/** * Styles for Tim’s Chat * * @author Tim Düsterhus, Maximilian Mader * @copyright 2010-2014 Tim Düsterhus * @license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike * @package be.bastelstu.chat */ @-webkit-keyframes timsChatNotify { from { border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; } to { border-color: @wcfInputHoverBorderColor; } } @-moz-keyframes timsChatNotify { from { border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; } to { border-color: @wcfInputHoverBorderColor; } } @-o-keyframes timsChatNotify { from { border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; } to { border-color: @wcfInputHoverBorderColor; } } @keyframes timsChatNotify { from { border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; } to { border-color: @wcfInputHoverBorderColor; } } // only apply styles to Tim’s Chat #tplChat { #content { // styles related to the topic container #timsChatTopic { position: relative; #timsChatTopicCloser { position: absolute; top: @wcfGapSmall; right: @wcfGapSmall; cursor: pointer; &:hover { color: @wcfLinkColor; } } } #timsChatMessageTabMenu { &.singleTab { > nav.tabMenu { // hide tab menu when single tabbed // this is “a bit” hacky display: none !important; } // overwrite WCF margin overwrite on tab menu content with WCF marginTop like margin // this is “a bit” hacky margin-top: @wcfGapMedium !important; > .tabMenuContent { } .timsChatMessageContainer { &.notify { -webkit-animation-duration: .2s; -webkit-animation-name: timsChatNotify; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 5; -webkit-animation-direction: alternate; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; -moz-animation-duration: .2s; -moz-animation-name: timsChatNotify; -moz-animation-iteration-count: 5; -moz-animation-direction: alternate; -moz-animation-timing-function: linear; -o-animation-duration: .2s; -o-animation-name: timsChatNotify; -o-animation-iteration-count: 5; -o-animation-direction: alternate; -o-animation-timing-function: linear; animation-duration: .2s; animation-name: timsChatNotify; animation-iteration-count: 5; animation-direction: alternate; animation-timing-function: linear; border-color: @wcfInputHoverBorderColor; } } } > nav.tabMenu { > ul { > li { > a { .notifyIcon { display: none; } > .icon, img { // fix vertical alignment of images in tabs vertical-align: middle; margin-right: @wcfGapTiny; } // styles related to the close button of private channels in tabs .jsChannelCloser { &:hover { color: @wcfLinkColor; } } } &.notify { .notifyIcon { display: inline; } } } } } } .timsChatMessageContainer { height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; .timsChatMarkContainer { display: none; } > ul { > .timsChatMessage { clear: both; &.unloaded { opacity: 0.5; } > .timsChatMessageIcon { float: left; margin-right: -16px; } > .timsChatInnerMessageContainer { position: relative; > .timsChatAvatarContainer { position: relative; float: left; margin-left: 16px; > .timsChatAvatarExtraIcon { position: absolute; bottom: -8px; right: -8px; } } .timsChatInnerMessage { margin-left: 32 + @wcfGapMedium; // size of avatars + a small gap padding-right: @wcfGapSmall; .timsChatUsernameContainer { // sender username > span:first-child { font-weight: bold; } } time { float: right; } } &.bubble { > .timsChatAvatarContainer { margin-left: 0px; } .timsChatInnerMessage { position: relative; padding: @wcfGapSmall; border-radius: @wcfContainerBorderRadius; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; > .timsChatText { li { border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; border-color: @wcfContainerBorderColor; padding: (@wcfGapTiny - 1) 0 @wcfGapTiny; &:last-child { border-style: none; padding: (@wcfGapTiny - 1) 0 0 0; } } } // :before and :after are used to create the little arrows on the “speech bubble containers” &:before, &:after { content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; width: 0; border-style: solid; } &:before{ border-color: transparent @wcfContainerBorderColor; left: -@wcfGapSmall; top: @wcfGapSmall; border-width: @wcfGapSmall @wcfGapSmall @wcfGapSmall 0; } &:after { border-color: transparent @wcfContainerBackgroundColor; left: -@wcfGapSmall + 1; top: @wcfGapSmall + 1; border-width: (@wcfGapSmall - 1) (@wcfGapSmall - 1) (@wcfGapSmall - 1) 0; } } &.right { > .timsChatAvatarContainer { float: right; } .timsChatInnerMessage { margin-right: 32 + @wcfGapMedium; margin-left: 0; &:before{ border-color: transparent @wcfContainerBorderColor; left: auto; right: -@wcfGapSmall; top: @wcfGapSmall; border-width: @wcfGapSmall 0 @wcfGapSmall @wcfGapSmall; } &:after { border-color: transparent @wcfContainerBackgroundColor; left: auto; right: -@wcfGapSmall + 1; top: @wcfGapSmall + 1; border-width: (@wcfGapSmall - 1) 0 (@wcfGapSmall - 1) (@wcfGapSmall - 1); } } } } } &:nth-child(even) { > .timsChatInnerMessageContainer { &.bubble { .timsChatInnerMessage { background-color: @wcfContainerAccentBackgroundColor; &:after { border-color: transparent @wcfContainerAccentBackgroundColor; } } } } } &:not(:last-child) { > .timsChatInnerMessageContainer { margin-bottom: @wcfGapSmall; } } } } &.markEnabled { > ul { > .timsChatMessage { &.jsMarked { > .timsChatInnerMessageContainer { .timsChatInnerMessage { background-color: @wcfSelectedBackgroundColor; color: @wcfSelectedColor; } &.bubble { .timsChatInnerMessage { &:after { border-color: transparent @wcfSelectedBackgroundColor; } } &.right { .timsChatInnerMessage { &:after { border-color: transparent @wcfSelectedBackgroundColor; } } } } } } > .timsChatInnerMessageContainer { .timsChatMarkContainer { display: inline-block; position: absolute; right: -@wcfGapLarge; top: 0; } } } } } } #smilies { .marginTop(); // don't display the smiley box on low resolution devices as a button will be shown instead @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { display: none; } &, &.invisible { -webkit-transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; } &.invisible { opacity: .5; } } #timsChatOptions { float: right; // styles related to the smiley button that replaces the smiley box on low resolution devices #timsChatSmileyPopupButton { display: none; @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { display: inline-block; } } // fix option buttons on low resolution devices, it will become a dropup not a dropdown > nav.buttonGroupNavigation { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { margin-right: @wcfGapSmall; > ul { right: 1px; top: auto; bottom: 24px; } } } // clear the float on the first element after the option container, maybe someone alters their templates and puts an element down there ;) + * { clear: right; } } } .sidebar { > div { > fieldset{ padding-right: @wcfGapTiny; > div { overflow-y: auto; > ul { padding-right: @wcfGapSmall; } } &#timsChatUserListContainer { > div { height: 250px; } } &#timsChatRoomListContainer { > div#timsChatRoomList { height: 150px; } } } } #timsChatUserList { > ul { > li { &.you { a { &:hover { text-decoration: none; cursor: default; } } } a { img { margin-right: @wcfGapTiny; } } } } } } #timsChatUploadInput { display: none; } #timsChatUploadContainer { .innerError { position: absolute; } } #timsChatCopyrightDialog { > div { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top; } } #fish { font-size: 2rem; } } // TODO html.fullscreen { &, body, #tplChat #main, #tplChat #main > div, #tplChat #main > div > div, #tplChat #content { width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; } #top, #pageHeader, #pageFooter { display: none; } }