/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2028-06-15 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define(['WoltLabSuite/Core/Language'], function (Language) { 'use strict' const DEPENDENCIES = ['ProfileStore'] class Notification { constructor(profileStore) { this.profileStore = profileStore this.unread = 0 this.active = true this.browserTitle = document.title this.systemEnabled = false this.lastSeen = 0 } bootstrap() { document.addEventListener( 'visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange.bind(this) ) } get systemSupported() { return 'Notification' in window } get systemDenied() { return window.Notification.permission === 'denied' } get systemGranted() { if (this.systemDenied) { console.warn( '[Notification]', 'System Notifications: permission denied' ) } return window.Notification.permission === 'granted' } onVisibilitychange() { this.active = !document.hidden if (this.active) { this.unread = 0 this.updateBrowserTitle() } } ingest(messages) { if (!this.active) { messages.forEach((message) => { const body = message.getMessageType().renderPlainText(message) if (body === false) return if (message.messageID < this.lastSeen) return this.lastSeen = message.messageID this.unread++ if (this.systemEnabled && this.systemGranted) { // The user information is guaranteed to be cached at this point const user = this.profileStore.get(message.userID) const title = Language.get('chat.notification.title', { message }) const options = { body, icon: user.imageUrl, badge: user.imageUrl } const notification = new window.Notification(title, options) setTimeout(notification.close.bind(notification), 5e3) } }) } this.updateBrowserTitle() } updateBrowserTitle() { if (this.unread > 0) { document.title = `(${this.unread}) ${this.browserTitle}` } else { document.title = this.browserTitle } } enableSystemNotifications() { if (!this.systemSupported) return Promise.reject(new Error('Notifications are not supported')) if (this.systemGranted) { this.systemEnabled = true return Promise.resolve() } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.Notification.requestPermission((permission) => { this.systemEnabled = permission === 'granted' if (this.systemEnabled) { resolve() } else { reject(new Error(permission)) } }) }) } disableSystemNotifications() { this.systemEnabled = false } } Notification.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return Notification })