#import #import #import "GBView.h" #import "GBViewGL.h" #import "GBViewMetal.h" #import "GBButtons.h" #import "NSString+StringForKey.h" #import "Document.h" #define JOYSTICK_HIGH 0x4000 #define JOYSTICK_LOW 0x3800 static const uint8_t workboy_ascii_to_key[] = { ['0'] = GB_WORKBOY_0, ['`'] = GB_WORKBOY_UMLAUT, ['1'] = GB_WORKBOY_1, ['2'] = GB_WORKBOY_2, ['3'] = GB_WORKBOY_3, ['4'] = GB_WORKBOY_4, ['5'] = GB_WORKBOY_5, ['6'] = GB_WORKBOY_6, ['7'] = GB_WORKBOY_7, ['8'] = GB_WORKBOY_8, ['9'] = GB_WORKBOY_9, ['\r'] = GB_WORKBOY_ENTER, [3] = GB_WORKBOY_ENTER, ['!'] = GB_WORKBOY_EXCLAMATION_MARK, ['$'] = GB_WORKBOY_DOLLAR, ['#'] = GB_WORKBOY_HASH, ['~'] = GB_WORKBOY_TILDE, ['*'] = GB_WORKBOY_ASTERISK, ['+'] = GB_WORKBOY_PLUS, ['-'] = GB_WORKBOY_MINUS, ['('] = GB_WORKBOY_LEFT_PARENTHESIS, [')'] = GB_WORKBOY_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS, [';'] = GB_WORKBOY_SEMICOLON, [':'] = GB_WORKBOY_COLON, ['%'] = GB_WORKBOY_PERCENT, ['='] = GB_WORKBOY_EQUAL, [','] = GB_WORKBOY_COMMA, ['<'] = GB_WORKBOY_LT, ['.'] = GB_WORKBOY_DOT, ['>'] = GB_WORKBOY_GT, ['/'] = GB_WORKBOY_SLASH, ['?'] = GB_WORKBOY_QUESTION_MARK, [' '] = GB_WORKBOY_SPACE, ['\''] = GB_WORKBOY_QUOTE, ['@'] = GB_WORKBOY_AT, ['q'] = GB_WORKBOY_Q, ['w'] = GB_WORKBOY_W, ['e'] = GB_WORKBOY_E, ['r'] = GB_WORKBOY_R, ['t'] = GB_WORKBOY_T, ['y'] = GB_WORKBOY_Y, ['u'] = GB_WORKBOY_U, ['i'] = GB_WORKBOY_I, ['o'] = GB_WORKBOY_O, ['p'] = GB_WORKBOY_P, ['a'] = GB_WORKBOY_A, ['s'] = GB_WORKBOY_S, ['d'] = GB_WORKBOY_D, ['f'] = GB_WORKBOY_F, ['g'] = GB_WORKBOY_G, ['h'] = GB_WORKBOY_H, ['j'] = GB_WORKBOY_J, ['k'] = GB_WORKBOY_K, ['l'] = GB_WORKBOY_L, ['z'] = GB_WORKBOY_Z, ['x'] = GB_WORKBOY_X, ['c'] = GB_WORKBOY_C, ['v'] = GB_WORKBOY_V, ['b'] = GB_WORKBOY_B, ['n'] = GB_WORKBOY_N, ['m'] = GB_WORKBOY_M, }; static const uint8_t workboy_vk_to_key[] = { [kVK_F1] = GB_WORKBOY_CLOCK, [kVK_F2] = GB_WORKBOY_TEMPERATURE, [kVK_F3] = GB_WORKBOY_MONEY, [kVK_F4] = GB_WORKBOY_CALCULATOR, [kVK_F5] = GB_WORKBOY_DATE, [kVK_F6] = GB_WORKBOY_CONVERSION, [kVK_F7] = GB_WORKBOY_RECORD, [kVK_F8] = GB_WORKBOY_WORLD, [kVK_F9] = GB_WORKBOY_PHONE, [kVK_F10] = GB_WORKBOY_UNKNOWN, [kVK_Delete] = GB_WORKBOY_BACKSPACE, [kVK_Shift] = GB_WORKBOY_SHIFT_DOWN, [kVK_RightShift] = GB_WORKBOY_SHIFT_DOWN, [kVK_UpArrow] = GB_WORKBOY_UP, [kVK_DownArrow] = GB_WORKBOY_DOWN, [kVK_LeftArrow] = GB_WORKBOY_LEFT, [kVK_RightArrow] = GB_WORKBOY_RIGHT, [kVK_Escape] = GB_WORKBOY_ESCAPE, [kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal] = GB_WORKBOY_DECIMAL_POINT, [kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear] = GB_WORKBOY_M, [kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply] = GB_WORKBOY_H, [kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide] = GB_WORKBOY_J, }; @implementation GBView { uint32_t *image_buffers[3]; unsigned char current_buffer; bool mouse_hidden; NSTrackingArea *tracking_area; bool _mouseHidingEnabled; bool axisActive[2]; bool underclockKeyDown; double clockMultiplier; double analogClockMultiplier; bool analogClockMultiplierValid; NSEventModifierFlags previousModifiers; JOYController *lastController; GB_frame_blending_mode_t _frameBlendingMode; bool _turbo; } + (instancetype)alloc { return [self allocWithZone:NULL]; } + (instancetype)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone { if (self == [GBView class]) { if ([GBViewMetal isSupported]) { return [GBViewMetal allocWithZone: zone]; } return [GBViewGL allocWithZone: zone]; } return [super allocWithZone:zone]; } - (void) createInternalView { assert(false && "createInternalView must not be inherited"); } - (void) _init { [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(ratioKeepingChanged) name:@"GBAspectChanged" object:nil]; tracking_area = [ [NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:(NSRect){} options:NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveAlways | NSTrackingInVisibleRect owner:self userInfo:nil]; [self addTrackingArea:tracking_area]; clockMultiplier = 1.0; [self createInternalView]; [self addSubview:self.internalView]; self.internalView.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable; [JOYController registerListener:self]; } - (void)screenSizeChanged { if (image_buffers[0]) free(image_buffers[0]); if (image_buffers[1]) free(image_buffers[1]); if (image_buffers[2]) free(image_buffers[2]); size_t buffer_size = sizeof(image_buffers[0][0]) * GB_get_screen_width(_gb) * GB_get_screen_height(_gb); image_buffers[0] = calloc(1, buffer_size); image_buffers[1] = calloc(1, buffer_size); image_buffers[2] = calloc(1, buffer_size); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self setFrame:self.superview.frame]; }); } - (void) ratioKeepingChanged { [self setFrame:self.superview.frame]; } - (void) setFrameBlendingMode:(GB_frame_blending_mode_t)frameBlendingMode { _frameBlendingMode = frameBlendingMode; [self setNeedsDisplay:true]; } - (GB_frame_blending_mode_t)frameBlendingMode { if (_frameBlendingMode == GB_FRAME_BLENDING_MODE_ACCURATE) { if (!_gb || GB_is_sgb(_gb)) { return GB_FRAME_BLENDING_MODE_SIMPLE; } return GB_is_odd_frame(_gb)? GB_FRAME_BLENDING_MODE_ACCURATE_ODD : GB_FRAME_BLENDING_MODE_ACCURATE_EVEN; } return _frameBlendingMode; } - (unsigned char) numberOfBuffers { return _frameBlendingMode? 3 : 2; } - (void)dealloc { free(image_buffers[0]); free(image_buffers[1]); free(image_buffers[2]); if (mouse_hidden) { mouse_hidden = false; [NSCursor unhide]; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [self setRumble:0]; [JOYController unregisterListener:self]; } - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { if (!(self = [super initWithCoder:coder])) { return self; } [self _init]; return self; } - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { if (!(self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) { return self; } [self _init]; return self; } - (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frame { frame = self.superview.frame; if (_gb && ![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"GBAspectRatioUnkept"]) { double ratio = frame.size.width / frame.size.height; double width = GB_get_screen_width(_gb); double height = GB_get_screen_height(_gb); if (ratio >= width / height) { double new_width = round(frame.size.height / height * width); frame.origin.x = floor((frame.size.width - new_width) / 2); frame.size.width = new_width; frame.origin.y = 0; } else { double new_height = round(frame.size.width / width * height); frame.origin.y = floor((frame.size.height - new_height) / 2); frame.size.height = new_height; frame.origin.x = 0; } } [super setFrame:frame]; } - (void) flip { if (analogClockMultiplierValid && [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"GBAnalogControls"]) { clockMultiplier = 1.0; GB_set_clock_multiplier(_gb, analogClockMultiplier); if (self.document.partner) { GB_set_clock_multiplier(self.document.partner.gb, analogClockMultiplier); } if (analogClockMultiplier == 1.0) { analogClockMultiplierValid = false; } if (analogClockMultiplier < 2.0 && analogClockMultiplier > 1.0) { GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, false, false); if (self.document.partner) { GB_set_turbo_mode(self.document.partner.gb, false, false); } } } else { if (underclockKeyDown && clockMultiplier > 0.5) { clockMultiplier -= 1.0/16; GB_set_clock_multiplier(_gb, clockMultiplier); if (self.document.partner) { GB_set_clock_multiplier(self.document.partner.gb, clockMultiplier); } } if (!underclockKeyDown && clockMultiplier < 1.0) { clockMultiplier += 1.0/16; GB_set_clock_multiplier(_gb, clockMultiplier); if (self.document.partner) { GB_set_clock_multiplier(self.document.partner.gb, clockMultiplier); } } } if ((!analogClockMultiplierValid && clockMultiplier > 1) || _turbo || (analogClockMultiplierValid && analogClockMultiplier > 1)) { [self.osdView displayText:@"Fast forwarding..."]; } else if ((!analogClockMultiplierValid && clockMultiplier < 1) || (analogClockMultiplierValid && analogClockMultiplier < 1)) { [self.osdView displayText:@"Slow motion..."]; } current_buffer = (current_buffer + 1) % self.numberOfBuffers; } - (uint32_t *) pixels { return image_buffers[(current_buffer + 1) % self.numberOfBuffers]; } -(void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if ([theEvent type] != NSEventTypeFlagsChanged && theEvent.isARepeat) return; unsigned short keyCode = theEvent.keyCode; if (GB_workboy_is_enabled(_gb)) { if (theEvent.keyCode < sizeof(workboy_vk_to_key) && workboy_vk_to_key[theEvent.keyCode]) { GB_workboy_set_key(_gb, workboy_vk_to_key[theEvent.keyCode]); return; } unichar c = [theEvent type] != NSEventTypeFlagsChanged? [theEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers.lowercaseString characterAtIndex:0] : 0; if (c < sizeof(workboy_ascii_to_key) && workboy_ascii_to_key[c]) { GB_workboy_set_key(_gb, workboy_ascii_to_key[c]); return; } } bool handled = false; NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; unsigned player_count = GB_get_player_count(_gb); if (self.document.partner) { player_count = 2; } for (unsigned player = 0; player < player_count; player++) { for (GBButton button = 0; button < GBButtonCount; button++) { NSNumber *key = [defaults valueForKey:button_to_preference_name(button, player)]; if (!key) continue; if (key.unsignedShortValue == keyCode) { handled = true; switch (button) { case GBTurbo: if (self.document.isSlave) { GB_set_turbo_mode(self.document.partner.gb, true, false); } else { GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, true, self.isRewinding); } _turbo = true; analogClockMultiplierValid = false; break; case GBRewind: if (!self.document.partner) { self.isRewinding = true; GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, false, false); _turbo = false; } break; case GBUnderclock: underclockKeyDown = true; analogClockMultiplierValid = false; break; default: if (self.document.partner) { if (player == 0) { GB_set_key_state_for_player(_gb, (GB_key_t)button, 0, true); } else { GB_set_key_state_for_player(self.document.partner.gb, (GB_key_t)button, 0, true); } } else { GB_set_key_state_for_player(_gb, (GB_key_t)button, player, true); } break; } } } } if (!handled && [theEvent type] != NSEventTypeFlagsChanged) { [super keyDown:theEvent]; } } -(void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { unsigned short keyCode = theEvent.keyCode; if (GB_workboy_is_enabled(_gb)) { if (keyCode == kVK_Shift || keyCode == kVK_RightShift) { GB_workboy_set_key(_gb, GB_WORKBOY_SHIFT_UP); } else { GB_workboy_set_key(_gb, GB_WORKBOY_NONE); } } bool handled = false; NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; unsigned player_count = GB_get_player_count(_gb); if (self.document.partner) { player_count = 2; } for (unsigned player = 0; player < player_count; player++) { for (GBButton button = 0; button < GBButtonCount; button++) { NSNumber *key = [defaults valueForKey:button_to_preference_name(button, player)]; if (!key) continue; if (key.unsignedShortValue == keyCode) { handled = true; switch (button) { case GBTurbo: if (self.document.isSlave) { GB_set_turbo_mode(self.document.partner.gb, false, false); } else { GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, false, false); } _turbo = false; analogClockMultiplierValid = false; break; case GBRewind: self.isRewinding = false; break; case GBUnderclock: underclockKeyDown = false; analogClockMultiplierValid = false; break; default: if (self.document.partner) { if (player == 0) { GB_set_key_state_for_player(_gb, (GB_key_t)button, 0, false); } else { GB_set_key_state_for_player(self.document.partner.gb, (GB_key_t)button, 0, false); } } else { GB_set_key_state_for_player(_gb, (GB_key_t)button, player, false); } break; } } } } if (!handled && [theEvent type] != NSEventTypeFlagsChanged) { [super keyUp:theEvent]; } } - (void)setRumble:(double)amp { [lastController setRumbleAmplitude:amp]; } - (void)controller:(JOYController *)controller movedAxis:(JOYAxis *)axis { if (![self.window isMainWindow]) return; NSDictionary *mapping = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"JoyKitInstanceMapping"][controller.uniqueID]; if (!mapping) { mapping = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"JoyKitNameMapping"][controller.deviceName]; } if ((axis.usage == JOYAxisUsageR1 && !mapping) || axis.uniqueID == [mapping[@"AnalogUnderclock"] unsignedLongValue]){ analogClockMultiplier = MIN(MAX(1 - axis.value + 0.05, 1.0 / 3), 1.0); analogClockMultiplierValid = true; } else if ((axis.usage == JOYAxisUsageL1 && !mapping) || axis.uniqueID == [mapping[@"AnalogTurbo"] unsignedLongValue]){ analogClockMultiplier = MIN(MAX(axis.value * 3 + 0.95, 1.0), 3.0); analogClockMultiplierValid = true; } } - (void)controller:(JOYController *)controller buttonChangedState:(JOYButton *)button { if (![self.window isMainWindow]) return; unsigned player_count = GB_get_player_count(_gb); if (self.document.partner) { player_count = 2; } IOPMAssertionID assertionID; IOPMAssertionDeclareUserActivity(CFSTR(""), kIOPMUserActiveLocal, &assertionID); for (unsigned player = 0; player < player_count; player++) { NSString *preferred_joypad = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"JoyKitDefaultControllers"] objectForKey:n2s(player)]; if (player_count != 1 && // Single player, accpet inputs from all joypads !(player == 0 && !preferred_joypad) && // Multiplayer, but player 1 has no joypad configured, so it takes inputs from all joypads ![preferred_joypad isEqualToString:controller.uniqueID]) { continue; } dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [controller setPlayerLEDs:[controller LEDMaskForPlayer:player]]; }); NSDictionary *mapping = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"JoyKitInstanceMapping"][controller.uniqueID]; if (!mapping) { mapping = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"JoyKitNameMapping"][controller.deviceName]; } JOYButtonUsage usage = ((JOYButtonUsage)[mapping[n2s(button.uniqueID)] unsignedIntValue]) ?: button.usage; if (!mapping && usage >= JOYButtonUsageGeneric0) { usage = (const JOYButtonUsage[]){JOYButtonUsageY, JOYButtonUsageA, JOYButtonUsageB, JOYButtonUsageX}[(usage - JOYButtonUsageGeneric0) & 3]; } GB_gameboy_t *effectiveGB = _gb; unsigned effectivePlayer = player; if (player && self.document.partner) { effectiveGB = self.document.partner.gb; effectivePlayer = 0; if (controller != self.document.partner.view->lastController) { [self setRumble:0]; self.document.partner.view->lastController = controller; } } else { if (controller != lastController) { [self setRumble:0]; lastController = controller; } } switch (usage) { case JOYButtonUsageNone: break; case JOYButtonUsageA: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_A, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageB: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_B, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageC: break; case JOYButtonUsageStart: case JOYButtonUsageX: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_START, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageSelect: case JOYButtonUsageY: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_SELECT, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageR2: case JOYButtonUsageL2: case JOYButtonUsageZ: { self.isRewinding = button.isPressed; if (button.isPressed) { if (self.document.isSlave) { GB_set_turbo_mode(self.document.partner.gb, false, false); } else { GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, false, false); } _turbo = false; } break; } case JOYButtonUsageL1: { if (!analogClockMultiplierValid || analogClockMultiplier == 1.0 || !button.isPressed) { if (self.document.isSlave) { GB_set_turbo_mode(self.document.partner.gb, button.isPressed, false); } else { GB_set_turbo_mode(_gb, button.isPressed, button.isPressed && self.isRewinding); } _turbo = button.isPressed; } break; } case JOYButtonUsageR1: underclockKeyDown = button.isPressed; break; case JOYButtonUsageDPadLeft: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_LEFT, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageDPadRight: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_RIGHT, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageDPadUp: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_UP, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; case JOYButtonUsageDPadDown: GB_set_key_state_for_player(effectiveGB, GB_KEY_DOWN, effectivePlayer, button.isPressed); break; default: break; } } } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return true; } - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if (!mouse_hidden) { mouse_hidden = true; if (_mouseHidingEnabled) { [NSCursor hide]; } } [super mouseEntered:theEvent]; } - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if (mouse_hidden) { mouse_hidden = false; if (_mouseHidingEnabled) { [NSCursor unhide]; } } [super mouseExited:theEvent]; } - (void)setMouseHidingEnabled:(bool)mouseHidingEnabled { if (mouseHidingEnabled == _mouseHidingEnabled) return; _mouseHidingEnabled = mouseHidingEnabled; if (mouse_hidden && _mouseHidingEnabled) { [NSCursor hide]; } if (mouse_hidden && !_mouseHidingEnabled) { [NSCursor unhide]; } } - (bool)isMouseHidingEnabled { return _mouseHidingEnabled; } - (void) flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)event { if (event.modifierFlags > previousModifiers) { [self keyDown:event]; } else { [self keyUp:event]; } previousModifiers = event.modifierFlags; } - (uint32_t *)currentBuffer { return image_buffers[current_buffer]; } - (uint32_t *)previousBuffer { return image_buffers[(current_buffer + 2) % self.numberOfBuffers]; } -(NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType] ) { NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard]; if (GB_is_save_state(fileURL.fileSystemRepresentation)) { return NSDragOperationGeneric; } } return NSDragOperationNone; } -(BOOL)performDragOperation:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType] ) { NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard]; return [_document loadStateFile:fileURL.fileSystemRepresentation noErrorOnNotFound:false]; } return false; } - (NSImage *)renderToImage; { /* Not going to support this on OpenGL, OpenGL is too much of a terrible API for me to bother figuring out how the hell something so trivial can be done. */ return nil; } @end