// // HFHexTextRepresenter.m // HexFiend_2 // // Copyright 2007 ridiculous_fish. All rights reserved. // #import <HexFiend/HFHexTextRepresenter.h> #import <HexFiend/HFRepresenterHexTextView.h> #import <HexFiend/HFPasteboardOwner.h> @interface HFHexPasteboardOwner : HFPasteboardOwner { NSUInteger _bytesPerColumn; } @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger bytesPerColumn; @end static inline unsigned char hex2char(NSUInteger c) { HFASSERT(c < 16); return "0123456789ABCDEF"[c]; } @implementation HFHexPasteboardOwner @synthesize bytesPerColumn = _bytesPerColumn; - (unsigned long long)stringLengthForDataLength:(unsigned long long)dataLength { if(!dataLength) return 0; // -1 because no trailing space for an exact multiple. unsigned long long spaces = _bytesPerColumn ? (dataLength-1)/_bytesPerColumn : 0; if ((ULLONG_MAX - spaces)/2 <= dataLength) return ULLONG_MAX; else return dataLength*2 + spaces; } - (void)writeDataInBackgroundToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard ofLength:(unsigned long long)length forType:(NSString *)type trackingProgress:(id)tracker { HFASSERT([type isEqual:NSStringPboardType]); if(length == 0) { [pboard setString:@"" forType:type]; return; } HFByteArray *byteArray = [self byteArray]; HFASSERT(length <= NSUIntegerMax); NSUInteger dataLength = ll2l(length); NSUInteger stringLength = ll2l([self stringLengthForDataLength:length]); HFASSERT(stringLength < ULLONG_MAX); NSUInteger offset = 0, stringOffset = 0, remaining = dataLength; unsigned char * restrict const stringBuffer = check_malloc(stringLength); while (remaining > 0) { unsigned char dataBuffer[64 * 1024]; NSUInteger amountToCopy = MIN(sizeof dataBuffer, remaining); NSUInteger bound = offset + amountToCopy - 1; [byteArray copyBytes:dataBuffer range:HFRangeMake(offset, amountToCopy)]; if(_bytesPerColumn > 0 && offset > 0) { // ensure offset > 0 to skip adding a leading space NSUInteger left = _bytesPerColumn - (offset % _bytesPerColumn); if(left != _bytesPerColumn) { while(left-- > 0 && offset <= bound) { unsigned char c = dataBuffer[offset++]; stringBuffer[stringOffset] = hex2char(c >> 4); stringBuffer[stringOffset + 1] = hex2char(c & 0xF); stringOffset += 2; } } if(offset <= bound) stringBuffer[stringOffset++] = ' '; } if(_bytesPerColumn > 0) while(offset+_bytesPerColumn <= bound) { for(NSUInteger j = 0; j < _bytesPerColumn; j++) { unsigned char c = dataBuffer[offset++]; stringBuffer[stringOffset] = hex2char(c >> 4); stringBuffer[stringOffset + 1] = hex2char(c & 0xF); stringOffset += 2; } stringBuffer[stringOffset++] = ' '; } while (offset <= bound) { unsigned char c = dataBuffer[offset++]; stringBuffer[stringOffset] = hex2char(c >> 4); stringBuffer[stringOffset + 1] = hex2char(c & 0xF); stringOffset += 2; } remaining -= amountToCopy; } NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:stringBuffer length:stringLength encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding freeWhenDone:YES]; [pboard setString:string forType:type]; [string release]; } @end @implementation HFHexTextRepresenter /* No extra NSCoder support needed */ - (Class)_textViewClass { return [HFRepresenterHexTextView class]; } - (void)initializeView { [super initializeView]; [[self view] setBytesBetweenVerticalGuides:4]; unpartneredLastNybble = UCHAR_MAX; omittedNybbleLocation = ULLONG_MAX; } + (NSPoint)defaultLayoutPosition { return NSMakePoint(0, 0); } - (void)_clearOmittedNybble { unpartneredLastNybble = UCHAR_MAX; omittedNybbleLocation = ULLONG_MAX; } - (BOOL)_insertionShouldDeleteLastNybble { /* Either both the omittedNybbleLocation and unpartneredLastNybble are invalid (set to their respective maxima), or neither are */ HFASSERT((omittedNybbleLocation == ULLONG_MAX) == (unpartneredLastNybble == UCHAR_MAX)); /* We should delete the last nybble if our omittedNybbleLocation is the point where we would insert */ BOOL result = NO; if (omittedNybbleLocation != ULLONG_MAX) { HFController *controller = [self controller]; NSArray *selectedRanges = [controller selectedContentsRanges]; if ([selectedRanges count] == 1) { HFRange selectedRange = [selectedRanges[0] HFRange]; result = (selectedRange.length == 0 && selectedRange.location > 0 && selectedRange.location - 1 == omittedNybbleLocation); } } return result; } - (BOOL)_canInsertText:(NSString *)text { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(text); NSCharacterSet *characterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"]; return [text rangeOfCharacterFromSet:characterSet].location != NSNotFound; } - (void)insertText:(NSString *)text { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(text); if (! [self _canInsertText:text]) { /* The user typed invalid data, and we can ignore it */ return; } BOOL shouldReplacePriorByte = [self _insertionShouldDeleteLastNybble]; if (shouldReplacePriorByte) { HFASSERT(unpartneredLastNybble < 16); /* Prepend unpartneredLastNybble as a nybble */ text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%1X%@", unpartneredLastNybble, text]; } BOOL isMissingLastNybble; NSData *data = HFDataFromHexString(text, &isMissingLastNybble); HFASSERT([data length] > 0); HFASSERT(shouldReplacePriorByte != isMissingLastNybble); HFController *controller = [self controller]; BOOL success = [controller insertData:data replacingPreviousBytes: (shouldReplacePriorByte ? 1 : 0) allowUndoCoalescing:YES]; if (isMissingLastNybble && success) { HFASSERT([data length] > 0); HFASSERT(unpartneredLastNybble == UCHAR_MAX); [data getBytes:&unpartneredLastNybble range:NSMakeRange([data length] - 1, 1)]; NSArray *selectedRanges = [controller selectedContentsRanges]; HFASSERT([selectedRanges count] >= 1); HFRange selectedRange = [selectedRanges[0] HFRange]; HFASSERT(selectedRange.location > 0); omittedNybbleLocation = HFSubtract(selectedRange.location, 1); } else { [self _clearOmittedNybble]; } } - (NSData *)dataFromPasteboardString:(NSString *)string { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(string); return HFDataFromHexString(string, NULL); } - (void)controllerDidChange:(HFControllerPropertyBits)bits { if (bits & HFControllerHideNullBytes) { [[self view] setHidesNullBytes:[[self controller] shouldHideNullBytes]]; } [super controllerDidChange:bits]; if (bits & (HFControllerContentValue | HFControllerContentLength | HFControllerSelectedRanges)) { [self _clearOmittedNybble]; } } - (void)copySelectedBytesToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pb { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(pb); HFByteArray *selection = [[self controller] byteArrayForSelectedContentsRanges]; HFASSERT(selection != NULL); if ([selection length] == 0) { NSBeep(); } else { HFHexPasteboardOwner *owner = [HFHexPasteboardOwner ownPasteboard:pb forByteArray:selection withTypes:@[HFPrivateByteArrayPboardType, NSStringPboardType]]; [owner setBytesPerLine:[self bytesPerLine]]; owner.bytesPerColumn = self.bytesPerColumn; } } @end