sameboy-section-0 About SameBoy app.about Preferences app.preferences
sameboy-section-1 Hide SameBoy app.hide_app Hide Others app.hide_others Show All app.show_all Quit SameBoy app.quit
file-section-0 _Open win.open Open _Recent
file-section-1 Close win.close
edit-section-0 Undo win.undo Redo win.redo
edit-section-1 Cut win.cut Copy win.copy Paste win.paste Delete win.delete Select All win.select_all
find-section-0 Find… win.find Find Next win.find_next Find Previous win.find_previous Use Selection for Find win.find_selection Jump to Selection win.jump_selection
emulation-section-0 Reset win.reset Pause win.pause
emulation-section-1 Save State Slot 1 0 win.save_state Slot 2 1 win.save_state Slot 3 2 win.save_state Slot 4 3 win.save_state Slot 5 4 win.save_state Slot 6 5 win.save_state Slot 7 6 win.save_state Slot 8 7 win.save_state Slot 9 8 win.save_state Slot 10 9 win.save_state Save State Slot 1 0 win.load_state Slot 2 1 win.load_state Slot 3 2 win.load_state Slot 4 3 win.load_state Slot 5 4 win.load_state Slot 6 5 win.load_state Slot 7 6 win.load_state Slot 8 7 win.load_state Slot 9 8 win.load_state Slot 10 9 win.load_state
emulation-section-2 Game Boy win.change_model DMG Super Game Boy win.change_model SGB Game Boy Color win.change_model CGB Game Boy Advance win.change_model AGB
emulation-section-3 Mute Sound win.toggle_mute
emulation-section-4 Blend Frames win.toggle_blend_frames
connectivity-section-0 None win.change_serial_device none Game Boy Printer win.change_serial_device gb_printer
developer-section-0 Developer Mode win.toggle_developer_mode
developer-section-1 Show Console win.show_console Clear Console win.clear_console
developer-section-2 Break Debugger win.break_debugger
developer-section-3 Show Memory Viewer win.open_memory_viewer Show VRAM Viewer win.open_vram_viewer
window-section-0 Minimize win.minimize Zoom win.zoom
window-section-1 Bring All to Front win.bring_to_front
help-section-0 SameBoy Help win.help