Added AGB as a model option in Cocoa

This commit is contained in:
Lior Halphon 2018-01-13 13:16:33 +02:00
parent 2cd5c49935
commit 69a712b07f
2 changed files with 34 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
/* Todo: The general Objective-C coding style conflicts with SameBoy's. This file needs a cleanup. */
/* Todo: Split into category files! This is so messy!!! */
enum model {
@interface Document ()
/* NSTextViews freeze the entire app if they're modified too often and too quickly.
@ -43,6 +50,7 @@
NSMutableString *capturedOutput;
bool logToSideView;
bool shouldClearSideView;
enum model current_model;
@property GBAudioClient *audioClient;
@ -126,6 +134,7 @@ static void printImage(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *image, uint8_t height,
- (void) initDMG
current_model = MODEL_DMG;
[self initCommon];
GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"dmg_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]);
@ -135,7 +144,14 @@ static void printImage(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *image, uint8_t height,
[self initCommon];
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"EmulateAGB"]) {
current_model = MODEL_AGB;
GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"agb_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]);
else {
current_model = MODEL_CGB;
GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"cgb_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]);
- (void) initCommon
@ -214,17 +230,20 @@ static void printImage(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *image, uint8_t height,
[self stop];
if ([sender tag] == 0) {
if ([sender tag] == MODEL_NONE) {
else {
GB_switch_model_and_reset(&gb, [sender tag] == 2);
GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[sender tag] == 2? @"cgb_boot" : @"dmg_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]);
current_model = (enum model)[sender tag];
GB_switch_model_and_reset(&gb, current_model != MODEL_DMG);
static NSString * const boot_names[] = {@"dmg_boot", @"cgb_boot", @"agb_boot"};
GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:boot_names[current_model - 1] ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]);
if ([sender tag] != 0) {
/* User explictly selected a model, save the preference */
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:[sender tag] == 1 forKey:@"EmulateDMG"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:current_model == MODEL_DMG forKey:@"EmulateDMG"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:current_model== MODEL_AGB forKey:@"EmulateAGB"];
/* Reload the ROM, SAV and SYM files */
@ -441,8 +460,8 @@ static void printImage(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *image, uint8_t height,
[(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:(!running) || (GB_debugger_is_stopped(&gb))];
return !GB_debugger_is_stopped(&gb);
else if ([anItem action] == @selector(reset:) && anItem.tag != 0) {
[(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:(anItem.tag == 1 && !GB_is_cgb(&gb)) || (anItem.tag == 2 && GB_is_cgb(&gb))];
else if ([anItem action] == @selector(reset:) && anItem.tag != MODEL_NONE) {
[(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:anItem.tag == current_model];
else if ([anItem action] == @selector(toggleBlend:)) {
[(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:self.view.shouldBlendFrameWithPrevious];

View File

@ -311,18 +311,24 @@
<menuItem isSeparatorItem="YES" id="5GS-tt-E0a"/>
<menuItem title="Gameboy" tag="1" id="vc7-yy-ARW">
<menuItem title="Game Boy" tag="1" id="vc7-yy-ARW">
<modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask"/>
<action selector="reset:" target="-1" id="E4M-QG-ua9"/>
<menuItem title="Gameboy Color" tag="2" id="hdG-Bl-8nJ">
<menuItem title="Game Boy Color" tag="2" id="hdG-Bl-8nJ">
<modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask"/>
<action selector="reset:" target="-1" id="xAz-cr-0u2"/>
<menuItem title="Game Boy Advance" tag="3" id="7jw-B1-tf5">
<modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask"/>
<action selector="reset:" target="-1" id="xQk-4e-kd7"/>
<menuItem isSeparatorItem="YES" id="DPb-Sh-5tg"/>
<menuItem title="Mute Sound" keyEquivalent="m" id="1UK-8n-QPP">