// // HFRepresenterVerticalScroller.m // HexFiend_2 // // Copyright 2007 ridiculous_fish. All rights reserved. // /* Note that on Tiger, NSScroller did not support double in any meaningful way; [scroller doubleValue] always returns 0, and setDoubleValue: doesn't look like it works either. */ #import <HexFiend/HFVerticalScrollerRepresenter.h> @implementation HFVerticalScrollerRepresenter /* No special NSCoding support needed */ - (NSView *)createView { NSScroller *scroller = [[NSScroller alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, [NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize scrollerStyle:NSScrollerStyleLegacy], 64)]; [scroller setTarget:self]; [scroller setContinuous:YES]; [scroller setEnabled:YES]; [scroller setTarget:self]; [scroller setAction:@selector(scrollerDidChangeValue:)]; [scroller setAutoresizingMask:NSViewHeightSizable]; return scroller; } - (NSUInteger)visibleLines { HFController *controller = [self controller]; HFASSERT(controller != NULL); return ll2l(HFFPToUL(ceill([controller displayedLineRange].length))); } - (void)scrollByKnobToValue:(double)newValue { HFASSERT(newValue >= 0. && newValue <= 1.); HFController *controller = [self controller]; unsigned long long contentsLength = [controller contentsLength]; NSUInteger bytesPerLine = [controller bytesPerLine]; HFASSERT(bytesPerLine > 0); unsigned long long totalLineCountTimesBytesPerLine = HFRoundUpToNextMultipleSaturate(contentsLength - 1, bytesPerLine); HFASSERT(totalLineCountTimesBytesPerLine == ULLONG_MAX || totalLineCountTimesBytesPerLine % bytesPerLine == 0); unsigned long long totalLineCount = HFDivideULLRoundingUp(totalLineCountTimesBytesPerLine, bytesPerLine); HFFPRange currentLineRange = [controller displayedLineRange]; HFASSERT(currentLineRange.length < HFULToFP(totalLineCount)); long double maxScroll = totalLineCount - currentLineRange.length; long double newScroll = maxScroll * (long double)newValue; [controller setDisplayedLineRange:(HFFPRange){newScroll, currentLineRange.length}]; } - (void)scrollByLines:(long long)linesInt { if (linesInt == 0) return; //note - this properly computes the absolute value even for LLONG_MIN long double lines = HFULToFP((unsigned long long)llabs(linesInt)); HFController *controller = [self controller]; HFASSERT(controller != NULL); HFFPRange displayedRange = [[self controller] displayedLineRange]; if (linesInt < 0) { displayedRange.location -= MIN(lines, displayedRange.location); } else { long double availableLines = HFULToFP([controller totalLineCount]); displayedRange.location = MIN(availableLines - displayedRange.length, displayedRange.location + lines); } [controller setDisplayedLineRange:displayedRange]; } - (void)scrollerDidChangeValue:(NSScroller *)scroller { assert(scroller == [self view]); switch ([scroller hitPart]) { case NSScrollerDecrementPage: [self scrollByLines: -(long long)[self visibleLines]]; break; case NSScrollerIncrementPage: [self scrollByLines: (long long)[self visibleLines]]; break; case NSScrollerDecrementLine: [self scrollByLines: -1LL]; break; case NSScrollerIncrementLine: [self scrollByLines: 1LL]; break; case NSScrollerKnob: [self scrollByKnobToValue:[scroller doubleValue]]; break; default: break; } } - (void)updateScrollerValue { HFController *controller = [self controller]; CGFloat value, proportion; NSScroller *scroller = [self view]; BOOL enable = YES; if (controller == nil) { value = 0; proportion = 0; } else { unsigned long long length = [controller contentsLength]; HFFPRange lineRange = [controller displayedLineRange]; HFASSERT(lineRange.location >= 0 && lineRange.length >= 0); if (length == 0) { value = 0; proportion = 1; enable = NO; } else { long double availableLines = HFULToFP([controller totalLineCount]); long double consumedLines = MAX(1., lineRange.length); proportion = ld2f(lineRange.length / availableLines); long double maxScroll = availableLines - consumedLines; HFASSERT(maxScroll >= lineRange.location); if (maxScroll == 0.) { enable = NO; value = 0; } else { value = ld2f(lineRange.location / maxScroll); } } } [scroller setDoubleValue:value]; [scroller setKnobProportion:proportion]; [scroller setEnabled:enable]; } - (CGFloat)minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:(NSUInteger)bytesPerLine { USE(bytesPerLine); return [NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:[[self view] controlSize] scrollerStyle:NSScrollerStyleLegacy]; } - (void)controllerDidChange:(HFControllerPropertyBits)bits { if (bits & (HFControllerContentLength | HFControllerDisplayedLineRange)) [self updateScrollerValue]; } + (NSPoint)defaultLayoutPosition { return NSMakePoint(2, 0); } @end