/** * TimWolla.WCF.Chat * * @author Tim Düsterhus * @copyright 2010-2011 Tim Düsterhus * @license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike * @package timwolla.wcf.chat */ if (typeof TimWolla == 'undefined') var TimWolla = {}; if (typeof TimWolla.WCF == 'undefined') TimWolla.WCF = {}; (function ($, document) { TimWolla.WCF.Chat = { titleTemplate: null, messageTemplate: null, init: function(roomID, messageID) { this.bindEvents(); this.refreshRoomList(); new WCF.PeriodicalExecuter($.proxy(this.refreshRoomList, this), 10e3); $('#chatInput').focus(); }, /** * Binds all the events needed for Tims Chat. */ bindEvents: function () { $('.smiley').click($.proxy(function (event) { this.insertText(' '+$(event.target).attr('alt')+' '); }, this)); // $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() { // return false; // }); $('.chatSidebarTabs li').click($.proxy(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.toggleSidebarContent($(event.target)); }, this)); $('.chatUser .chatUserLink').click($.proxy(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.toggleUserMenu($(event.target)); }, this)); $('#chatForm').submit($.proxy(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.submit($(event.target)); }, this)); $('#chatClear').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $('.chatMessage').remove(); $('#chatInput').focus(); }); $('.chatToggle').click(function (event) { var element = $(this); var icon = $('img', element); if (element.data('status') == '1') { element.data('status', 0); icon.attr('src', icon.attr('src').replace(/enabled(\d?).([a-z]{3})$/, 'disabled$1.$2')); element.attr('title', element.data('enableMessage')); } else { element.data('status', 1); icon.attr('src', icon.attr('src').replace(/disabled(\d?).([a-z]{3})$/, 'enabled$1.$2')); element.attr('title', element.data('disableMessage')); } }); }, /** * Changes the chat-room. * * @param object target */ changeRoom: function (target) { window.history.replaceState({}, '', target.attr('href')); // actually change the room $.ajax(target.attr('href'), { dataType: 'json', data: { ajax: 1 }, type: 'POST', success: $.proxy(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { this.loading = false; target.parent().removeClass('ajaxLoad'); // mark as active; $('.activeMenuItem .chatRoom').parent().removeClass('activeMenuItem'); target.parent().addClass('activeMenuItem'); // set new topic if (data.topic == '') { if (data.topic == '' && $('#topic').text().trim() == '') return; $('#topic').wcfBlindOut('vertical', function () { $(this).text(''); }); } else { if ($('#topic').text().trim() != '') $('#topic').text(data.topic); else { $('#topic').text(data.topic); $('#topic').wcfBlindIn(); } } // set page-title $('title').text(this.titleTemplate.fetch(data)); }, this), error: function() { // reload page to change the room the old fashion-way // inclusive the error-message :) window.location.reload(true); }, beforeSend: $.proxy(function () { if (this.loading || target.parent().hasClass('activeMenuItem')) return false; this.loading = true; target.parent().addClass('ajaxLoad'); }, this) }); }, getMessages: function () { }, /** * Appends the messages. * * @param array messages */ handleMessages: function (messages) { for (message in messages) { message = messages[message]; output = this.messageTemplate.fetch(message); li = $('
  • '); li.addClass('chatMessage chatMessage'+message.type); if (message.sender == WCF.User.userID) li.addClass('ownMessage'); li.append(output); $('.chatMessageContainer ul').append(li); } $('.chatMessageContainer').animate({ scrollTop: $('.chatMessageContainer ul').height() }, 10000); }, /** * Inserts text into the chat-input. * * @param string text * @param object options */ insertText: function (text, options) { options = $.extend({ append: true, submit: false }, options || {}); if (options.append) { text = $('#chatInput').val() + text; if(text.length > this.config.maxTextLength) { $('#chatInput').focus(); return; } } $('#chatInput').val(text); $('#chatInput').trigger('keyup'); if (options.submit) $('#chatForm').submit(); else $('#chatInput').focus(); }, refreshRoomList: function() { $('.chatRoom').unbind('click'); $('#toggleRooms a').addClass('ajaxLoad'); $.ajax($('#toggleRooms a').data('refreshUrl'), { dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', success: $.proxy(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $('#chatRoomList li').remove(); $('#toggleRooms a').removeClass('ajaxLoad'); for (var room in data) { var li = $('
  • '); if (data[room].active) li.addClass('activeMenuItem'); $(''+data[room].title+'').addClass('chatRoom').appendTo(li); $('#chatRoomList ul').append(li); } $('.chatRoom').click($.proxy(function (event) { if (typeof window.history.replaceState != 'undefined') { event.preventDefault(); this.changeRoom($(event.target)); } }, this)); }, this) }); }, submit: function (target) { // break if input contains only whitespace if ($('#chatInput').val().trim().length === 0) return false; $.ajax($('#chatForm').attr('action'), { data: { text: $('#chatInput').val() }, type: 'POST', beforeSend: $.proxy(function (jqXHR) { $('#chatInput').addClass('ajaxLoad'); }), success: $.proxy(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { this.getMessages(); $('#chatInput').val('').focus(); $('#chatInput').trigger('keyup'); }, this), complete: function() { $('#chatInput').removeClass('ajaxLoad'); } }); }, toggleSidebarContent: function (target) { if (target.parent().hasClass('active')) return; if (target.parent().attr('id') == "toggleUsers") { $('#toggleUsers').addClass('active'); $('#toggleRooms').removeClass('active'); $('#chatRoomList').hide(); $('#chatUserList').show(); } else if (target.parent().attr('id') == "toggleRooms") { $('#toggleRooms').addClass('active'); $('#toggleUsers').removeClass('active'); $('#chatUserList').hide(); $('#chatRoomList').show(); } }, toggleUserMenu: function (target) { liUserID = '#' + target.parent().parent().attr('id'); if ($(liUserID).hasClass('activeMenuItem')) { $(liUserID + ' .chatUserMenu').wcfBlindOut('vertical', function () { $(liUserID).removeClass('activeMenuItem'); }); } else { $(liUserID).addClass('activeMenuItem'); $(liUserID + ' .chatUserMenu').wcfBlindIn(); } } }; })(jQuery, document);