/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2028-03-14 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define(['../Ui'], function (Ui) { 'use strict' const DEPENDENCIES = [ 'UiAttachmentUpload', 'UiAutoAway', 'UiConnectionWarning', 'UiInput', 'UiInputAutocompleter', 'UiMessageActionDelete', 'UiMessageStream', 'UiMobile', 'UiNotification', 'UiReadMarker', 'UiSettings', 'UiTopic', 'UiUserActionDropdownHandler', 'UiUserList', ] class Chat extends Ui { constructor( attachmentUpload, autoAway, connectionWarning, input, autocompleter, messageActionDelete, messageStream, mobile, notification, readMarker, settings, topic, userActionDropdownHandler, userList ) { super() this.actionDropdownHandler = userActionDropdownHandler this.attachmentUpload = attachmentUpload this.autoAway = autoAway this.autocompleter = autocompleter this.connectionWarning = connectionWarning this.input = input this.messageActionDelete = messageActionDelete this.messageStream = messageStream this.mobile = mobile this.notification = notification this.readMarker = readMarker this.settings = settings this.topic = topic this.userList = userList } bootstrap() { this.actionDropdownHandler.bootstrap() this.attachmentUpload.bootstrap() this.autoAway.bootstrap() this.autocompleter.bootstrap() this.connectionWarning.bootstrap() this.input.bootstrap() this.messageActionDelete.bootstrap() this.messageStream.bootstrap() this.mobile.bootstrap() this.notification.bootstrap() this.readMarker.bootstrap() this.settings.bootstrap() this.topic.bootstrap() this.userList.bootstrap() } } Chat.DEPENDENCIES = DEPENDENCIES return Chat })