<?php /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License * included in the LICENSE file. * * Change Date: 2024-10-20 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source * License, use of this software will be governed by version 2 * or later of the General Public License. */ namespace chat\system\command; use \chat\data\message\MessageAction; use \chat\data\room\Room; use \wcf\data\user\UserProfile; use \wcf\system\exception\PermissionDeniedException; use \wcf\system\exception\UserInputException; use \wcf\system\WCF; /** * The temproom command allows a user to manage temporary rooms. */ class TemproomCommand extends AbstractCommand implements ICommand { use TNeedsUser; /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getJavaScriptModuleName() { return 'Bastelstu.be/Chat/Command/Temproom'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function validate($parameters, Room $room, UserProfile $user = null) { if ($user === null) $user = new UserProfile(WCF::getUser()); switch ($this->assertParameter($parameters, 'type')) { case 'create': if (!$user->getPermission('user.chat.canTemproom')) throw new PermissionDeniedException(); break; case 'invite': if (!$room->isTemporary) throw new UserInputException('message', WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable('chat.error.notInTemproom')); if ($room->ownerID !== $user->userID) throw new PermissionDeniedException(); $recipient = new UserProfile($this->assertUser($this->assertParameter($parameters, 'username'))); if ($recipient->isIgnoredUser($user->userID)) throw new UserInputException('message', WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable('chat.error.userIgnoresYou', [ 'user' => $recipient ])); break; case 'delete': if (!$room->isTemporary) throw new UserInputException('message', WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable('chat.error.notInTemproom')); if ($room->ownerID !== $user->userID) throw new PermissionDeniedException(); break; default: throw new UserInputException('message'); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function execute($parameters, Room $room, UserProfile $user = null) { if ($user === null) $user = new UserProfile(WCF::getUser()); switch ($this->assertParameter($parameters, 'type')) { case 'create': $fields = [ 'title' => WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable('chat.room.temporary.blueprint', [ 'user' => $user ]) , 'topic' => '' , 'position' => 999 , 'isTemporary' => true , 'ownerID' => $user->userID ]; WCF::getDB()->beginTransaction(); // create room $tempRoom = (new \chat\data\room\RoomAction([], 'create', [ 'data' => $fields ]))->executeAction()['returnValues']; $objectTypeID = $this->getMessageObjectTypeID('be.bastelstu.chat.messageType.temproomCreated'); (new MessageAction([ ], 'create', [ 'data' => [ 'roomID' => $room->roomID , 'userID' => $user->userID , 'username' => $user->username , 'time' => TIME_NOW , 'objectTypeID' => $objectTypeID , 'payload' => serialize([ 'room' => $tempRoom ]) ] , 'updateTimestamp' => true ] ) )->executeAction(); WCF::getDB()->commitTransaction(); return; case 'invite': $recipient = $this->getUser($this->assertParameter($parameters, 'username')); WCF::getDB()->beginTransaction(); try { $sql = "INSERT INTO chat".WCF_N."_room_temporary_invite (userID, roomID) VALUES (?, ?)"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $recipient->userID, $room->roomID ]); } catch (\wcf\system\database\DatabaseException $e) { WCF::getDB()->rollBackTransaction(); // Duplicate key errors don't cause harm. if ((string) $e->getCode() !== '23000') throw $e; return; } $objectTypeID = $this->getMessageObjectTypeID('be.bastelstu.chat.messageType.temproomInvited'); (new MessageAction([ ], 'create', [ 'data' => [ 'roomID' => $room->roomID , 'userID' => $user->userID , 'username' => $user->username , 'time' => TIME_NOW , 'objectTypeID' => $objectTypeID , 'payload' => serialize([ 'recipient' => $recipient->userID , 'recipientName' => $recipient->username ]) ] , 'updateTimestamp' => true ] ) )->executeAction(); WCF::getDB()->commitTransaction(); return; case 'delete': (new \chat\data\room\RoomAction([ $room ], 'delete'))->executeAction(); return; default: throw new UserInputException('message'); } } }