#ifndef configuration_h #define configuration_h #include #include #include "shader.h" enum scaling_mode { GB_SDL_SCALING_ENTIRE_WINDOW, GB_SDL_SCALING_KEEP_RATIO, GB_SDL_SCALING_INTEGER_FACTOR, GB_SDL_SCALING_MAX, }; typedef enum { JOYPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT, JOYPAD_BUTTON_LEFT, JOYPAD_BUTTON_UP, JOYPAD_BUTTON_DOWN, JOYPAD_BUTTON_A, JOYPAD_BUTTON_B, JOYPAD_BUTTON_SELECT, JOYPAD_BUTTON_START, JOYPAD_BUTTON_MENU, JOYPAD_BUTTON_TURBO, JOYPAD_BUTTON_REWIND, JOYPAD_BUTTON_SLOW_MOTION, JOYPAD_BUTTONS_MAX } joypad_button_t; typedef enum { JOYPAD_AXISES_X, JOYPAD_AXISES_Y, JOYPAD_AXISES_MAX } joypad_axis_t; typedef struct { SDL_Scancode keys[9]; GB_color_correction_mode_t color_correction_mode; enum scaling_mode scaling_mode; uint8_t blending_mode; GB_highpass_mode_t highpass_mode; bool _deprecated_div_joystick; bool _deprecated_flip_joystick_bit_1; bool _deprecated_swap_joysticks_bits_1_and_2; char filter[32]; enum { MODEL_DMG, MODEL_CGB, MODEL_AGB, MODEL_SGB, MODEL_MGB, MODEL_MAX, } model; /* v0.11 */ uint32_t rewind_length; SDL_Scancode keys_2[32]; /* Rewind and underclock, + padding for the future */ uint8_t joypad_configuration[32]; /* 12 Keys + padding for the future*/; uint8_t joypad_axises[JOYPAD_AXISES_MAX]; /* v0.12 */ enum { SGB_NTSC, SGB_PAL, SGB_2, SGB_MAX } sgb_revision; /* v0.13 */ uint8_t dmg_palette; GB_border_mode_t border_mode; uint8_t volume; GB_rumble_mode_t rumble_mode; uint8_t default_scale; /* v0.14 */ unsigned padding; uint8_t color_temperature; char bootrom_path[4096]; uint8_t interference_volume; GB_rtc_mode_t rtc_mode; /* v0.14.4 */ bool osd; struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) { /* v0.15 */ bool allow_mouse_controls; uint8_t cgb_revision; /* v0.15.1 */ char audio_driver[16]; }; } configuration_t; extern configuration_t configuration; #endif