/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2025-03-05 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ './Chat/console', 'Bastelstu.be/bottle', 'Bastelstu.be/_Push', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Core', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Language', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Timer/Repeating', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/User', './Chat/Autocompleter', './Chat/CommandHandler', './Chat/DataStructure/Throttle', './Chat/Message', './Chat/Messenger', './Chat/ParseError', './Chat/ProfileStore', './Chat/Room', './Chat/Template', './Chat/Ui/Attachment/Upload', './Chat/Ui/AutoAway', './Chat/Ui/Chat', './Chat/Ui/ConnectionWarning', './Chat/Ui/ErrorDialog', './Chat/Ui/Input', './Chat/Ui/Input/Autocompleter', './Chat/Ui/MessageStream', './Chat/Ui/MessageActions/Delete', './Chat/Ui/Mobile', './Chat/Ui/Notification', './Chat/Ui/ReadMarker', './Chat/Ui/Settings', './Chat/Ui/Topic', './Chat/Ui/UserActionDropdownHandler', './Chat/Ui/UserList', ], function ( console, Bottle, Push, Core, Language, RepeatingTimer, CoreUser, Autocompleter, CommandHandler, Throttle, Message, Messenger, ParseError, ProfileStore, Room, Template, UiAttachmentUpload, UiAutoAway, Ui, UiConnectionWarning, ErrorDialog, UiInput, UiInputAutocompleter, UiMessageStream, UiMessageActionDelete, UiMobile, UiNotification, UiReadMarker, UiSettings, UiTopic, UiUserActionDropdownHandler, UiUserList ) { 'use strict' class Chat { constructor(roomID, config) { console.debug('Chat.constructor', 'Constructing …') this.config = config this.sessionID = Core.getUuid() // Setup Bottle containers this.bottle = new Bottle() this.bottle.value('bottle', this.bottle) this.bottle.value('config', config) this.bottle.constant('sessionID', this.sessionID) this.bottle.constant('roomID', roomID) // Register chat components this.service('Autocompleter', Autocompleter) this.service('CommandHandler', CommandHandler) this.service('Messenger', Messenger) this.service('ProfileStore', ProfileStore) this.service('Room', Room) // Register UI components this.service('Ui', Ui) this.service('UiAutoAway', UiAutoAway) this.service('UiConnectionWarning', UiConnectionWarning) this.service('UiInput', UiInput) this.service('UiInputAutocompleter', UiInputAutocompleter) this.service('UiMessageActionDelete', UiMessageActionDelete) this.service('UiMessageStream', UiMessageStream) this.service('UiMobile', UiMobile) this.service('UiNotification', UiNotification) this.service('UiReadMarker', UiReadMarker) this.service('UiSettings', UiSettings) this.service('UiTopic', UiTopic) this.service('UiUserActionDropdownHandler', UiUserActionDropdownHandler) this.service('UiUserList', UiUserList) this.service('UiAttachmentUpload', UiAttachmentUpload) // Register Models this.bottle.instanceFactory('Message', (container, m) => { return new Message(container.MessageType, m) }) // Register Templates const selector = [ '[type="x-text/template"]', '[data-application="be.bastelstu.chat"]', '[data-template-name]', ].join('') const templates = elBySelAll(selector) Array.prototype.forEach.call( templates, function (template) { this.bottle.factory( `Template.${template.dataset.templateName}`, function (container) { const includeNames = (template.dataset.templateIncludes || '') .split(/ /) .filter((item) => item !== '') const includes = {} includeNames.forEach((item) => (includes[item] = container[item])) return new Template(template.textContent, includes) } ) }.bind(this) ) // Register MessageTypes Object.entries(this.config.messageTypes).forEach( ([objectType, messageType]) => { const MessageType = require(messageType.module) this.bottle.factory( `MessageType.${objectType.replace(/\./g, '-')}`, (_) => { const deps = this.bottle.digest(MessageType.DEPENDENCIES || []) return new MessageType(...deps, objectType) } ) } ) // Register Commands Object.values(this.config.commands).forEach((command) => { const Command = require(command.module) this.bottle.factory( `Command.${command.package.replace(/\./g, '-')}:${ command.identifier }`, (_) => { const deps = this.bottle.digest(Command.DEPENDENCIES || []) return new Command(...deps, command) } ) }) this.bottle.constant( 'Trigger', new Map( Object.entries(this.config.triggers).map(([trigger, commandID]) => { const command = this.config.commands[commandID] const key = [command.package, command.identifier] return [trigger, key] }) ) ) // Register Settings Array.from( elBySelAll('#chatQuickSettingsNavigation .button[data-module]') ).forEach((item) => { const Button = require(item.dataset.module) this.bottle.instanceFactory( `UiSettingsButton.${item.dataset.module.replace(/\./g, '-')}`, (_, element) => { const deps = this.bottle.digest(Button.DEPENDENCIES || []) return new Button(element, ...deps) } ) }) this.knows = { from: undefined, to: undefined } this.processMessagesThrottled = Throttle(this.processMessages.bind(this)) this.queuedMessages = [] this.messageSinks = new Set() this.pullTimer = undefined this.pullUserListTimer = undefined this.pushConnected = false this.firstFailure = null } service(name, _constructor, args = []) { this.bottle.factory(name, (_) => { const deps = this.bottle.digest(_constructor.DEPENDENCIES || []) return new _constructor(...deps, ...args) }) } async bootstrap() { console.debug('Chat.bootstrap', 'Initializing …') this.ui = this.bottle.container.Ui this.ui.bootstrap() this.ui.input.on('submit', this.onSubmit.bind(this)) this.ui.input.on('autocomplete', this.onAutocomplete.bind(this)) this.ui.attachmentUpload.on('send', (event) => { event.detail.promise = this.onSendAttachment(event) }) await this.bottle.container.Room.join() // Bind unload event to leave the Chat window.addEventListener( 'unload', this.bottle.container.Room.leave.bind(this.bottle.container.Room, true) ) document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', (_) => { this.processMessagesThrottled.setDelay(document.hidden ? 10000 : 125) }) this.pullTimer = new RepeatingTimer( Throttle(this.pullMessages.bind(this)), this.config.reloadTime * 1e3 ) Push.onConnect((_) => { console.debug('Chat.bootstrap', 'Push connected') this.pushConnected = true this.pullTimer.setDelta(30e3) }).catch((error) => { console.debug(error) }) Push.onDisconnect((_) => { console.debug('Chat.bootstrap', 'Push disconnected') this.pushConnected = false this.pullTimer.setDelta(this.config.reloadTime * 1e3) }).catch((error) => { console.debug(error) }) Push.onMessage( 'be.bastelstu.chat.message', this.pullMessages.bind(this) ).catch((error) => { console.debug(error) }) // Fetch user list every 60 seconds // This acts as a safety net: It should be kept current by messages whenever possible. this.pullUserListTimer = new RepeatingTimer( this.updateUsers.bind(this), 60e3 ) this.registerMessageSink(this.bottle.container.UiMessageStream) this.registerMessageSink(this.bottle.container.UiNotification) this.registerMessageSink(this.bottle.container.UiAutoAway) await Promise.all([ this.pullMessages(), this.updateUsers(), this.bottle.container.ProfileStore.ensureUsersByIDs([CoreUser.userId]), ]) return this } registerMessageSink(sink) { if (typeof sink.ingest !== 'function') { throw new Error('The given sink does not provide a .ingest function.') } this.messageSinks.add(sink) } unregisterMessageSink(sink) { this.messageSinks.delete(sink) } hcf(err = undefined) { console.debug( 'Chat.hcf', 'Gotcha! FIRE was caught! FIRE’s data was newly added to the POKéDEX.', err ) this.pullTimer.stop() this.pullUserListTimer.stop() new ErrorDialog(Language.get('chat.error.hcf', { err })) } async onSubmit(event) { const input = event.target const value = input.getText() console.debug('Chat.onSubmit', `Pushing message: ${value}`) // Clear message input input.insertText('', { append: false }) this.markAsBack() let [ trigger, parameterString, ] = this.bottle.container.CommandHandler.splitCommand(value) let command = null if (trigger === null) { command = this.bottle.container.CommandHandler.getCommandByIdentifier( 'be.bastelstu.chat', 'plain' ) } else { command = this.bottle.container.CommandHandler.getCommandByTrigger( trigger ) } if (command === null) { this.ui.input.inputError( Language.get('chat.error.triggerNotFound', { trigger }) ) return } try { let parameters try { parameters = this.bottle.container.CommandHandler.applyCommand( command, parameterString ) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ParseError) { e = new Error( Language.get('chat.error.invalidParameters', { data: e.data }) ) } throw e } const payload = { commandID: command.id, parameters } try { await this.bottle.container.Messenger.push(payload) this.ui.input.hideInputError() } catch (error) { let seriousError = true if ( error.returnValues && error.returnValues.fieldName === 'message' && (error.returnValues.realErrorMessage || error.returnValues.errorType) ) { this.ui.input.inputError( error.returnValues.realErrorMessage || error.returnValues.errorType ) seriousError = false } else { this.ui.input.inputError(error.message) } if (seriousError) { this.handleError(error) } } // We assume that a running push server will push us our own message if (!this.pushConnected) { this.pullMessages() } console.debug('Chat.onSubmit', `Done`) } catch (e) { this.ui.input.inputError(e.message) } } async markAsBack() { try { if (this.bottle.container.ProfileStore.getSelf().away == null) return console.debug('Chat.markAsBack', `Marking as back`) const command = this.bottle.container.CommandHandler.getCommandByIdentifier( 'be.bastelstu.chat', 'back' ) return this.bottle.container.Messenger.push({ commandID: command.id, parameters: {}, }) } catch (err) { console.error('Chat.markAsBack', err) } } async onSendAttachment(event) { await this.bottle.container.Messenger.pushAttachment(event.detail.tmpHash) this.markAsBack() } onAutocomplete(event) { const input = event.target const value = input.getText(true) console.debug('Chat.onAutocomplete', `Autocompleting message: ${value}`) const result = this.bottle.container.Autocompleter.autocomplete(value) const completions = [] for (const item of result) { completions.push(item) if (completions.length == 5) break } this.ui.autocompleter.sendCompletions(completions) } async pullMessages() { console.debug( 'Chat.pullMessages', `Pulling new messages, starting at ${ this.knows.to ? this.knows.to + 1 : '' }` ) let payload try { if (this.knows.to === undefined) { payload = await this.bottle.container.Messenger.pull() } else { payload = await this.bottle.container.Messenger.pull( this.knows.to + 1 ) } } catch (e) { this.handleError(e) return } console.debug('Chat.pullMessages', `Handling result: `, payload) const start = (performance ? performance : Date).now() this.ui.connectionWarning.hide() this.firstFailure = null // Null range: No messages satisfy the constraints if (payload.from > payload.to) { const end = (performance ? performance : Date).now() console.debug('Chat.pullMessages', `took ${(end - start) / 1000}s`) return } let messages = payload.messages if (this.knows.from !== undefined && this.knows.to !== undefined) { messages = messages.filter((message) => { return !( this.knows.from <= message.messageID && message.messageID <= this.knows.to ) }) } if (this.knows.from === undefined || payload.from < this.knows.from) this.knows.from = payload.from if (this.knows.to === undefined || payload.to > this.knows.to) this.knows.to = payload.to this.queuedMessages.push(messages) const end = (performance ? performance : Date).now() console.debug('Chat.pullMessages', `took ${(end - start) / 1000}s`) this.processMessagesThrottled() } handleError(error) { if (this.firstFailure === null) { console.error( 'Chat.handleError', `Request failed, 30 seconds until shutdown` ) this.firstFailure = Date.now() this.ui.connectionWarning.show() } console.debugException(error) if (Date.now() - this.firstFailure >= 30e3) { console.error('Chat.handleError', ' Failures for 30 seconds, aborting') this.hcf(error) } } async processMessages() { console.debug('Chat.processMessages', 'Processing messages') const start = (performance ? performance : Date).now() const messages = [].concat(...this.queuedMessages) this.queuedMessages = [] if (messages.length === 0) return await Promise.all( messages.map(async (message) => { this.bottle.container.ProfileStore.pushLastActivity(message.userID) return message.getMessageType().preProcess(message) }) ) const updateUserList = messages.some((message) => { return message.getMessageType().shouldUpdateUserList(message) }) if (updateUserList) { this.updateUsers() } await this.bottle.container.ProfileStore.ensureUsersByIDs( [].concat( ...messages.map((message) => message.getMessageType().getReferencedUsers(message) ) ) ) messages.forEach((message) => { message.getMessageType().preRender(message) }) this.messageSinks.forEach((sink) => sink.ingest(messages)) const end = (performance ? performance : Date).now() console.debug('Chat.processMessages', `took ${(end - start) / 1000}s`) } async updateUsers() { console.debug('Chat.updateUsers') const users = await this.bottle.container.Room.getUsers() await this.bottle.container.ProfileStore.ensureUsersByIDs( users.map((user) => user.userID) ) this.ui.userList.render(users) } } return Chat })