#include "gb.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include #else #include #endif static const unsigned int GB_TAC_RATIOS[] = {1024, 16, 64, 256}; #ifndef DISABLE_TIMEKEEPING static int64_t get_nanoseconds(void) { #ifndef _WIN32 struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); return (now.tv_usec) * 1000 + now.tv_sec * 1000000000L; #else FILETIME time; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&time); return (((int64_t)time.dwHighDateTime << 32) | time.dwLowDateTime) * 100L; #endif } static void nsleep(uint64_t nanoseconds) { #ifndef _WIN32 struct timespec sleep = {0, nanoseconds}; nanosleep(&sleep, NULL); #else HANDLE timer; LARGE_INTEGER time; timer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, true, NULL); time.QuadPart = -(nanoseconds / 100L); SetWaitableTimer(timer, &time, 0, NULL, NULL, false); WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); CloseHandle(timer); #endif } bool GB_timing_sync_turbo(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if (!gb->turbo_dont_skip) { int64_t nanoseconds = get_nanoseconds(); if (nanoseconds <= gb->last_sync + (1000000000LL * LCDC_PERIOD / GB_get_clock_rate(gb))) { return true; } gb->last_sync = nanoseconds; } return false; } void GB_timing_sync(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if (gb->turbo) { gb->cycles_since_last_sync = 0; return; } /* Prevent syncing if not enough time has passed.*/ if (gb->cycles_since_last_sync < LCDC_PERIOD / 4) return; uint64_t target_nanoseconds = gb->cycles_since_last_sync * 1000000000LL / 2 / GB_get_clock_rate(gb); /* / 2 because we use 8MHz units */ int64_t nanoseconds = get_nanoseconds(); int64_t time_to_sleep = target_nanoseconds + gb->last_sync - nanoseconds; if (time_to_sleep > 0 && time_to_sleep < LCDC_PERIOD * 1000000000LL / GB_get_clock_rate(gb)) { nsleep(time_to_sleep); gb->last_sync += target_nanoseconds; } else { gb->last_sync = nanoseconds; } gb->cycles_since_last_sync = 0; } #else bool GB_timing_sync_turbo(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { return false; } void GB_timing_sync(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { } #endif static void GB_ir_run(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if (gb->ir_queue_length == 0) return; if (gb->cycles_since_input_ir_change >= gb->ir_queue[0].delay) { gb->cycles_since_input_ir_change -= gb->ir_queue[0].delay; gb->infrared_input = gb->ir_queue[0].state; gb->ir_queue_length--; memmove(&gb->ir_queue[0], &gb->ir_queue[1], sizeof(gb->ir_queue[0]) * (gb->ir_queue_length)); } } static void advance_tima_state_machine(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if (gb->tima_reload_state == GB_TIMA_RELOADED) { gb->tima_reload_state = GB_TIMA_RUNNING; } else if (gb->tima_reload_state == GB_TIMA_RELOADING) { gb->io_registers[GB_IO_IF] |= 4; gb->tima_reload_state = GB_TIMA_RELOADED; } } static bool counter_overflow_check(uint32_t old, uint32_t new, uint32_t max) { return (old & (max >> 1)) && !(new & (max >> 1)); } static void increase_tima(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TIMA]++; if (gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TIMA] == 0) { gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TIMA] = gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TMA]; gb->tima_reload_state = GB_TIMA_RELOADING; } } static void GB_set_internal_div_counter(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t value) { /* TIMA increases when a specific high-bit becomes a low-bit. */ value &= INTERNAL_DIV_CYCLES - 1; if ((gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TAC] & 4) && counter_overflow_check(gb->div_counter, value, GB_TAC_RATIOS[gb->io_registers[GB_IO_TAC] & 3])) { increase_tima(gb); } if (counter_overflow_check(gb->div_counter, value, gb->cgb_double_speed? 0x4000 : 0x2000)) { GB_apu_run(gb); GB_apu_div_event(gb); } gb->div_counter = value; } static void GB_timers_run(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t cycles) { GB_STATE_MACHINE(gb, div, cycles, 1) { GB_STATE(gb, div, 1); GB_STATE(gb, div, 2); } GB_set_internal_div_counter(gb, 0); GB_SLEEP(gb, div, 1, 2); while (true) { advance_tima_state_machine(gb); GB_set_internal_div_counter(gb, gb->div_counter + 4); gb->apu.apu_cycles += 4 << !gb->cgb_double_speed; GB_SLEEP(gb, div, 2, 4); } } void GB_advance_cycles(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t cycles) { /* It appears that on the CGB, write timing is a bit different then on the DMG, effectively making writes 1 T-cycle late when compared to the DMG. */ if (gb->is_cgb) { cycles = (cycles + 1) & ~3; if (cycles == 0) return; } // Affected by speed boost gb->dma_cycles += cycles; GB_timers_run(gb, cycles); uint16_t previous_serial_cycles = gb->serial_cycles; gb->serial_cycles += cycles; if (gb->serial_length) { if ((gb->serial_cycles & gb->serial_length) != (previous_serial_cycles & gb->serial_length)) { gb->serial_length = 0; gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SC] &= ~0x80; /* TODO: Does SB "update" bit by bit? */ if (gb->serial_transfer_end_callback) { gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SB] = gb->serial_transfer_end_callback(gb); } else { gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SB] = 0xFF; } gb->io_registers[GB_IO_IF] |= 8; } } gb->debugger_ticks += cycles; if (!gb->cgb_double_speed) { cycles <<= 1; } // Not affected by speed boost gb->hdma_cycles += cycles; gb->apu_output.sample_cycles += cycles; gb->cycles_since_ir_change += cycles; gb->cycles_since_input_ir_change += cycles; gb->cycles_since_last_sync += cycles; gb->cycles_since_run += cycles; GB_dma_run(gb); GB_hdma_run(gb); GB_apu_run(gb); GB_display_run(gb, cycles); GB_ir_run(gb); } /* This glitch is based on the expected results of mooneye-gb rapid_toggle test. This glitch happens because how TIMA is increased, see GB_set_internal_div_counter. According to GiiBiiAdvance, GBC's behavior is different, but this was not tested or implemented. */ void GB_emulate_timer_glitch(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t old_tac, uint8_t new_tac) { /* Glitch only happens when old_tac is enabled. */ if (!(old_tac & 4)) return; unsigned int old_clocks = GB_TAC_RATIOS[old_tac & 3]; unsigned int new_clocks = GB_TAC_RATIOS[new_tac & 3]; /* The bit used for overflow testing must have been 1 */ if (gb->div_counter & (old_clocks >> 1)) { /* And now either the timer must be disabled, or the new bit used for overflow testing be 0. */ if (!(new_tac & 4) || gb->div_counter & (new_clocks >> 1)) { increase_tima(gb); } } } void GB_rtc_run(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if ((gb->rtc_real.high & 0x40) == 0) { /* is timer running? */ time_t current_time = time(NULL); while (gb->last_rtc_second < current_time) { gb->last_rtc_second++; if (++gb->rtc_real.seconds == 60) { gb->rtc_real.seconds = 0; if (++gb->rtc_real.minutes == 60) { gb->rtc_real.minutes = 0; if (++gb->rtc_real.hours == 24) { gb->rtc_real.hours = 0; if (++gb->rtc_real.days == 0) { if (gb->rtc_real.high & 1) /* Bit 8 of days*/ { gb->rtc_real.high |= 0x80; /* Overflow bit */ } gb->rtc_real.high ^= 1; } } } } } } }