Tims Chat 3 =========== This is the main javascript file for [**Tims Chat**](https://github.com/wbbaddons/Tims-Chat). It handles everything that happens in the GUI of **Tims Chat**. ### Copyright Information # @author Tim Düsterhus # @copyright 2010-2013 Tim Düsterhus # @license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode> # @package be.bastelstu.chat ### ## Code We start by setting up our environment by ensuring some sane values for both `$` and `window`, enabling EMCAScript 5 strict mode and overwriting console to prepend the name of the class. (($, window) -> "use strict"; console = log: (message) -> window.console.log "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" warn: (message) -> window.console.warn "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" error: (message) -> window.console.error "[be.bastelstu.Chat] #{message}" Continue with defining the needed variables. All variables are local to our closure and will be exposed by a function if necessary. isActive = true newMessageCount = 0 scrollUpNotifications = off chatSession = Date.now() userList = current: {} allTime: {} currentRoom = {} fileUploaded = no errorVisible = false inputErrorHidingTimer = null lastMessage = null openChannel = 0 remainingFailures = 3 events = newMessage: $.Callbacks() userMenu: $.Callbacks() submit: $.Callbacks() pe = getMessages: null refreshRoomList: null fish: null loading = false autocomplete = offset: 0 value: null caret: 0 v = titleTemplate: null messageTemplate: null userTemplate: null config: null Initialize **Tims Chat**. Bind needed DOM events and initialize data structures. initialized = false init = (roomID, config, titleTemplate, messageTemplate, userTemplate) -> return false if initialized initialized = true v.config = config v.titleTemplate = titleTemplate v.messageTemplate = messageTemplate v.userTemplate = userTemplate console.log 'Initializing' When **Tims Chat** becomes focused mark the chat as active and remove the number of new messages from the title. $(window).focus -> document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch currentRoom newMessageCount = 0 isActive = true When **Tims Chat** loses the focus mark the chat as inactive. $(window).blur -> isActive = false Make the user leave the chat when **Tims Chat** is about to be unloaded. $(window).on 'beforeunload', -> return undefined if errorVisible new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'leave' className: 'chat\\data\\room\\RoomAction' showLoadingOverlay: false async: false suppressErrors: true undefined Insert the appropriate smiley code into the input when a smiley is clicked. $('#smilies').on 'click', 'img', -> insertText " #{$(@).attr('alt')} " Handle private channel menu $('#privateChannelsMenu').on 'click', '.privateChannel', -> openPrivateChannel $(@).data 'privateChannelID' Handle submitting the form. The message will be validated by some basic checks, passed to the `submit` eventlisteners and afterwards sent to the server by an AJAX request. $('#timsChatForm').submit (event) -> do event.preventDefault text = do $('#timsChatInput').val().trim $('#timsChatInput').val('').focus().change() return false if text.length is 0 text = "/whisper #{userList.allTime[openChannel].username}, #{text}" unless openChannel is 0 # Free the fish! do freeTheFish if text.toLowerCase() is '/free the fish' text = do (text) -> obj = text: text events.submit.fire obj obj.text new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'send' className: 'chat\\data\\message\\MessageAction' parameters: text: text enableSmilies: $('#timsChatSmilies').data 'status' showLoadingOverlay: false success: -> do hideInputError do getMessages failure: (data) -> return true unless (data?.returnValues?.errorType?) or (data?.message?) showInputError (data?.returnValues?.errorType) ? data.message false Autocomplete a username when TAB is pressed. The name to autocomplete is based on the current caret position. The the word the caret is in will be passed to `autocomplete` and replaced if a match was found. $('#timsChatInput').keydown (event) -> if event.keyCode is $.ui.keyCode.TAB do event.preventDefault input = $ @ autocomplete.value ?= do input.val autocomplete.caret ?= do input.getCaret beforeCaret = autocomplete.value.substring 0, autocomplete.caret lastSpace = beforeCaret.lastIndexOf ' ' beforeComplete = autocomplete.value.substring 0, lastSpace + 1 toComplete = autocomplete.value.substring lastSpace + 1 nextSpace = toComplete.indexOf ' ' if nextSpace is -1 afterComplete = ''; else afterComplete = toComplete.substring nextSpace + 1 toComplete = toComplete.substring 0, nextSpace return if toComplete.length is 0 console.log "Autocompleting '#{toComplete}'" if beforeComplete is '' and (toComplete.substring 0, 1) is '/' regex = new RegExp "^#{WCF.String.escapeRegExp toComplete.substring 1}", "i" commands = (command for command in v.config.installedCommands when regex.test command) toComplete = '/' + commands[autocomplete.offset++ % commands.length] + ' ' if commands.length isnt 0 else regex = new RegExp "^#{WCF.String.escapeRegExp toComplete}", "i" users = [ ] for userID, user of userList.current users.push user.username if regex.test user.username toComplete = users[autocomplete.offset++ % users.length] + ', ' if users.length isnt 0 input.val "#{beforeComplete}#{toComplete}#{afterComplete}" input.setCaret (beforeComplete + toComplete).length Reset autocompleter to default status, when a key is pressed that is not TAB. else do $('#timsChatInput').click Reset autocompleter to default status, when the input is `click`ed, as the position of the caret may have changed. $('#timsChatInput').click -> autocomplete = offset: 0 value: null caret: null Refresh the room list when the associated button is `click`ed. $('#timsChatRoomList button').click -> do refreshRoomList Clear the chat by removing every single message once the clear button is `clicked`. $('#timsChatClear').click (event) -> do event.preventDefault do $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active .timsChatMessage').remove $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop 'scrollHeight' Handle toggling of the toggleable buttons. $('.timsChatToggle').click (event) -> element = $ @ if element.data('status') is 1 element.data 'status', 0 element.removeClass 'active' element.attr 'title', element.data 'enableMessage' else element.data 'status', 1 element.addClass 'active' element.attr 'title', element.data 'disableMessage' do $('#timsChatInput').focus Mark smilies as disabled when they are disabled. $('#timsChatSmilies').click (event) -> if $(@).data 'status' $('#smilies').removeClass 'disabled' else $('#smilies').addClass 'disabled' Toggle fullscreen mode. $('#timsChatFullscreen').click (event) -> # Force dropdowns to reorientate $('.dropdownMenu').data 'orientationX', '' if $(@).data 'status' $('html').addClass 'fullscreen' else $('html').removeClass 'fullscreen' Toggle checkboxes. $('#timsChatMark').click (event) -> if $(@).data 'status' $('.timsChatMessageContainer').addClass 'markEnabled' else $('.timsChatMessageContainer').removeClass 'markEnabled' Hide topic container. $('.jsTopicCloser').on 'click', -> if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') is 0 $('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'hidden' else closePrivateChannel $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') Visibly mark the message once the associated checkbox is checked. $(document).on 'click', '.timsChatMessage :checkbox', (event) -> if $(@).is ':checked' $(@).parents('.timsChatMessage').addClass 'jsMarked' else $(@).parents('.timsChatMessage').removeClass 'jsMarked' Scroll down when autoscroll is being activated. $('#timsChatAutoscroll').click (event) -> if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data 'status' $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop 'scrollHeight' $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').on 'scroll', (event) -> element = $ @ scrollTop = element.scrollTop() scrollHeight = element.prop 'scrollHeight' height = element.height() if scrollTop < scrollHeight - height - 25 if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1 scrollUpNotifications = on do $('#timsChatAutoscroll').click if scrollTop > scrollHeight - height - 10 if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 0 scrollUpNotifications = off $(@).removeClass 'notification' do $('#timsChatAutoscroll').click Enable duplicate tab detection. try window.localStorage.setItem 'be.bastelstu.chat.session', chatSession $(window).on 'storage', (event) -> if event.originalEvent.key is 'be.bastelstu.chat.session' showError WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.duplicateTab' unless parseInt(event.originalEvent.newValue) is chatSession Ask for permissions to use Desktop notifications when notifications are activated. if window.Notification? $('#timsChatNotify').click (event) -> return unless $(@).data 'status' unless window.Notification.permission is 'granted' window.Notification.requestPermission (permission) -> window.Notification.permission ?= permission events.newMessage.add notify Initialize the `PeriodicalExecuter`s pe.refreshRoomList = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter refreshRoomList, 60e3 pe.getMessages = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter getMessages, v.config.reloadTime * 1e3 Initialize the [**nodePush**](https://github.com/wbbaddons/nodePush) integration of **Tims Chat**. Once the browser is connected to **nodePush** periodic message loading will be disabled and **Tims Chat** will load messages if the appropriate event arrives. do -> be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush.onConnect -> console.log 'Disabling periodic loading' do pe.getMessages.stop be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush.onDisconnect -> console.log 'Enabling periodic loading' do getMessages pe.getMessages = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter getMessages, v.config.reloadTime * 1e3 be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush.onMessage 'be.bastelstu.chat.newMessage', getMessages be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush.onMessage 'be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush.tick60', getMessages Finished! Enable the input now and join the chat. join roomID do $('#timsChatInput').enable().jCounter().focus console.log "Finished initializing" true Shows an error message below the input. showInputError = (message) -> $('#timsChatInputContainer').addClass('formError').find('.innerError').show().html message clearTimeout inputErrorHidingTimer if inputErrorHidingTimer? inputErrorHidingTimer = setTimeout -> do hideInputError , 5e3 Hides the error message below the input. hideInputError = -> clearTimeout inputErrorHidingTimer if inputErrorHidingTimer? inputErrorHidingTimer = null do $('#timsChatInputContainer').removeClass('formError').find('.innerError').hide Free the fish. freeTheFish = -> return if $.wcfIsset 'fish' console.warn 'Freeing the fish' fish = $ """<div id="fish">#{WCF.String.escapeHTML('><((((\u00B0>')}</div>""" fish.css position: 'fixed' top: '50%' left: '50%' color: 'black' textShadow: '1px 1px white' zIndex: 9999 fish.appendTo $ 'body' pe.fish = new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter -> left = Math.random() * 100 - 50 top = Math.random() * 100 - 50 fish = $ '#fish' left *= -1 unless fish.width() < (fish.position().left + left) < ($(window).width() - fish.width()) top *= -1 unless fish.height() < (fish.position().top + top) < ($(window).height() - fish.height()) if left > 0 fish.text '><((((\u00B0>' if left > 0 else if left < 0 fish.text '<\u00B0))))><' fish.animate top: (fish.position().top + top) left: (fish.position().left + left) , 1e3 , 1.5e3 Fetch new messages from the server and pass them to `handleMessages`. The userlist will be passed to `handleUsers`. `remainingFailures` will be decreased on failure and message loading will be entirely disabled once it reaches zero. getMessages = -> $.ajax v.config.messageURL, dataType: 'json' type: 'POST' success: (data) -> remainingFailures = 3 handleMessages data.messages handleUsers data.users WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.execute() error: -> console.error "Message loading failed, #{--remainingFailures} remaining" if remainingFailures <= 0 do freeTheFish console.error 'To many failures, aborting' showError WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.onMessageLoad' complete: -> loading = false Prevent loading messages in parallel. beforeSend: -> return false if loading loading = true Insert the given messages into the chat stream. handleMessages = (messages) -> $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').trigger 'scroll' for message in messages message.isInPrivateChannel = (String(message.type) is v.config.messageTypes.WHISPER) and ($.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver}") or $.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender}")) events.newMessage.fire message createNewMessage = yes if $('.timsChatMessage:last-child .text').is('ul') and lastMessage isnt null and lastMessage.type in [ 0, 7 ] if lastMessage.type is message.type and lastMessage.sender is message.sender and lastMessage.receiver is message.receiver and lastMessage.isInPrivateChannel is message.isInPrivateChannel createNewMessage = no if createNewMessage message.isFollowUp = no output = v.messageTemplate.fetch message: message messageTypes: v.config.messageTypes li = $ '<li></li>' li.addClass 'timsChatMessage' li.addClass "timsChatMessage#{message.type}" li.addClass "user#{message.sender}" li.addClass 'ownMessage' if message.sender is WCF.User.userID li.append output if message.isInPrivateChannel and message.sender is WCF.User.userID li.appendTo $ "#timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver} > ul" else if message.isInPrivateChannel li.appendTo $ "#timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender} > ul" else li.appendTo $ '#timsChatMessageContainer0 > ul' else message.isFollowUp = yes output = v.messageTemplate.fetch message: message messageTypes: v.config.messageTypes if message.isInPrivateChannel and message.sender is WCF.User.userID messageContainerID = message.receiver else if message.isInPrivateChannel messageContainerID = message.sender else messageContainerID = 0 $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{messageContainerID} .timsChatMessage:last-child .text").append $(output).find('.text li:last-child') lastMessage = message $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').scrollTop $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').prop('scrollHeight') if $('#timsChatAutoscroll').data('status') is 1 Rebuild the userlist based on the given `users`. handleUsers = (users) -> foundUsers = { } userList.current = { } for user in users do (user) -> userList.current[user.userID] = userList.allTime[user.userID] = user id = "timsChatUser#{user.userID}" Move the user to the new position if he was found in the old list. if $.wcfIsset id console.log "Moving User: '#{user.username}'" element = $("##{id}").detach() if user.awayStatus? element.addClass 'away' element.attr 'title', user.awayStatus else element.removeClass 'away' element.removeAttr 'title' element.data 'tooltip', '' if user.suspended element.addClass 'suspended' else element.removeClass 'suspended' $('#timsChatUserList > ul').append element Build HTML of the user and insert it into the list, if the users was not found in the chat before. else console.log "Inserting User: '#{user.username}'" li = $ '<li></li>' li.attr 'id', id li.addClass 'timsChatUser' li.addClass 'jsTooltip' li.addClass 'you' if user.userID is WCF.User.userID li.addClass 'suspended' if user.suspended if user.awayStatus? li.addClass 'away' li.attr 'title', user.awayStatus li.data 'username', user.username li.append v.userTemplate.fetch user menu = $ '<ul></ul>' unless user.userID is WCF.User.userID menu.append $("<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.query')}</a></li>").click -> openPrivateChannel user.userID menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.kick')}</a></li>" menu.append $ "<li><a>#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.ban')}</a></li>" menu.append $ """<li><a href="#{user.link}">#{WCF.Language.get('chat.general.profile')}</a></li>""" events.userMenu.fire user, menu if menu.find('li').length li.append menu menu.addClass 'dropdownMenu' li.addClass 'dropdown' li.appendTo $ '#timsChatUserList > ul' foundUsers[id] = true Remove all users that left the chat. $('.timsChatUser').each -> unless foundUsers[$(@).attr('id')]? console.log "Removing User: '#{$(@).data('username')}'" WCF.Dropdown.removeDropdown $(@).attr 'id' do $(@).remove $('#toggleUsers .badge').text $('.timsChatUser').length Insert the given `text` into the input. If `options.append` is true the given `text` will be appended, otherwise it will replaced the existing text. If `options.submit` is true the message will be sent to the server afterwards. insertText = (text, options = { }) -> options = $.extend append: true submit: false , options text = $('#timsChatInput').val() + text if options.append $('#timsChatInput').val text do $('#timsChatInput').keyup if options.submit do $('#timsChatForm').submit else do $('#timsChatInput').focus Send out notifications for the given `message`. The number of unread messages will be prepended to `document.title` and if available desktop notifications will be sent. notify = (message) -> if scrollUpNotifications $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').addClass 'notification' if message.isInPrivateChannel if message.sender is WCF.User.userID privateChannelID = message.receiver else privateChannelID = message.sender if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') isnt privateChannelID $("#privateChannel#{privateChannelID}").addClass 'notify' else if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') isnt 0 $("#privateChannel0").addClass 'notify' return if isActive or $('#timsChatNotify').data('status') is 0 document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch $.extend {}, currentRoom, newMessageCount: ++newMessageCount title = WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.notify.title' content = "#{message.username}#{message.separator} #{message.message}" if window.Notification?.permission is 'granted' do -> notification = new window.Notification title, body: content onclick: -> do notification.close setTimeout -> do notification.close , 5e3 Fetch the roomlist from the server and update it in the GUI. refreshRoomList = -> console.log 'Refreshing the roomlist' new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'getRoomList' className: 'chat\\data\\room\\RoomAction' showLoadingOverlay: false suppressErrors: true success: (data) -> do $('.timsChatRoom').remove $('#toggleRooms .badge').text data.returnValues.length for room in data.returnValues li = $ '<li></li>' li.addClass 'active' if room.active $("""<a href="#{room.link}">#{WCF.String.escapeHTML(room.title)} <span class="badge">#{WCF.String.formatNumeric room.userCount}</span></a>""").addClass('timsChatRoom').data('roomID', room.roomID).appendTo li $('#timsChatRoomList ul').append li if window.history?.replaceState? $('.timsChatRoom').click (event) -> do event.preventDefault target = $ @ window.history.replaceState {}, '', target.attr 'href' join target.data 'roomID' $('#timsChatRoomList .active').removeClass 'active' target.parent().addClass 'active' console.log "Found #{data.returnValues.length} rooms" Shows an unrecoverable error with the given text. showError = (text) -> return if errorVisible errorVisible = true loading = true do pe.refreshRoomList.stop do pe.getMessages.stop errorDialog = $(""" <div id="timsChatLoadingErrorDialog"> <p>#{text}</p> </div> """).appendTo 'body' formSubmit = $("""<div class="formSubmit"></div>""").appendTo errorDialog reloadButton = $("""<button class="buttonPrimary">#{WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.reload'}</button>""").appendTo formSubmit reloadButton.on 'click', -> do window.location.reload $('#timsChatLoadingErrorDialog').wcfDialog closable: false title: WCF.Language.get 'wcf.global.error.title' Joins a room. join = (roomID) -> loading = true new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'join' className: 'chat\\data\\room\\RoomAction' parameters: roomID: roomID success: (data) -> loading = false $('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'hidden' currentRoom = data.returnValues currentRoom.roomID = roomID $('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text currentRoom.topic if currentRoom.topic.trim() is '' $('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'empty' else $('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'empty' $('.timsChatMessage').addClass 'unloaded' document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch currentRoom handleMessages currentRoom.messages do getMessages do refreshRoomList failure: (data) -> showError WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.join', data Open private channel openPrivateChannel = (userID) -> userID = parseInt userID console.log "Opening private channel #{userID}" unless $.wcfIsset "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}" return unless userList.allTime[userID]? div = $ '<div>' div.attr 'id', "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}" div.data 'userID', userID div.addClass 'timsChatMessageContainer' div.addClass 'marginTop' div.addClass 'container' div.wrapInner '<ul>' $('#timsChatMessageContainer0').after div $('.privateChannel').removeClass 'active' if userID isnt 0 $('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'hidden empty' $('#timsChatTopic > .topic').html WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.privateChannelTopic', {username: userList.allTime[userID].username} $('#timsChatTopic > .jsTopicCloser').attr 'title', WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.closePrivateChannel' unless $.wcfIsset "privateChannel#{userID}" li = $ '<li>' li.attr 'id', "privateChannel#{userID}" li.data 'privateChannelID', userID li.addClass 'privateChannel' span = $ '<span class="userAvatar framed" />' avatar = $ userList.allTime[userID].avatar[16] avatar.addClass 'jsTooltip' avatar.attr 'title', userList.allTime[userID].username avatar.wrap span li.append avatar.parent().addClass 'small' avatar = $ userList.allTime[userID].avatar[32] avatar.addClass 'jsTooltip' avatar.attr 'title', userList.allTime[userID].username avatar.wrap span li.append avatar.parent().addClass 'large' $('#privateChannelsMenu ul').append li $('#privateChannelsMenu').addClass 'shown' else $('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text currentRoom.topic $('#timsChatTopic > .jsTopicCloser').attr 'title', WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.closeTopic' if currentRoom.topic.trim() is '' $('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'empty' else $('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'empty' do WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.execute $('.timsChatMessageContainer').removeClass 'active' $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").addClass 'active' $("#privateChannel#{userID}").addClass('active').removeClass 'notify' openChannel = userID Close private channel closePrivateChannel = (userID) -> unless userID is 0 do $("#privateChannel#{userID}").remove do $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").remove if $('#privateChannelsMenu li').length <= 1 $('#privateChannelsMenu').removeClass 'shown' openPrivateChannel 0 Bind the given callback to the given event. addListener = (event, callback) -> return false unless events[event]? events[event].add callback true Remove the given callback from the given event. removeListener = (event, callback) -> return false unless events[event]? events[event].remove callback true The following code handles attachment uploads Enable attachment code if `WCF.Attachment.Upload` is defined if WCF?.Attachment?.Upload? and $('#timsChatUploadContainer').length Attachment = WCF.Attachment.Upload.extend fileUploaded: no Initialize WCF.Attachment.Upload See WCF.Attachment.Upload.init() init: -> @_super $('#timsChatUploadContainer'), $(false), 'be.bastelstu.chat.message', 0, 0, 0, 1, null unless @_supportsAJAXUpload $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadButton').click => do @_showOverlay label = $ '#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu li > span > label' parent = do label.parent css = parent.css ['padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left'] label.css css label.css 'margin', "-#{css['padding-top']} -#{css['padding-right']} -#{css['padding-bottom']} -#{css['padding-left']}" $('#timsChatUpload').click -> $('#timsChatUpload > span.icon-ban-circle').removeClass('icon-ban-circle').addClass 'icon-paper-clip' do $('#timsChatUploadContainer .innerError').remove Overwrite WCF.Attachment.Upload._createButton() to create the upload button as small button into a button group _createButton: -> if @_supportsAJAXUpload @_fileUpload = $ """<input id="timsChatUploadInput" type="file" name="#{@_name}" />""" @_fileUpload.change => do @_upload @_fileUpload.appendTo 'body' _removeButton: -> do @_fileUpload.remove See WCF.Attachment.Upload._getParameters() _getParameters: -> @_tmpHash = do Math.random @_parentObjectID = currentRoom.roomID do @_super _upload: -> files = @_fileUpload.prop 'files' if files.length $('#timsChatUpload > span.icon').removeClass('icon-paper-clip icon-ban-circle').addClass('icon-spinner') do @_super Create a message containing the uploaded attachment _insert: (event) -> objectID = $(event.currentTarget).data 'objectID' new WCF.Action.Proxy autoSend: true data: actionName: 'sendAttachment' className: 'chat\\data\\message\\MessageAction' parameters: objectID: objectID tmpHash: @_tmpHash parentObjectID: 1#@_parentObjectID showLoadingOverlay: false success: -> do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .jsDeleteButton').parent().remove do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .sendAttachmentButton').remove do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadButton').show $('#timsChatUpload > span.icon').removeClass('icon-ok-sign').addClass 'icon-paper-clip' fileUploaded = no failure: (data) -> false _initFile: (file) -> li = $("""<li class="uploadProgress"> <span> <progress max="100"></progress> </span> </li>""" ).data('filename', file.name) $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu').append li do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadButton').hide # validate file size if @_buttonSelector.data('maxSize') < file.size # remove progress bar do li.find('progress').remove # upload icon $('#timsChatUpload > span.icon-spinner').removeClass('icon-spinner').addClass 'icon-ban-circle' # error message $('#timsChatUpload').addClass('uploadFailed').after """<small class="innerError">#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.attachment.upload.error.tooLarge')}</small>""" do @_error li.addClass 'uploadFailed' li _validateLimit: -> innerError = @_buttonSelector.next 'small.innerError' if fileUploaded # reached limit unless innerError.length innerError = $('<small class="innerError" />').insertAfter '#timsChatUpload' innerError.html WCF.Language.get('wcf.attachment.upload.error.reachedLimit') innerError.css 'position', 'absolute' return false # remove previous errors do innerError.remove true _success: (uploadID, data) -> for li in @_uploadMatrix[uploadID] do li.find('progress').remove li.removeClass('uploadProgress').addClass 'sendAttachmentButton' li.find('span').addClass('box32').append """ <div class="framed attachmentImageContainer"> <span class="attachmentTinyThumbnail icon icon32 icon-paper-clip"></span> </div> <div class="containerHeaderline"> <p></p> <small></small> <p>#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.button.submit')}</p> </div>""" li.click (event) => @_insert(event) filename = li.data 'filename' internalFileID = li.data 'internalFileID' if data.returnValues and data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID] if data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].tinyURL li.find('.box32 > div.attachmentImageContainer > .icon-paper-clip').replaceWith $("""<img src="#{data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].tinyURL}'" alt="" class="attachmentTinyThumbnail" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" />""") link = $ '<a href="" class="jsTooltip"></a>' link.attr {'href': data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].url, 'title': filename} unless parseInt(data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].isImage) is 0 link.addClass('jsImageViewer') if !data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].tinyURL li.find('.box32 > div.attachmentImageContainer > .icon-paper-clip').replaceWith $("""<img src="#{data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].url}'" alt="" class="attachmentTinyThumbnail" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" />""") li.find('.attachmentTinyThumbnail').wrap link li.find('small').append data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].formattedFilesize li.data 'objectID', data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].attachmentID deleteButton = $ """ <li> <span class="jsDeleteButton" data-object-id="#{data.returnValues.attachments[internalFileID].attachmentID}" data-confirm-message="#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.attachment.delete.sure')}"> <span class="icon icon16 icon-remove pointer jsTooltip" /> <span>#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.button.delete')}</span> </span> </li>""" li.parent().append deleteButton fileUploaded = yes else $('#timsChatUpload .icon-spinner').removeClass('icon-spinner').addClass 'icon-ban-circle' if data.returnValues and data.returnValues.errors[internalFileID] errorMessage = data.returnValues.errors[internalFileID].errorType else errorMessage = 'uploadFailed' $('#timsChatUpload').addClass('uploadFailed').after """<small class="innerError">#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.attachment.upload.error.' + errorMessage)}</small>""" do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .sendAttachmentButton').remove do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadButton').show fileUploaded = no do WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.execute $('#timsChatUpload > span.icon').removeClass('icon-spinner').addClass 'icon-ok-sign' do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadProgress').remove do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .sendAttachmentButton').show _error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) -> $('#timsChatUpload > .icon-spinner').removeClass('icon-spinner').addClass 'icon-ban-circle' unless $('#timsChatUpload').hasClass('uploadFailed') $('#timsChatUpload').addClass('uploadFailed').after """<small class="innerError">#{WCF.Language.get('wcf.attachment.upload.error.uploadFailed')}</small>""" do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadProgress').remove do $('#timsChatUploadDropdownMenu .uploadButton').show fileUploaded = no Action = {} Action.Delete = WCF.Action.Delete.extend triggerEffect: (objectIDs) -> for index in @_containers container = $ "##{index}" if WCF.inArray container.find(@_buttonSelector).data('objectID'), objectIDs self = @ container.wcfBlindOut 'up', (event) -> parent = do $(@).parent do $(@).remove do parent.find('.sendAttachmentButton').remove do parent.find('.uploadButton').show $('#timsChatUpload > .icon-ok-sign').removeClass('icon-ok-sign').addClass 'icon-paper-clip' self._containers.splice(self._containers.indexOf $(@).wcfIdentify(), 1) self._didTriggerEffect($ @) fileUploaded = no return And finally export the public methods and variables. Chat = init: init getMessages: getMessages refreshRoomList: refreshRoomList insertText: insertText freeTheFish: freeTheFish join: join listener: add: addListener remove: removeListener Chat.Attachment = Attachment if Attachment? Chat.Action = Action if Attachment? window.be ?= {} be.bastelstu ?= {} window.be.bastelstu.Chat = Chat )(jQuery, @)