/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2022-11-27 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 3 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ '../Command' , '../Parser' ], function (Command, Parser) { "use strict"; const DEPENDENCIES = [ 'ProfileStore' ] class Suspension extends Command { constructor(profileStore, id) { super(id) this.profileStore = profileStore } getParameterParser() { const Globally = Parser.C.string('global').thenLeft(Parser.C.string('ly').opt()) const Forever = Parser.C.string('forever').thenReturns(null) const Timespan = Parser.N.digits.then(Parser.C.charIn('dhm')).map(function ([ span, unit ]) { switch (unit) { case 'd': return span * 86400; case 'h': return span * 3600; case 'm': return span * 60; } throw new Error('Unreachable') }) .rep() .map(parts => parts.array().reduce((carry, item) => carry + item, 0)) .map(offset => Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + offset) const Duration = Forever.or(Timespan).or(Parser.ISODate.map(item => Math.floor(item.valueOf() / 1000))) return Parser.Username.thenLeft(Parser.Whitespace.rep()) .then(Globally.thenLeft(Parser.Whitespace.rep()).thenReturns(true).or(Parser.F.returns(false))) .then(Duration) .then(Parser.Whitespace.rep().thenRight(Parser.Rest1).or(Parser.F.eos.thenReturns(null))) .map(([ username, globally, duration, reason ]) => { return { username , globally , duration , reason } }) } * autocomplete(parameterString) { const usernameDone = Parser.Username.thenLeft(Parser.Whitespace.rep()).map(username => `"${username.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`) const globallyDone = usernameDone.then(Parser.C.string('global').thenLeft(Parser.C.string('ly').opt())).thenLeft(Parser.Whitespace.rep()) const usernameCheck = usernameDone.parse(Parser.Streams.ofString(parameterString)) if (usernameCheck.isAccepted()) { const globallyCheck = globallyDone.parse(Parser.Streams.ofString(parameterString)) let prefix, rest if (globallyCheck.isAccepted()) { prefix = parameterString.substring(0, globallyCheck.offset) rest = parameterString.substring(globallyCheck.offset) } else { prefix = parameterString.substring(0, usernameCheck.offset) rest = parameterString.substring(usernameCheck.offset) } if (!globallyCheck.isAccepted() && 'globally'.startsWith(rest)) { yield `${prefix}globally ` } if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(rest)) { yield `${prefix}${rest}h ` yield `${prefix}${rest}d ` yield `${prefix}${rest}m ` } if (rest === '') { yield `${prefix}1h ` yield `${prefix}1d ` yield `${prefix}5m ` } return } for (const userID of this.profileStore.getLastActivity()) { const user = this.profileStore.get(userID) if (!user.username.startsWith(parameterString)) continue yield `"${user.username.replace(/"/g, '""')}" ` } } } Suspension.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return Suspension });