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synced 2025-03-13 08:44:52 +00:00
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* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Tim Düsterhus.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the LICENSE file.
* Change Date: 2024-03-25
* On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source
* License, use of this software will be governed by version 2
* or later of the General Public License.
namespace chat\data\message;
use \chat\data\command\CommandCache;
use \chat\data\room\RoomCache;
use \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectTypeCache;
use \wcf\system\exception\PermissionDeniedException;
use \wcf\system\exception\UserInputException;
use \wcf\system\user\activity\point\UserActivityPointHandler;
use \wcf\system\WCF;
* Executes chat user-related actions.
class MessageAction extends \wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction {
* @inheritDoc
public function create() {
$message = parent::create();
if (isset($this->parameters['updateTimestamp']) && $this->parameters['updateTimestamp']) {
$sql = "UPDATE chat".WCF_N."_room_to_user SET lastPush = ? WHERE roomID = ? AND userID = ?";
$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
$statement->execute([ TIME_NOW, $message->roomID, $message->userID ]);
if (isset($this->parameters['grantPoints']) && $this->parameters['grantPoints']) {
UserActivityPointHandler::getInstance()->fireEvent('be.bastelstu.chat.activityPointEvent.message', $message->messageID, $message->userID);
$pushHandler = \wcf\system\push\PushHandler::getInstance();
if ($pushHandler->isEnabled() && in_array('target:channels', $pushHandler->getFeatureFlags())) {
$fastSelect = $message->getMessageType()->getProcessor()->supportsFastSelect();
if ($fastSelect) {
$target = [ 'channels' => [ 'be.bastelstu.chat.room-'.$message->roomID ] ];
else {
$target = [ 'channels' => [ 'be.bastelstu.chat' ] ];
$pushHandler->sendMessage([ 'message' => 'be.bastelstu.chat.message'
, 'target' => $target
return $message;
* Validates parameters and permissions.
public function validateTrash() {
// read objects
if (empty($this->objects)) {
if (empty($this->objects)) {
throw new UserInputException('objectIDs');
foreach ($this->getObjects() as $message) {
if ($message->isDeleted) continue;
$messageType = $message->getMessageType()->getProcessor();
if (!($messageType instanceof \chat\system\message\type\IDeletableMessageType) || !$messageType->canDelete($message->getDecoratedObject())) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException();
* Marks this message as deleted and creates a tombstone message.
* Note: Contrary to other applications there is no way to undelete a message.
public function trash() {
if (empty($this->objects)) {
$data = [ 'isDeleted' => 1
$objectTypeID = ObjectTypeCache::getInstance()->getObjectTypeIDByName('be.bastelstu.chat.messageType', 'be.bastelstu.chat.messageType.tombstone');
if (!$objectTypeID) {
throw new \LogicException('Missing object type');
$objectAction = new static($this->getObjects(), 'update', [ 'data' => $data ]);
foreach ($this->getObjects() as $message) {
if ($message->isDeleted) continue;
(new MessageAction([ ], 'create', [ 'data' => [ 'roomID' => $message->roomID
, 'userID' => null
, 'username' => ''
, 'time' => TIME_NOW
, 'objectTypeID' => $objectTypeID
, 'payload' => serialize([ 'messageID' => $message->messageID ])
* Prunes chat messages older than chat_log_archivetime days.
public function prune() {
// Check whether pruning is disabled.
$sql = "SELECT messageID
FROM chat".WCF_N."_message
WHERE time < ?";
$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
$statement->execute([ TIME_NOW - CHAT_LOG_ARCHIVETIME * 86400 ]);
$messageIDs = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
return call_user_func([$this->className, 'deleteAll'], $messageIDs);
* Validates parameters and permissions.
public function validatePull() {
$this->readString('sessionID', true);
if ($this->parameters['sessionID']) {
$this->parameters['sessionID'] = pack('H*', str_replace('-', '', $this->parameters['sessionID']));
$this->readBoolean('inLog', true);
$room = RoomCache::getInstance()->getRoom($this->parameters['roomID']);
if ($room === null) throw new UserInputException('roomID');
if (!$room->canSee($user = null, $reason)) throw $reason;
$user = new \chat\data\user\User(WCF::getUser());
if (!$this->parameters['inLog'] && !$user->isInRoom($room)) throw new PermissionDeniedException();
if ($this->parameters['inLog'] && !$room->canSeeLog(null, $reason)) throw $reason;
$this->readInteger('from', true);
$this->readInteger('to', true);
// One may not pass both 'from' and 'to'
if ($this->parameters['from'] && $this->parameters['to']) {
throw new UserInputException();
* Pulls messages for the given room.
public function pull() {
$room = RoomCache::getInstance()->getRoom($this->parameters['roomID']);
if ($room === null) throw new UserInputException('roomID');
if (($sessionID = $this->parameters['sessionID'])) {
if (strlen($sessionID) !== 16) throw new UserInputException('sessionID');
(new \chat\data\user\UserAction([], 'clearDeadSessions'))->executeAction();
// update timestamp
$sql = "UPDATE chat".WCF_N."_room_to_user
SET lastPull = ?
WHERE roomID = ?
AND userID = ?";
$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
$statement->execute([ TIME_NOW
, $room->roomID
, WCF::getUser()->userID
$sql = "UPDATE chat".WCF_N."_session
SET lastRequest = ?
WHERE roomID = ?
AND userID = ?
AND sessionID = ?";
$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
$statement->execute([ TIME_NOW
, $room->roomID
, WCF::getUser()->userID
, $sessionID
// Determine message types supporting fast select
$objectTypes = \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectTypeCache::getInstance()->getObjectTypes('be.bastelstu.chat.messageType');
$fastSelect = array_map(function ($item) {
return $item->objectTypeID;
}, array_filter($objectTypes, function ($item) {
return $item->getProcessor()->supportsFastSelect();
// Build fast select filter
$condition = new \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
$condition->add('((roomID = ? AND objectTypeID IN (?)) OR objectTypeID NOT IN (?))', [ $room->roomID, $fastSelect, $fastSelect ]);
$sortOrder = 'DESC';
// Add offset
if ($this->parameters['from']) {
$condition->add('messageID >= ?', [ $this->parameters['from'] ]);
$sortOrder = 'ASC';
if ($this->parameters['to']) {
$condition->add('messageID <= ?', [ $this->parameters['to'] ]);
$sql = "SELECT messageID
FROM chat".WCF_N."_message
ORDER BY messageID ".$sortOrder;
$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql, 20);
$messageIDs = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
$objectList = new MessageList();
$objects = $objectList->getObjects();
$canSeeLog = $room->canSeeLog();
$messages = array_map(function (Message $item) use ($room) {
return new ViewableMessage($item, $room);
}, array_filter($objects, function (Message $message) use ($canSeeLog, $room) {
if ($this->parameters['inLog'] || $message->isInLog()) {
return $canSeeLog && $message->getMessageType()->getProcessor()->canSeeInLog($message, $room);
else {
return $message->getMessageType()->getProcessor()->canSee($message, $room);
$embeddedObjectMessageIDs = array_map(function ($message) {
return $message->messageID;
}, array_filter($messages, function ($message) {
return $message->hasEmbeddedObjects;
if (!empty($embeddedObjectMessageIDs)) {
// load embedded objects
\wcf\system\message\embedded\object\MessageEmbeddedObjectManager::getInstance()->loadObjects('be.bastelstu.chat.message', $embeddedObjectMessageIDs);
return [ 'messages' => $messages
, 'from' => $this->parameters['from'] ?: (!empty($objects) ? reset($objects)->messageID : $this->parameters['to'] + 1)
, 'to' => $this->parameters['to'] ?: (!empty($objects) ? end($objects)->messageID : $this->parameters['from'] - 1)
* Validates parameters and permissions.
public function validatePush() {
$room = RoomCache::getInstance()->getRoom($this->parameters['roomID']);
if ($room === null) throw new UserInputException('roomID');
if (!$room->canSee($user = null, $reason)) throw $reason;
$user = new \chat\data\user\User(WCF::getUser());
if (!$user->isInRoom($room)) throw new PermissionDeniedException();
$command = CommandCache::getInstance()->getCommand($this->parameters['commandID']);
if ($command === null) throw new UserInputException('commandID');
if (!$command->hasTriggers()) {
if (!$command->getProcessor()->allowWithoutTrigger()) {
throw new UserInputException('commandID');
$this->readJSON('parameters', true);
* Pushes a new message into the given room.
public function push() {
$room = RoomCache::getInstance()->getRoom($this->parameters['roomID']);
if ($room === null) throw new UserInputException('roomID');
$command = CommandCache::getInstance()->getCommand($this->parameters['commandID']);
if ($command === null) throw new UserInputException('commandID');
$processor = $command->getProcessor();
$processor->validate($this->parameters['parameters'], $room);
$processor->execute($this->parameters['parameters'], $room);