/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2022-11-27 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ 'Bastelstu.be/PromiseWrap/Ajax' , './DataStructure/LRU' , './User' , 'WoltLabSuite/Core/User' ], function (Ajax, LRU, User, CoreUser) { "use strict"; const DEPENDENCIES = [ ] /** * ProfileStore stores information about users. */ class ProfileStore { constructor() { this.users = new Map() this.processing = new Map() this.lastActivity = new LRU() } /** * Ensures that information about the given userIDs are available * in the store. The returned promise resolves once all the requests * to fetch the data finished successfully. * * @param {number[]} userIDs * @returns {Promise} */ async ensureUsersByIDs(userIDs) { // Dedup userIDs = userIDs.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index) .map(userID => parseInt(userID, 10)) const missing = [ ] const promises = [ ] userIDs.forEach((function (userID) { if (this.isRecent(userID)) return if (this.processing.has(userID)) { promises.push(this.processing.get(userID)) return } missing.push(userID) }).bind(this)) if (missing.length > 0) { const payload = { actionName: 'getUsersByID' , parameters: { userIDs: missing } } const request = (async _ => { try { const response = await Ajax.api(this, payload) return Object.entries(response.returnValues).forEach(([ userID, user ]) => { userID = parseInt(userID, 10) const data = { user: new User(user) , date: Date.now() } this.users.set(userID, data) this.processing.delete(userID) }) } catch (err) { missing.forEach(userID => this.processing.delete(userID)) throw err } })() missing.forEach(userID => this.processing.set(userID, request)) promises.push(request) } await Promise.all(promises) } /** * Returns information about the given userIDs. * * @param {number[]} userIDs * @returns {Promise} */ async getUsersByIDs(userIDs) { await this.ensureUsersByIDs(userIDs) return new Map(userIDs.map(userID => [ userID, this.get(userID) ])) } /** * Returns information about the currently logged in user. * * @returns {Promise} */ getSelf() { const self = this.get(CoreUser.userId) if (self == null) { throw new Error('Unreachable') } return self } /** * Returns information about the given userID. * * @param {number} userID * @returns {?User} null if no information are known */ get(userID) { const user = this.users.get(userID) if (user != null) { return user.user } return user } /** * Returns whether information about the given userID are known. * * @param {number} userID * @returns {boolean} */ has(userID) { return this.users.has(userID) } /** * Forces an update of the information about the given userID. * * @param {number} userID */ expire(userID) { if (!this.users.has(userID)) return this.users.get(userID).date = 0 } /** * Returns whether the information about the given userID are recent. * * @param {number} userID * @returns {boolean} */ isRecent(userID) { const user = this.users.get(userID) if (user != null) { return user.date > (Date.now() - (5 * 60e3)) } return false } /** * Returns the stored information. * * @returns {User[]} */ values() { return Array.from(this.users.values()).map(item => item.user) } pushLastActivity(userID) { if (!userID) return this.lastActivity.add(userID) } * getLastActivity() { yield * this.lastActivity } _ajaxSetup() { return { silent: true , ignoreError: true , data: { className: 'chat\\data\\user\\UserAction' } } } } ProfileStore.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return ProfileStore });