; SameBoy CGB bootstrap ROM ; Todo: use friendly names for HW registers instead of magic numbers SECTION "BootCode", ROM0[$0] Start: ; Init stack pointer ld sp, $fffe ; Clear memory VRAM call ClearMemoryPage8000 ld a, 2 ld c, $70 ld [c], a ; Clear RAM Bank 2 (Like the original boot ROM) ld h, $D0 call ClearMemoryPage ld [c], a ; Clear chosen input palette ldh [InputPalette], a ; Clear title checksum ldh [TitleChecksum], a ld a, $80 ldh [$26], a ldh [$11], a ld a, $f3 ldh [$12], a ldh [$25], a ld a, $77 ldh [$24], a ld hl, $FF30 ; Init waveform ld c, $10 .waveformLoop ldi [hl], a cpl dec c jr nz, .waveformLoop ; Clear OAM ld h, $fe ld c, $a0 .clearOAMLoop ldi [hl], a dec c jr nz, .clearOAMLoop ; Init BG palette ld a, $fc ldh [$47], a ; Load logo from ROM. ; A nibble represents a 4-pixels line, 2 bytes represent a 4x4 tile, scaled to 8x8. ; Tiles are ordered left to right, top to bottom. ; These tiles are not used, but are required for DMG compatibility. This is done ; by the original CGB Boot ROM as well. ld de, $104 ; Logo start ld hl, $8010 ; This is where we load the tiles in VRAM .loadLogoLoop ld a, [de] ; Read 2 rows ld b, a call DoubleBitsAndWriteRowTwice inc de ld a, e cp $34 ; End of logo jr nz, .loadLogoLoop call ReadTrademarkSymbol ; Clear the second VRAM bank ld a, 1 ldh [$4F], a call ClearMemoryPage8000 call LoadTileset ld b, 3 IF DEF(FAST) xor a ldh [$4F], a ELSE ; Load Tilemap ld hl, $98C2 ld d, 3 ld a, 8 .tilemapLoop ld c, $10 .tilemapRowLoop call .write_with_palette ; Repeat the 3 tiles common between E and B. This saves 27 bytes after ; compression, with a cost of 17 bytes of code. push af sub $20 sub $3 jr nc, .notspecial add $20 call .write_with_palette dec c .notspecial pop af add d ; d = 3 for SameBoy logo, d = 1 for Nintendo logo dec c jr nz, .tilemapRowLoop sub 44 push de ld de, $10 add hl, de pop de dec b jr nz, .tilemapLoop dec d jr z, .endTilemap dec d ld a, $38 ld l, $a7 ld bc, $0107 jr .tilemapRowLoop .write_with_palette push af ; Switch to second VRAM Bank ld a, 1 ldh [$4F], a ld [hl], 8 ; Switch to back first VRAM Bank xor a ldh [$4F], a pop af ldi [hl], a ret .endTilemap ENDC ; Expand Palettes ld de, AnimationColors ld c, 8 ld hl, BgPalettes xor a .expandPalettesLoop: cpl ; One white ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ; Mixed with white ld a, [de] inc e or $20 ld b, a ld a, [de] dec e or $84 rra rr b ld [hl], b inc l ld [hli], a ; One black xor a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ; One color ld a, [de] inc e ld [hli], a ld a, [de] inc e ld [hli], a xor a dec c jr nz, .expandPalettesLoop call LoadPalettesFromHRAM ; Turn on LCD ld a, $91 ldh [$40], a IF !DEF(FAST) call DoIntroAnimation ld a, 45 ldh [WaitLoopCounter], a ; Wait ~0.75 seconds ld b, a call WaitBFrames ; Play first sound ld a, $83 call PlaySound ld b, 5 call WaitBFrames ; Play second sound ld a, $c1 call PlaySound .waitLoop call GetInputPaletteIndex call WaitFrame ld hl, WaitLoopCounter dec [hl] jr nz, .waitLoop ELSE ld a, $c1 call PlaySound ENDC call Preboot IF DEF(AGB) ld b, 1 ENDC ; Will be filled with NOPs SECTION "BootGame", ROM0[$fe] BootGame: ldh [$50], a SECTION "MoreStuff", ROM0[$200] ; Game Palettes Data TitleChecksums: db $00 ; Default db $88 ; ALLEY WAY db $16 ; YAKUMAN db $36 ; BASEBALL, (Game and Watch 2) db $D1 ; TENNIS db $DB ; TETRIS db $F2 ; QIX db $3C ; DR.MARIO db $8C ; RADARMISSION db $92 ; F1RACE db $3D ; YOSSY NO TAMAGO db $5C ; db $58 ; X db $C9 ; MARIOLAND2 db $3E ; YOSSY NO COOKIE db $70 ; ZELDA db $1D ; db $59 ; db $69 ; TETRIS FLASH db $19 ; DONKEY KONG db $35 ; MARIO'S PICROSS db $A8 ; db $14 ; POKEMON RED, (GAMEBOYCAMERA G) db $AA ; POKEMON GREEN db $75 ; PICROSS 2 db $95 ; YOSSY NO PANEPON db $99 ; KIRAKIRA KIDS db $34 ; GAMEBOY GALLERY db $6F ; POCKETCAMERA db $15 ; db $FF ; BALLOON KID db $97 ; KINGOFTHEZOO db $4B ; DMG FOOTBALL db $90 ; WORLD CUP db $17 ; OTHELLO db $10 ; SUPER RC PRO-AM db $39 ; DYNABLASTER db $F7 ; BOY AND BLOB GB2 db $F6 ; MEGAMAN db $A2 ; STAR WARS-NOA db $49 ; db $4E ; WAVERACE db $43 | $80 ; db $68 ; LOLO2 db $E0 ; YOSHI'S COOKIE db $8B ; MYSTIC QUEST db $F0 ; db $CE ; TOPRANKINGTENNIS db $0C ; MANSELL db $29 ; MEGAMAN3 db $E8 ; SPACE INVADERS db $B7 ; GAME&WATCH db $86 ; DONKEYKONGLAND95 db $9A ; ASTEROIDS/MISCMD db $52 ; STREET FIGHTER 2 db $01 ; DEFENDER/JOUST db $9D ; KILLERINSTINCT95 db $71 ; TETRIS BLAST db $9C ; PINOCCHIO db $BD ; db $5D ; BA.TOSHINDEN db $6D ; NETTOU KOF 95 db $67 ; db $3F ; TETRIS PLUS db $6B ; DONKEYKONGLAND 3 ; For these games, the 4th letter is taken into account FirstChecksumWithDuplicate: ; Let's play hangman! db $B3 ; ???[B]???????? db $46 ; SUP[E]R MARIOLAND db $28 ; GOL[F] db $A5 ; SOL[A]RSTRIKER db $C6 ; GBW[A]RS db $D3 ; KAE[R]UNOTAMENI db $27 ; ???[B]???????? db $61 ; POK[E]MON BLUE db $18 ; DON[K]EYKONGLAND db $66 ; GAM[E]BOY GALLERY2 db $6A ; DON[K]EYKONGLAND 2 db $BF ; KID[ ]ICARUS db $0D ; TET[R]IS2 db $F4 ; ???[-]???????? db $B3 ; MOG[U]RANYA db $46 ; ???[R]???????? db $28 ; GAL[A]GA&GALAXIAN db $A5 ; BT2[R]AGNAROKWORLD db $C6 ; KEN[ ]GRIFFEY JR db $D3 ; ???[I]???????? db $27 ; MAG[N]ETIC SOCCER db $61 ; VEG[A]S STAKES db $18 ; ???[I]???????? db $66 ; MIL[L]I/CENTI/PEDE db $6A ; MAR[I]O & YOSHI db $BF ; SOC[C]ER db $0D ; POK[E]BOM db $F4 ; G&W[ ]GALLERY db $B3 ; TET[R]IS ATTACK ChecksumsEnd: PalettePerChecksum: ; | $80 means game requires DMG boot tilemap db 0 ; Default Palette db 4 ; ALLEY WAY db 5 ; YAKUMAN db 35 ; BASEBALL, (Game and Watch 2) db 34 ; TENNIS db 3 ; TETRIS db 31 ; QIX db 15 ; DR.MARIO db 10 ; RADARMISSION db 5 ; F1RACE db 19 ; YOSSY NO TAMAGO db 36 ; db 7 | $80 ; X db 37 ; MARIOLAND2 db 30 ; YOSSY NO COOKIE db 44 ; ZELDA db 21 ; db 32 ; db 31 ; TETRIS FLASH db 20 ; DONKEY KONG db 5 ; MARIO'S PICROSS db 33 ; db 13 ; POKEMON RED, (GAMEBOYCAMERA G) db 14 ; POKEMON GREEN db 5 ; PICROSS 2 db 29 ; YOSSY NO PANEPON db 5 ; KIRAKIRA KIDS db 18 ; GAMEBOY GALLERY db 9 ; POCKETCAMERA db 3 ; db 2 ; BALLOON KID db 26 ; KINGOFTHEZOO db 25 ; DMG FOOTBALL db 25 ; WORLD CUP db 41 ; OTHELLO db 42 ; SUPER RC PRO-AM db 26 ; DYNABLASTER db 45 ; BOY AND BLOB GB2 db 42 ; MEGAMAN db 45 ; STAR WARS-NOA db 36 ; db 38 ; WAVERACE db 26 ; db 42 ; LOLO2 db 30 ; YOSHI'S COOKIE db 41 ; MYSTIC QUEST db 34 ; db 34 ; TOPRANKINGTENNIS db 5 ; MANSELL db 42 ; MEGAMAN3 db 6 ; SPACE INVADERS db 5 ; GAME&WATCH db 33 ; DONKEYKONGLAND95 db 25 ; ASTEROIDS/MISCMD db 42 ; STREET FIGHTER 2 db 42 ; DEFENDER/JOUST db 40 ; KILLERINSTINCT95 db 2 ; TETRIS BLAST db 16 ; PINOCCHIO db 25 ; db 42 ; BA.TOSHINDEN db 42 ; NETTOU KOF 95 db 5 ; db 0 ; TETRIS PLUS db 39 ; DONKEYKONGLAND 3 db 36 ; db 22 ; SUPER MARIOLAND db 25 ; GOLF db 6 ; SOLARSTRIKER db 32 ; GBWARS db 12 ; KAERUNOTAMENI db 36 ; db 11 ; POKEMON BLUE db 39 ; DONKEYKONGLAND db 18 ; GAMEBOY GALLERY2 db 39 ; DONKEYKONGLAND 2 db 24 ; KID ICARUS db 31 ; TETRIS2 db 50 ; db 17 ; MOGURANYA db 46 ; db 6 ; GALAGA&GALAXIAN db 27 ; BT2RAGNAROKWORLD db 0 ; KEN GRIFFEY JR db 47 ; db 41 ; MAGNETIC SOCCER db 41 ; VEGAS STAKES db 0 ; db 0 ; MILLI/CENTI/PEDE db 19 ; MARIO & YOSHI db 34 ; SOCCER db 23 ; POKEBOM db 18 ; G&W GALLERY db 29 ; TETRIS ATTACK Dups4thLetterArray: db "BEFAARBEKEK R-URAR INAILICE R" ; We assume the last three arrays fit in the same $100 byte page! PaletteCombinations: palette_comb: MACRO ; Obj0, Obj1, Bg db (\1) * 8, (\2) * 8, (\3) *8 ENDM raw_palette_comb: MACRO ; Obj0, Obj1, Bg db (\1) * 2, (\2) * 2, (\3) * 2 ENDM palette_comb 4, 4, 29 palette_comb 18, 18, 18 palette_comb 20, 20, 20 palette_comb 24, 24, 24 palette_comb 9, 9, 9 palette_comb 0, 0, 0 palette_comb 27, 27, 27 palette_comb 5, 5, 5 palette_comb 12, 12, 12 palette_comb 26, 26, 26 palette_comb 16, 8, 8 palette_comb 4, 28, 28 palette_comb 4, 2, 2 palette_comb 3, 4, 4 palette_comb 4, 29, 29 palette_comb 28, 4, 28 palette_comb 2, 17, 2 palette_comb 16, 16, 8 palette_comb 4, 4, 7 palette_comb 4, 4, 18 palette_comb 4, 4, 20 palette_comb 19, 19, 9 raw_palette_comb 4 * 4 - 1, 4 * 4 - 1, 11 * 4 palette_comb 17, 17, 2 palette_comb 4, 4, 2 palette_comb 4, 4, 3 palette_comb 28, 28, 0 palette_comb 3, 3, 0 palette_comb 0, 0, 1 palette_comb 18, 22, 18 palette_comb 20, 22, 20 palette_comb 24, 22, 24 palette_comb 16, 22, 8 palette_comb 17, 4, 13 raw_palette_comb 28 * 4 - 1, 0 * 4, 14 * 4 raw_palette_comb 28 * 4 - 1, 4 * 4, 15 * 4 palette_comb 19, 22, 9 palette_comb 16, 28, 10 palette_comb 4, 23, 28 palette_comb 17, 22, 2 palette_comb 4, 0, 2 palette_comb 4, 28, 3 palette_comb 28, 3, 0 palette_comb 3, 28, 4 palette_comb 21, 28, 4 palette_comb 3, 28, 0 palette_comb 25, 3, 28 palette_comb 0, 28, 8 palette_comb 4, 3, 28 palette_comb 28, 3, 6 palette_comb 4, 28, 29 ; SameBoy "Exclusives" palette_comb 30, 30, 30 ; CGA palette_comb 31, 31, 31 ; DMG LCD palette_comb 28, 4, 1 palette_comb 0, 0, 2 Palettes: dw $7FFF, $32BF, $00D0, $0000 dw $639F, $4279, $15B0, $04CB dw $7FFF, $6E31, $454A, $0000 dw $7FFF, $1BEF, $0200, $0000 dw $7FFF, $421F, $1CF2, $0000 dw $7FFF, $5294, $294A, $0000 dw $7FFF, $03FF, $012F, $0000 dw $7FFF, $03EF, $01D6, $0000 dw $7FFF, $42B5, $3DC8, $0000 dw $7E74, $03FF, $0180, $0000 dw $67FF, $77AC, $1A13, $2D6B dw $7ED6, $4BFF, $2175, $0000 dw $53FF, $4A5F, $7E52, $0000 dw $4FFF, $7ED2, $3A4C, $1CE0 dw $03ED, $7FFF, $255F, $0000 dw $036A, $021F, $03FF, $7FFF dw $7FFF, $01DF, $0112, $0000 dw $231F, $035F, $00F2, $0009 dw $7FFF, $03EA, $011F, $0000 dw $299F, $001A, $000C, $0000 dw $7FFF, $027F, $001F, $0000 dw $7FFF, $03E0, $0206, $0120 dw $7FFF, $7EEB, $001F, $7C00 dw $7FFF, $3FFF, $7E00, $001F dw $7FFF, $03FF, $001F, $0000 dw $03FF, $001F, $000C, $0000 dw $7FFF, $033F, $0193, $0000 dw $0000, $4200, $037F, $7FFF dw $7FFF, $7E8C, $7C00, $0000 dw $7FFF, $1BEF, $6180, $0000 ; SameBoy "Exclusives" dw $7FFF, $7FEA, $7D5F, $0000 ; CGA 1 dw $4778, $3290, $1D87, $0861 ; DMG LCD KeyCombinationPalettes: db 1 * 3 ; Right db 48 * 3 ; Left db 5 * 3 ; Up db 8 * 3 ; Down db 0 * 3 ; Right + A db 40 * 3 ; Left + A db 43 * 3 ; Up + A db 3 * 3 ; Down + A db 6 * 3 ; Right + B db 7 * 3 ; Left + B db 28 * 3 ; Up + B db 49 * 3 ; Down + B ; SameBoy "Exclusives" db 51 * 3 ; Right + A + B db 52 * 3 ; Left + A + B db 53 * 3 ; Up + A + B db 54 * 3 ; Down + A + B TrademarkSymbol: db $3c,$42,$b9,$a5,$b9,$a5,$42,$3c SameBoyLogo: incbin "SameBoyLogo.pb12" AnimationColors: dw $7FFF ; White dw $774F ; Cyan dw $22C7 ; Green dw $039F ; Yellow dw $017D ; Orange dw $241D ; Red dw $6D38 ; Purple dw $7102 ; Blue AnimationColorsEnd: ; Helper Functions DoubleBitsAndWriteRowTwice: call .twice .twice ; Double the most significant 4 bits, b is shifted by 4 ld a, 4 ld c, 0 .doubleCurrentBit sla b push af rl c pop af rl c dec a jr nz, .doubleCurrentBit ld a, c ; Write as two rows ldi [hl], a inc hl ldi [hl], a inc hl ret WaitFrame: push hl ld hl, $FF0F res 0, [hl] .wait bit 0, [hl] jr z, .wait pop hl ret WaitBFrames: call GetInputPaletteIndex call WaitFrame dec b jr nz, WaitBFrames ret PlaySound: ldh [$13], a ld a, $87 ldh [$14], a ret ClearMemoryPage8000: ld hl, $8000 ; Clear from HL to HL | 0x2000 ClearMemoryPage: xor a ldi [hl], a bit 5, h jr z, ClearMemoryPage ret ReadTwoTileLines: call ReadTileLine ; c = $f0 for even lines, $f for odd lines. ReadTileLine: ld a, [de] and c ld b, a inc e inc e ld a, [de] dec e dec e and c swap a or b bit 0, c jr z, .dontSwap swap a .dontSwap inc hl ldi [hl], a swap c ret ReadCGBLogoHalfTile: call .do_twice .do_twice call ReadTwoTileLines inc e ld a, e ret ; LoadTileset using PB12 codec, 2020 Jakub Kądziołka ; (based on PB8 codec, 2019 Damian Yerrick) SameBoyLogo_dst = $8080 SameBoyLogo_length = (128 * 24) / 64 LoadTileset: ld hl, SameBoyLogo ld de, SameBoyLogo_dst - 1 ld c, SameBoyLogo_length .refill ; Register map for PB12 decompression ; HL: source address in boot ROM ; DE: destination address in VRAM ; A: Current literal value ; B: Repeat bits, terminated by 1000... ; Source address in HL lets the repeat bits go straight to B, ; bypassing A and avoiding spilling registers to the stack. ld b, [hl] dec b jr z, .sameboyLogoEnd inc b inc hl ; Shift a 1 into lower bit of shift value. Once this bit ; reaches the carry, B becomes 0 and the byte is over scf rl b .loop ; If not a repeat, load a literal byte jr c, .simple_repeat sla b jr c, .shifty_repeat ld a, [hli] jr .got_byte .shifty_repeat sla b jr nz, .no_refill_during_shift ld b, [hl] ; see above. Also, no, factoring it out into a callable inc hl ; routine doesn't save bytes, even with conditional calls scf rl b .no_refill_during_shift ld c, a jr nc, .shift_left srl a db $fe ; eat the add a with cp d8 .shift_left add a sla b jr c, .go_and or c db $fe ; eat the and c with cp d8 .go_and and c jr .got_byte .simple_repeat sla b jr c, .got_byte ; far repeat dec de ld a, [de] inc de .got_byte inc de ld [de], a sla b jr nz, .loop jr .refill ; End PB12 decoding. The rest uses HL as the destination .sameboyLogoEnd ld h, d ld l, $80 ; Copy (unresized) ROM logo ld de, $104 .CGBROMLogoLoop ld c, $f0 call ReadCGBLogoHalfTile add a, 22 ld e, a call ReadCGBLogoHalfTile sub a, 22 ld e, a cp $1c jr nz, .CGBROMLogoLoop inc hl ; fallthrough ReadTrademarkSymbol: ld de, TrademarkSymbol ld c,$08 .loadTrademarkSymbolLoop: ld a,[de] inc de ldi [hl],a inc hl dec c jr nz, .loadTrademarkSymbolLoop ret DoIntroAnimation: ; Animate the intro ld a, 1 ldh [$4F], a ld d, 26 .animationLoop ld b, 2 call WaitBFrames ld hl, $98C0 ld c, 3 ; Row count .loop ld a, [hl] cp $F ; Already blue jr z, .nextTile inc [hl] and $7 jr z, .nextLine ; Changed a white tile, go to next line .nextTile inc hl jr .loop .nextLine ld a, l or $1F ld l, a inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop dec d jr nz, .animationLoop ret Preboot: IF !DEF(FAST) ld b, 32 ; 32 times to fade .fadeLoop ld c, 32 ; 32 colors to fade ld hl, BgPalettes .frameLoop push bc ; Brighten Color ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hld] ld d, a ; RGB(1,1,1) ld bc, $421 ; Is blue maxed? ld a, e and $1F cp $1F jr nz, .blueNotMaxed dec c .blueNotMaxed ; Is green maxed? ld a, e cp $E0 jr c, .greenNotMaxed ld a, d and $3 cp $3 jr nz, .greenNotMaxed res 5, c .greenNotMaxed ; Is red maxed? ld a, d and $7C cp $7C jr nz, .redNotMaxed res 2, b .redNotMaxed ; add de, bc ; ld [hli], de ld a, e add c ld [hli], a ld a, d adc b ld [hli], a pop bc dec c jr nz, .frameLoop call WaitFrame call LoadPalettesFromHRAM call WaitFrame dec b jr nz, .fadeLoop ENDC ld a, 1 call ClearVRAMViaHDMA call _ClearVRAMViaHDMA call ClearVRAMViaHDMA ; A = $40, so it's bank 0 ld a, $ff ldh [$00], a ; Final values for CGB mode ld d, a ld e, c ld l, $0d ld a, [$143] bit 7, a call z, EmulateDMG bit 7, a ldh [$4C], a ldh a, [TitleChecksum] ld b, a jr z, .skipDMGForCGBCheck ldh a, [InputPalette] and a jr nz, .emulateDMGForCGBGame .skipDMGForCGBCheck IF DEF(AGB) ; Set registers to match the original AGB-CGB boot ; AF = $1100, C = 0 xor a ld c, a add a, $11 ld h, c ; B is set to 1 after ret ELSE ; Set registers to match the original CGB boot ; AF = $1180, C = 0 xor a ld c, a ld a, $11 ld h, c ; B is set to the title checksum ENDC ret .emulateDMGForCGBGame call EmulateDMG ldh [$4C], a ld a, $1 ret GetKeyComboPalette: ld hl, KeyCombinationPalettes - 1 ; Return value is 1-based, 0 means nothing down ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ret EmulateDMG: ld a, 1 ldh [$6C], a ; DMG Emulation call GetPaletteIndex bit 7, a call nz, LoadDMGTilemap and $7F ld b, a ldh a, [InputPalette] and a jr z, .nothingDown call GetKeyComboPalette jr .paletteFromKeys .nothingDown ld a, b .paletteFromKeys call WaitFrame call LoadPalettesFromIndex ld a, 4 ; Set the final values for DMG mode ld de, 8 ld l, $7c ret GetPaletteIndex: ld hl, $14B ld a, [hl] ; Old Licensee cp $33 jr z, .newLicensee dec a ; 1 = Nintendo jr nz, .notNintendo jr .doChecksum .newLicensee ld l, $44 ld a, [hli] cp "0" jr nz, .notNintendo ld a, [hl] cp "1" jr nz, .notNintendo .doChecksum ld l, $34 ld c, $10 xor a .checksumLoop add [hl] inc l dec c jr nz, .checksumLoop ld b, a ; c = 0 ld hl, TitleChecksums .searchLoop ld a, l sub LOW(ChecksumsEnd) ; use sub to zero out a ret z ld a, [hli] cp b jr nz, .searchLoop ; We might have a match, Do duplicate/4th letter check ld a, l sub FirstChecksumWithDuplicate - TitleChecksums jr c, .match ; Does not have a duplicate, must be a match! ; Has a duplicate; check 4th letter push hl ld a, l add Dups4thLetterArray - FirstChecksumWithDuplicate - 1 ; -1 since hl was incremented ld l, a ld a, [hl] pop hl ld c, a ld a, [$134 + 3] ; Get 4th letter cp c jr nz, .searchLoop ; Not a match, continue .match ld a, l add PalettePerChecksum - TitleChecksums - 1; -1 since hl was incremented ld l, a ld a, b ldh [TitleChecksum], a ld a, [hl] ret .notNintendo xor a ret ; optimizations in callers rely on this returning with b = 0 GetPaletteCombo: ld hl, PaletteCombinations ld b, 0 ld c, a add hl, bc ret LoadPalettesFromIndex: ; a = index of combination call GetPaletteCombo ; Obj Palettes ld e, 0 .loadObjPalette ld a, [hli] push hl ld hl, Palettes ; b is already 0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld d, 8 ld c, $6A call LoadPalettes pop hl bit 3, e jr nz, .loadBGPalette ld e, 8 jr .loadObjPalette .loadBGPalette ;BG Palette ld c, [hl] ; b is already 0 ld hl, Palettes add hl, bc ld d, 8 jr LoadBGPalettes LoadPalettesFromHRAM: ld hl, BgPalettes ld d, 64 LoadBGPalettes: ld e, 0 ld c, $68 LoadPalettes: ld a, $80 or e ld [c], a inc c .loop ld a, [hli] ld [c], a dec d jr nz, .loop ret ClearVRAMViaHDMA: ldh [$4F], a ld hl, HDMAData _ClearVRAMViaHDMA: ld c, $51 ld b, 5 .loop ld a, [hli] ldh [c], a inc c dec b jr nz, .loop ret ; clobbers AF and HL GetInputPaletteIndex: ld a, $20 ; Select directions ldh [$00], a ldh a, [$00] cpl and $F ret z ; No direction keys pressed, no palette ld l, 0 .directionLoop inc l rra jr nc, .directionLoop ; c = 1: Right, 2: Left, 3: Up, 4: Down ld a, $10 ; Select buttons ldh [$00], a ldh a, [$00] cpl rla rla and $C add l ld l, a ldh a, [InputPalette] cp l ret z ; No change, don't load ld a, l ldh [InputPalette], a ; Slide into change Animation Palette ChangeAnimationPalette: push bc push de call GetKeyComboPalette call GetPaletteCombo inc l inc l ld c, [hl] ld hl, Palettes + 1 add hl, bc ld a, [hld] cp $7F ; Is white color? jr nz, .isWhite inc hl inc hl .isWhite push af ld a, [hli] push hl ld hl, BgPalettes ; First color, all palettes call ReplaceColorInAllPalettes ld l, LOW(BgPalettes + 2) ; Second color, all palettes call ReplaceColorInAllPalettes pop hl ldh [BgPalettes + 6], a ; Fourth color, first palette ld a, [hli] push hl ld hl, BgPalettes + 1 ; First color, all palettes call ReplaceColorInAllPalettes ld l, LOW(BgPalettes + 3) ; Second color, all palettes call ReplaceColorInAllPalettes pop hl ldh [BgPalettes + 7], a ; Fourth color, first palette pop af jr z, .isNotWhite inc hl inc hl .isNotWhite ; Mixing code by ISSOtm ldh a, [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 2] and ~$21 ld b, a ld a, [hli] and ~$21 add a, b ld b, a ld a, [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 3] res 2, a ; and ~$04, but not touching carry ld c, [hl] res 2, c ; and ~$04, but not touching carry adc a, c rra ; Carry sort of "extends" the accumulator, we're bringing that bit back home ld [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 3], a ld a, b rra ld [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 2], a dec l ld a, [hli] ldh [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 6], a ; Fourth color, 7th palette ld a, [hli] ldh [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 7], a ; Fourth color, 7th palette ld a, [hli] ldh [BgPalettes + 4], a ; Third color, first palette ld a, [hli] ldh [BgPalettes + 5], a ; Third color, first palette call WaitFrame call LoadPalettesFromHRAM ; Delay the wait loop while the user is selecting a palette ld a, 45 ldh [WaitLoopCounter], a pop de pop bc ret ReplaceColorInAllPalettes: ld de, 8 ld c, e .loop ld [hl], a add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop ret LoadDMGTilemap: push af call WaitFrame ld a, $19 ; Trademark symbol ld [$9910], a ; ... put in the superscript position ld hl,$992f ; Bottom right corner of the logo ld c,$c ; Tiles in a logo row .tilemapLoop dec a jr z, .tilemapDone ldd [hl], a dec c jr nz, .tilemapLoop ld l, $0f ; Jump to top row jr .tilemapLoop .tilemapDone pop af ret HDMAData: db $88, $00, $98, $A0, $12 db $88, $00, $80, $00, $40 BootEnd: IF BootEnd > $900 FAIL "BootROM overflowed: {BootEnd}" ENDC SECTION "HRAM", HRAM[$FF80] TitleChecksum: ds 1 BgPalettes: ds 8 * 4 * 2 InputPalette: ds 1 WaitLoopCounter: ds 1