This commit is contained in:
Lior Halphon 2020-05-10 00:38:06 +03:00
commit ca24f54bee

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@ -181,8 +181,7 @@ ENDC
dec c
jr nz, .expandPalettesLoop
ld hl, BgPalettes
call LoadBGPalettes64
call LoadPalettesFromHRAM
; Turn on LCD
ld a, $91
@ -530,7 +529,7 @@ Palettes:
dw $7FFF, $7FEA, $7D5F, $0000 ; CGA 1
dw $4778, $3290, $1D87, $0861 ; DMG LCD
db 1 * 3 ; Right
db 48 * 3 ; Left
db 5 * 3 ; Up
@ -795,7 +794,6 @@ IF !DEF(FAST)
ld c, 32 ; 32 colors to fade
ld hl, BgPalettes
push hl
push bc
@ -848,8 +846,7 @@ IF !DEF(FAST)
jr nz, .frameLoop
call WaitFrame
pop hl
call LoadBGPalettes64
call LoadPalettesFromHRAM
call WaitFrame
dec b
jr nz, .fadeLoop
@ -907,7 +904,7 @@ ENDC
ld hl, KeyCombinationPalettes - 1 ; Return value is 1-based, 0 means nothing down
ld c ,a
ld c, a
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
@ -1006,6 +1003,7 @@ GetPaletteIndex:
xor a
; optimizations in callers rely on this returning with b = 0
ld hl, PaletteCombinations
ld b, 0
@ -1022,7 +1020,7 @@ LoadPalettesFromIndex: ; a = index of combination
ld a, [hli]
push hl
ld hl, Palettes
ld b, 0
; b is already 0
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld d, 8
@ -1035,15 +1033,15 @@ LoadPalettesFromIndex: ; a = index of combination
jr .loadObjPalette
;BG Palette
ld a, [hli]
ld c, [hl]
; b is already 0
ld hl, Palettes
ld b, 0
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld d, 8
jr LoadBGPalettes
ld hl, BgPalettes
ld d, 64
@ -1076,6 +1074,7 @@ _ClearVRAMViaHDMA:
jr nz, .loop
; clobbers AF and HL
ld a, $20 ; Select directions
ldh [$00], a
@ -1083,11 +1082,10 @@ GetInputPaletteIndex:
and $F
ret z ; No direction keys pressed, no palette
push bc
ld c, 0
ld l, 0
inc c
inc l
jr nc, .directionLoop
@ -1100,15 +1098,13 @@ GetInputPaletteIndex:
and $C
add c
ld b, a
add l
ld l, a
ldh a, [InputPalette]
ld c, a
ld a, b
ldh [InputPalette], a
cp c
pop bc
cp l
ret z ; No change, don't load
ld a, l
ldh [InputPalette], a
; Slide into change Animation Palette
@ -1118,10 +1114,8 @@ ChangeAnimationPalette:
call GetPaletteCombo
inc l
inc l
ld a, [hl]
ld c, [hl]
ld hl, Palettes + 1
ld b, 0
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld a, [hld]
cp $7F ; Is white color?
@ -1186,8 +1180,7 @@ ChangeAnimationPalette:
call WaitFrame
ld hl, BgPalettes
call LoadBGPalettes64
call LoadPalettesFromHRAM
; Delay the wait loop while the user is selecting a palette
ld a, 45
ldh [WaitLoopCounter], a