibling if (nodeBefore && nodeBefore.classList.contains('dateMarker')) { elRemove(nodeBefore) nodeBefore = sibling.previousElementSibling } } else if (position[0] === 'RIGHT') { nodeBefore = sibling nodeAfter = sibling.nextElementSibling if (nodeAfter && nodeAfter.classList.contains('dateMarker')) { elRemove(nodeAfter) nodeAfter = sibling.nextElementSibling } } else { throw new Error('Unreachable') } const messageBefore = this.nodeMap.get(nodeBefore) if (nodeBefore && !messageBefore) throw new Error('Unreachable') const messageAfter = this.nodeMap.get(nodeAfter) if (nodeAfter && !messageAfter) throw new Error('Unreachable') if (!this.enableAutoscroll && nodeAfter) currentScrollHeight = this.scrollContainer.scrollHeight let context = nodeAfter if (nodeAfter) nodeAfter.classList.remove('first') if (messageBefore) { if (this.onDifferentDays(messageBefore.date, item.date)) { const dateMarker = this.getDateMarker(item.date) ul.insertBefore(dateMarker, nodeAfter) li.classList.add('first') } else { if ( messageBefore.objectType !== item.objectType || !item.getMessageType().joinable(messageBefore, item) ) { li.classList.add('first') } } } else { li.classList.add('first') } if (messageAfter) { if (this.onDifferentDays(messageAfter.date, item.date)) { const dateMarker = this.getDateMarker(messageAfter.date) ul.insertBefore(dateMarker, nodeAfter) context = dateMarker nodeAfter.classList.add('first') } else { if ( messageAfter.objectType !== item.objectType || !item.getMessageType().joinable(item, messageAfter) ) { nodeAfter.classList.add('first') } } } ul.insertBefore(li, context) if (!this.enableAutoscroll && nodeAfter) { prependedHeight += this.scrollContainer.scrollHeight - currentScrollHeight } } else { li.classList.add('first') ul.insertBefore(li, null) } this.nodeMap.set(li, item) return { node: li, message: item } }.bind(this) ) if (ingested.some((item) => item != null)) { if (this.enableAutoscroll) { this.scrollToBottom() } else { this.stream.classList.add('activity') this.scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTopBefore + prependedHeight } } DomChangeListener.trigger() this.emit('ingested', ingested) } scrollToBottom() { this.scrollContainer.scrollTop = this.scrollContainer.scrollHeight this.stream.classList.remove('activity') } onScroll() { const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } = this.scrollContainer const distanceFromTop = scrollTop const distanceFromBottom = scrollHeight - scrollTop - clientHeight let direction = 'down' if ( this.lastScrollPosition != null && scrollTop < this.lastScrollPosition ) { direction = 'up' } if (direction === 'up') { if (distanceFromBottom > 7) { this.emit('scrollUp') } if (distanceFromTop <= 7) { this.emit('reachedTop') } else if (distanceFromTop <= 300) { this.emit('nearTop') } } else if (direction === 'down') { if (distanceFromTop > 7) { this.emit('scrollDown') } if (distanceFromBottom <= 7) { this.scrollToBottom() this.emit('reachedBottom') } else if (distanceFromBottom <= 300) { this.emit('nearBottom') } } this.lastScrollPosition = scrollTop } onCopy(event) { const selection = window.getSelection() // Similar to selecting nothing if (selection.isCollapsed) return // Get the first and last node in the selection let originalStart, start, end, originalEnd start = originalStart = selection.getRangeAt(0).startContainer end = originalEnd = selection.getRangeAt( selection.rangeCount - 1 ).endContainer const startOffset = selection.getRangeAt(0).startOffset const endOffset = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).endOffset // The Traverse module needs nodes of the Element type, the selected elements could be of type Text while (!(start instanceof Element) && start.parentNode) start = start.parentNode while (!(end instanceof Element) && end.parentNode) end = end.parentNode if (!start || !end) throw new Error('Unexpected error, no element nodes in selection') // Try to find the starting li element in the selection if (!start.id || start.id.indexOf('message-') !== 0) { start = DOMTraverse.parentBySel(start, "li[id^='message']", this.stream) } // Try to find the ending li element in the selection if (!end.id || end.id.indexOf('message-') !== 0) { end = DOMTraverse.parentBySel(end, "li[id^='message']", this.stream) } // Do not select a message if we selected only a new line if ( originalStart instanceof Text && originalStart.textContent.substring(startOffset) === '' ) { start = DOMTraverse.next(start) } // The selection went outside of the stream container, end at the last li element if (end === null) { end = elBySel('ul > li:last-child', this.stream) } // Discard the selection, we selected only whitespace between two messages if (start === end && endOffset === 0) return // Do not include the ending message if there is no visible selection if (start !== end && endOffset === 0) { end = DOMTraverse.prev(end) } const elements = [] let next = start do { elements.push(next) if (next === end) break } while ((next = DOMTraverse.next(next))) // Only apply our custom formatting when selecting multiple or whole messages if (elements.length === 1) { const range = document.createRange() range.setStart(originalStart, startOffset) range.setEnd(originalEnd, endOffset) if ( !Helper.rangeSpansTextContent( range, start.querySelector('.chatMessage') ) ) return } try { event.clipboardData.setData( 'text/plain', elements .map((el, index, arr) => { const message = this.nodeMap.get(el) if (el.classList.contains('dateMarker')) return `== ${el.textContent.trim()} ==` if (!message) return if (el.classList.contains('tombstone')) { return `[${message.formattedTime}] ${Language.get( 'chat.messageType.be.bastelstu.chat.messageType.tombstone.message' )}` } const elem = elBySel('.chatMessage', el) let body if ( typeof (body = message .getMessageType() .renderPlainText(message)) === 'undefined' || body === false ) { body = Helper.getTextContent(elem) .replace(/\t+/g, '\t') // collapse multiple tabs .replace(/ +/g, ' ') // collapse multiple spaces .replace(/([\t ]*\n){2,}/g, '\n') // collapse line consisting of tabs, spaces and newlines .replace(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/gm, '') // remove leading and trailing whitespace per line } return `[${message.formattedTime}] <${ message.username }> ${body.trim()}` }) .filter((x) => x) .join('\n') ) event.preventDefault() } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to use the clipboard API') console.error(e) } } } EventEmitter(MessageStream.prototype) MessageStream.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return MessageStream })