* @package be.bastelstu.chat * @subpackage data.room */ class RoomAction extends \wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction implements \wcf\data\ISortableAction { /** * @see \wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction::$className */ protected $className = '\chat\data\room\RoomEditor'; /** * @see \wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction::$permissionsDelete */ protected $permissionsDelete = array('admin.chat.canDeleteRoom'); /** * @see \wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction::$permissionsUpdate */ protected $permissionsUpdate = array('admin.chat.canEditRoom'); /** * Resets cache if any of the listed actions is invoked * @var array */ protected $resetCache = array('create', 'delete', 'toggle', 'update', 'updatePosition', 'prune'); /** * Fixes create to append new rooms. */ public function create() { $room = parent::create(); WCF::getDB()->beginTransaction(); $sql = "SELECT MAX(position) FROM ".call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getDatabaseTableName'))." FOR UPDATE"; $stmt = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $stmt->execute(); $editor = new RoomEditor($room); $editor->update(array('position' => ($stmt->fetchColumn() + 1))); WCF::getDB()->commitTransaction(); return $room; } /** * Deletes temporary rooms that are unused. * * @return integer Number of deleted rooms */ public function prune() { $sql = "SELECT ".call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getDatabaseTableIndexName'))." FROM ".call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getDatabaseTableName'))." WHERE permanent = ? AND roomID NOT IN ( SELECT fieldValue AS roomID FROM wcf".WCF_N."_user_storage WHERE field = ? AND fieldValue IS NOT NULL )"; $stmt = \wcf\system\WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $stmt->execute(array(0, 'roomID')); $objectIDs = array(); while ($objectIDs[] = $stmt->fetchColumn()); return call_user_func(array($this->className, 'deleteAll'), $objectIDs); } /** * @see wcf\data\ISortableAction::validateUpdatePosition() */ public function validateUpdatePosition() { // validate permissions if (is_array($this->permissionsUpdate) && count($this->permissionsUpdate)) { WCF::getSession()->checkPermissions($this->permissionsUpdate); } else { throw new \wcf\system\exception\PermissionDeniedException(); } if (!isset($this->parameters['data']['structure'])) { throw new \wcf\system\exception\UserInputException('structure'); } } /** * @see wcf\data\ISortableAction::updatePosition() */ public function updatePosition() { $roomList = new RoomList(); $roomList->readObjects(); $i = 0; WCF::getDB()->beginTransaction(); foreach ($this->parameters['data']['structure'][0] as $roomID) { $room = $roomList->search($roomID); if ($room === null) continue; $editor = new RoomEditor($room); $editor->update(array('position' => $i++)); } WCF::getDB()->commitTransaction(); } /** * Validates parameters and permissions. */ public function validateGetRoomList() { if (!CHAT_ACTIVE) throw new \wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException(); $rooms = Room::getCache(); $roomID = ChatUtil::readUserData('roomID'); if (!isset($rooms[$roomID])) { throw new \wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException(); } $this->parameters['room'] = $rooms[$roomID]; } /** * Returns the available rooms. */ public function getRoomList() { $rooms = Room::getCache(); $result = array(); foreach ($rooms as $room) { if (!$room->canEnter()) continue; $result[] = array( 'title' => (string) $room, 'link' => \wcf\system\request\LinkHandler::getInstance()->getLink('Chat', array( 'application' => 'chat', 'object' => $room )), 'active' => $room->roomID == $this->parameters['room']->roomID ); } return $result; } /** * Validates parameters and permissions. */ public function validateLeave() { if (!CHAT_ACTIVE) throw new \wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException(); unset($this->parameters['user']); $rooms = Room::getCache(); $roomID = ChatUtil::readUserData('roomID'); if (!isset($rooms[$roomID])) throw new \wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException(); } /** * Leaves the room. */ public function leave() { // user cannot be set during an AJAX request may be set by the chat itself if (!isset($this->parameters['user'])) { $this->parameters['user'] = WCF::getUser(); } $rooms = Room::getCache(); $roomID = ChatUtil::readUserData('roomID', $this->parameters['user']); if (!isset($rooms[$roomID])) throw new \wcf\system\exception\UserInputException(); $activeRoom = $rooms[$roomID]; if (CHAT_DISPLAY_JOIN_LEAVE) { $userData['color'] = ChatUtil::readUserData('color', $this->parameters['user']); // leave message $messageAction = new \chat\data\message\MessageAction(array(), 'create', array( 'data' => array( 'roomID' => $activeRoom->roomID, 'sender' => $this->parameters['user']->userID, 'username' => $this->parameters['user']->username, 'time' => TIME_NOW, 'type' => \chat\data\message\Message::TYPE_LEAVE, 'message' => '', 'color1' => $userData['color'][1], 'color2' => $userData['color'][2] ) )); $messageAction->executeAction(); } // set current room to null ChatUtil::writeUserData(array('roomID' => null), $this->parameters['user']); \wcf\system\nodePush\NodePushHandler::getInstance()->sendMessage('be.bastelstu.chat.join'); } /** * Validates permissions. */ public function validateGetDashboardRoomList() { if (!CHAT_ACTIVE) throw new \wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException(); } /** * Returns dashboard roomlist. */ public function getDashboardRoomList() { $rooms = Room::getCache(); foreach ($rooms as $key => $room) { if (!$room->canEnter()) unset($rooms[$key]); } \wcf\system\WCF::getTPL()->assign(array( 'rooms' => $rooms, 'onlyList' => true )); return array( 'template' => \wcf\system\WCF::getTPL()->fetch('dashboardBoxOnlineList', 'chat') ); } }