* @package be.bastelstu.chat * @subpackage page */ class NewMessagesPage extends \wcf\page\AbstractPage { /** * @see wcf\page\AbstractPage::$loginRequired */ public $loginRequired = true; /** * The new and unseen messages. * * @var array<\wcf\data\chat\message\ChatMessage> */ public $messages = array(); /** * @see \wcf\page\AbstractPage::$neededModules */ public $neededModules = array('MODULE_CHAT'); /** * @see \wcf\page\AbstractPage::$neededPermissions */ public $neededPermissions = array(); /** * The room the user joined. * * @var \chat\data\room\Room */ public $room = null; /** * All the users that are currently in the room $this->room. * * @var array<\wcf\data\user\User> */ public $users = array(); /** * @see \wcf\page\AbstractPage::$useTemplate */ public $useTemplate = false; /** * @see \wcf\page\Page::readData() */ public function readData() { parent::readData(); $this->readRoom(); $this->readMessages(); $this->users = $this->room->getUsers(); $roomAction = new data\room\RoomAction(array(), 'removeDeadUsers'); $roomAction->executeAction(); } /** * Fetches the new messages */ public function readMessages() { $this->messages = data\message\MessageList::getMessagesSince($this->room, \chat\util\ChatUtil::readUserData('lastSeen')); // update last seen message $sql = "SELECT MAX(messageID) FROM chat".WCF_N."_message"; $stmt = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $stmt->execute(); \chat\util\ChatUtil::writeUserData(array( 'lastSeen' => $stmt->fetchColumn(), 'lastActivity' => TIME_NOW )); } /** * Initializes the room databaseobject. */ public function readRoom() { $roomID = \chat\util\ChatUtil::readUserData('roomID'); $this->room = \chat\data\room\RoomCache::getInstance()->getRoom($roomID); if (!$this->room) throw new IllegalLinkException(); if (!$this->room->canEnter()) throw new \wcf\system\exception\PermissionDeniedException(); } /** * @see \wcf\page\IPage::show() */ public function show() { parent::show(); @header('Content-type: application/json'); // enable gzip compression if (HTTP_ENABLE_GZIP && HTTP_GZIP_LEVEL > 0 && HTTP_GZIP_LEVEL < 10 && !defined('HTTP_DISABLE_GZIP')) { \wcf\util\HeaderUtil::compressOutput(); } $json = array('users' => array(), 'messages' => array()); foreach ($this->messages as $message) { $json['messages'][] = $message->jsonify(true); } \wcf\system\user\storage\UserStorageHandler::getInstance()->loadStorage(array_keys($this->users->getObjects())); foreach ($this->users as $user) { $json['users'][] = array( 'userID' => (int) $user->userID, 'username' => $user->username, 'awayStatus' => $user->awayStatus, 'suspended' => (boolean) !$this->room->canWrite($user->getDecoratedObject()), 'avatar' => array( 16 => $user->getAvatar()->getImageTag(16), 24 => $user->getAvatar()->getImageTag(24), 32 => $user->getAvatar()->getImageTag(32), 48 => $user->getAvatar()->getImageTag(48) ), 'link' => \wcf\system\request\LinkHandler::getInstance()->getLink('User', array( 'user' => $user->getDecoratedObject() )) ); } if (ENABLE_BENCHMARK) { $b = \wcf\system\benchmark\Benchmark::getInstance(); $items = array(); if (ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE) { foreach ($b->getItems() as $item) { $items[] = array('text' => $item['text'], 'use' => $item['use']); } } $json['benchmark'] = array( 'time' => $b->getExecutionTime(), 'queryTime' => $b->getQueryExecutionTime(), 'queryPercent' => $b->getQueryExecutionTime() / $b->getExecutionTime(), 'items' => $items ); } echo \wcf\util\JSON::encode($json); exit; } }