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2018-05-25 03:04:25 +00:00
# This script parses Git blame's "porcelain" output format and
# ascertains the oldest lines of code seen.
# If you want to perform a custom report, just define your own callback
# function and invoke parse_porcelain() with it.
# The expected input format is slightly modified from raw `git blame
# -p`. Here is an example script for producing input:
# for f in `git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD`; do \
# echo "BEGIN_RECORD $f"; \
# git blame -l -t -M -C -n -w -p $f; \
# echo "END_RECORD $f"; \
# done
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
use POSIX qw(strftime);
our @STATES = qw(global header_first header_metadata);
our $RE_BEGIN_RECORD = qr/^BEGIN_RECORD\s(.*)$/msx;
our $RE_END_RECORD = qr/^END_RECORD\s(.*)$/msx;
our $RE_LINE_HEADER = qr/
([a-z0-9]{40}) # SHA
\s(\d+) # Original line number
\s(\d+) # Current line number
(?:\s(\d+))? # Number of lines in group (optional)
our $RE_HEADER_METADATA = qr/^([a-z-]+)\s(.*)$/msx;
our $RE_LINE_DATA = qr/^\t(.*)$/msx;
# Parses Git blame's porcelain output.
# Calls the supplied $onBlock callback function when a full block of
# code has been parsed. The function receives a hashref describing the
# block.
sub parse_porcelain {
my ($fh, $onBlock) = @_;
my $state = "global";
my $metadata = {};
my @lines;
my ($commit, $original_line, $current_line);
my $current_file;
my $callOnBlock = sub {
my $data = {};
$data->{'filename'} = $current_file;
$data->{'lines'} = \@lines;
$data->{'metadata'} = $metadata;
$data->{'commit'} = $commit;
@lines = ();
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ $RE_BEGIN_RECORD) {
$state eq "global" or die "Parser error. Unexpected BEGIN_RECORD.";
$current_file = $1;
$state = "header_first";
elsif ($line =~ $RE_END_RECORD) {
$1 eq $current_file or die "Parser error. END_RECORD mismatch!";
if ($onBlock and scalar(@lines)) {
$state = "global";
if ($state eq "header_first") {
$line =~ $RE_LINE_HEADER or die "Invalid initial header line! $line";
my ($new_commit, $new_original_line, $new_current_line, $block_count);
($new_commit, $new_original_line, $new_current_line, $block_count) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if ($block_count and $onBlock and scalar(@lines)) {
$commit = $new_commit;
$original_line = $new_original_line;
$current_line = $new_current_line;
$state = "header_metadata";
if ($state eq "header_metadata") {
# Lines beginning with a tab denote line content. Subsequent line(s)
# will be metadata for that line.
if ($line =~ $RE_LINE_DATA) {
my $content = $1;
push @lines, [$content, $original_line, $current_line];
$state = "header_first";
next if $line eq "boundary";
$line =~ $RE_HEADER_METADATA or die "Could not parse header metadata.";
my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
$metadata->{$k} = $v;
die "Unknown state!";
# onBlock callback that collects oldest commit times for blocks.
my $old_lines = {};
sub collect_times {
my ($data) = @_;
# We filter non-relevant lines.
my $have_content = 0;
foreach my $line (@{$data->{'lines'}}) {
my $s = $line->[0];
# Skip empty and whitespace.
next if $s =~ m/^\s*$/;
# Skip things looking like comments.
next if $s =~ m/^\s*(#|\/\/|\/\*|\*\/)/;
if ($s =~ m/[a-z0-9]/) {
$have_content = 1;
if (!$have_content) {
my $time = $data->{'metadata'}->{'committer-time'};
my $metadata = {};
$metadata->{'commit'} = $data->{'commit'};
$metadata->{'author'} = $data->{'metadata'}->{'author'};
$metadata->{'filename'} = $data->{'filename'};
$metadata->{'lines'} = [];
foreach my $line (@{$data->{'lines'}}) {
push @{$metadata->{'lines'}}, $line->[2];
push @{$old_lines->{$time}}, $metadata;
sub print_oldest_blocks {
my ($times) = @_;
foreach my $time (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$times) {
my $blocks = $times->{$time};
my $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime($time));
print "Time: $time ($date)\n";
foreach my $data (@$blocks) {
print " Commit: " . $data->{'commit'} . "\n";
print " Author: " . $data->{'author'} . "\n";
print " Filename: " . $data->{'filename'} . "\n";
print " Lines: " . join(', ', @{$data->{'lines'}}) . "\n";
parse_porcelain(*STDIN, \&collect_times);