/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2022-08-16 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ define([ '../console' , '../Helper' , 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Core' , 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Event/Key' , '../DataStructure/EventEmitter' , '../DataStructure/Throttle' ], function (console, Helper, Core, EventKey, EventEmitter, Throttle) { "use strict"; class Input { constructor() { this.inputContainer = elById('chatInputContainer') this.input = elBySel('textarea', this.inputContainer) this.charCounter = elBySel('.charCounter', this.inputContainer) this.errorElement = elBySel('.innerError', this.inputContainer) } bootstrap() { if (typeof window.elInnerError === 'function') { elRemove(this.errorElement) } this.input.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleInputKeyDown.bind(this)) this.input.addEventListener('input', Throttle(this.handleInput.bind(this))) Helper.makeFlexible(this.input) this.handleInput() } handleInput(event) { this.charCounter.textContent = `${this.input.value.length} / ${this.input.getAttribute('maxlength')}` this.emit('input') } handleInputKeyDown(event) { if (EventKey.Enter(event) && !event.shiftKey) { // prevent generation of a new line event.preventDefault() if (this.getText().length === 0) return const parameters = { cancel: false, input: this } this.emit('beforeSubmit', parameters) if (!parameters.cancel) { this.emit('submit') } } else if (EventKey.Tab(event)) { // prevent leaving the input event.preventDefault() this.emit('autocomplete') } } getText(raw = false) { if (raw) { return this.input.value } return this.input.value.trim() } select(start, end = undefined) { if (end === undefined) end = this.getText(true).length this.input.setSelectionRange(start, end) } focus() { this.input.focus() } insertText(text, options) { this.focus() options = Object.assign({ append: true , prepend: false }, options) if (!(options.append || options.prepend)) { // replace this.input.value = text } if (options.append) { this.input.value += text; } if (options.prepend) { this.input.value = text + this.input.value; } // always position caret at the end const length = this.input.value.length this.input.setSelectionRange(length, length) Core.triggerEvent(this.input, 'input') } inputError(message) { if (typeof window.elInnerError === 'function') { elInnerError(this.inputContainer.firstElementChild, message) } else { this.inputContainer.classList.add('formError') this.errorElement.textContent = message elShow(this.errorElement) } } hideInputError() { if (typeof window.elInnerError === 'function') { elInnerError(this.inputContainer.firstElementChild, false) } else { this.inputContainer.classList.remove('formError') this.errorElement.textContent = '' elHide(this.errorElement) } } } EventEmitter(Input.prototype) return Input });