#include #include #include "GBAudioClient.h" #include "Document.h" #include "AppDelegate.h" #include "gb.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "memory.h" #include "camera.h" #include "display.h" #include "HexFiend/HexFiend.h" #include "GBMemoryByteArray.h" /* Todo: The general Objective-C coding style conflicts with SameBoy's. This file needs a cleanup. */ /* Todo: Split into category files! This is so messy!!! */ @interface Document () { /* NSTextViews freeze the entire app if they're modified too often and too quickly. We use this bool to tune down the write speed. Let me know if there's a more reasonable alternative to this. */ unsigned long pendingLogLines; bool tooMuchLogs; bool fullScreen; bool in_sync_input; HFController *hex_controller; NSString *lastConsoleInput; HFLineCountingRepresenter *lineRep; CVImageBufferRef cameraImage; AVCaptureSession *cameraSession; AVCaptureConnection *cameraConnection; AVCaptureStillImageOutput *cameraOutput; GB_oam_info_t oamInfo[40]; uint16_t oamCount; uint8_t oamHeight; bool oamUpdating; NSMutableData *currentPrinterImageData; enum {GBAccessoryNone, GBAccessoryPrinter} accessory; } @property GBAudioClient *audioClient; - (void) vblank; - (void) log: (const char *) log withAttributes: (GB_log_attributes) attributes; - (const char *) getDebuggerInput; - (const char *) getAsyncDebuggerInput; - (void) cameraRequestUpdate; - (uint8_t) cameraGetPixelAtX:(uint8_t)x andY:(uint8_t)y; - (void) printImage:(uint32_t *)image height:(unsigned) height topMargin:(unsigned) topMargin bottomMargin: (unsigned) bottomMargin exposure:(unsigned) exposure; @end static void vblank(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); [self vblank]; } static void consoleLog(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *string, GB_log_attributes attributes) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); [self log:string withAttributes: attributes]; } static char *consoleInput(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); return strdup([self getDebuggerInput]); } static char *asyncConsoleInput(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); const char *ret = [self getAsyncDebuggerInput]; return ret? strdup(ret) : NULL; } static uint32_t rgbEncode(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | 0xFF000000; } static void cameraRequestUpdate(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); [self cameraRequestUpdate]; } static uint8_t cameraGetPixel(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); return [self cameraGetPixelAtX:x andY:y]; } static void printImage(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *image, uint8_t height, uint8_t top_margin, uint8_t bottom_margin, uint8_t exposure) { Document *self = (__bridge Document *)(gb->user_data); [self printImage:image height:height topMargin:top_margin bottomMargin:bottom_margin exposure:exposure]; } @implementation Document { GB_gameboy_t gb; volatile bool running; volatile bool stopping; NSConditionLock *has_debugger_input; NSMutableArray *debugger_input_queue; volatile bool is_inited; } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { has_debugger_input = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition:0]; debugger_input_queue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"EmulateDMG"]) { [self initDMG]; } else { [self initCGB]; } } return self; } - (void) initDMG { GB_init(&gb); GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"dmg_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]); [self initCommon]; } - (void) initCGB { GB_init_cgb(&gb); GB_load_boot_rom(&gb, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"cgb_boot" ofType:@"bin"] UTF8String]); [self initCommon]; } - (void) initCommon { gb.user_data = (__bridge void *)(self); GB_set_vblank_callback(&gb, (GB_vblank_callback_t) vblank); GB_set_log_callback(&gb, (GB_log_callback_t) consoleLog); GB_set_input_callback(&gb, (GB_input_callback_t) consoleInput); GB_set_async_input_callback(&gb, (GB_input_callback_t) asyncConsoleInput); GB_set_rgb_encode_callback(&gb, rgbEncode); GB_set_camera_get_pixel_callback(&gb, cameraGetPixel); GB_set_camera_update_request_callback(&gb, cameraRequestUpdate); } - (void) vblank { self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = (self.mainWindow.styleMask & NSFullScreenWindowMask) != 0; [self.view flip]; GB_set_pixels_output(&gb, self.view.pixels); [self reloadVRAMData: nil]; } - (void) run { running = true; GB_set_pixels_output(&gb, self.view.pixels); self.view.gb = &gb; GB_set_sample_rate(&gb, 96000); self.audioClient = [[GBAudioClient alloc] initWithRendererBlock:^(UInt32 sampleRate, UInt32 nFrames, GB_sample_t *buffer) { GB_apu_copy_buffer(&gb, buffer, nFrames); } andSampleRate:96000]; self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = (self.mainWindow.styleMask & NSFullScreenWindowMask) != 0; if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"Mute"]) { [self.audioClient start]; } NSTimer *hex_timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:0.25 target:self selector:@selector(reloadMemoryView) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:hex_timer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; while (running) { GB_run(&gb); } [hex_timer invalidate]; [self.audioClient stop]; self.audioClient = nil; self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = NO; GB_save_battery(&gb, [[[self.fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"sav"] UTF8String]); stopping = false; } - (void) start { if (running) return; [[[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(run) object:nil] start]; } - (void) stop { if (!running) return; gb.debug_disable = true; if (gb.debug_stopped) { gb.debug_stopped = false; [self consoleInput:nil]; } stopping = true; running = false; while (stopping); gb.debug_disable = false; } - (IBAction)reset:(id)sender { bool was_cgb = gb.is_cgb; [self stop]; is_inited = false; /* Back up user's breakpoints/watchpoints */ typeof(gb.breakpoints) breakpoints = gb.breakpoints; typeof(gb.n_breakpoints) n_breakpoints = gb.n_breakpoints; typeof(gb.watchpoints) watchpoints = gb.watchpoints; typeof(gb.n_watchpoints) n_watchpoints = gb.n_watchpoints; /* Reset them so they're not freed*/ gb.watchpoints = NULL; gb.breakpoints = NULL; gb.n_watchpoints = gb.n_breakpoints = 0; GB_free(&gb); if (([sender tag] == 0 && was_cgb) || [sender tag] == 2) { [self initCGB]; } else { [self initDMG]; } /* Restore backpoints/watchpoints */ gb.breakpoints = breakpoints; gb.n_breakpoints = n_breakpoints; gb.watchpoints = watchpoints; gb.n_watchpoints = n_watchpoints; if ([sender tag] != 0) { /* User explictly selected a model, save the preference */ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:!gb.is_cgb forKey:@"EmulateDMG"]; } [self readFromFile:self.fileName ofType:@"gb"]; [self start]; if (hex_controller) { /* Verify bank sanity, especially when switching models. */ [(GBMemoryByteArray *)(hex_controller.byteArray) setSelectedBank:0]; [self hexUpdateBank:self.memoryBankInput]; } } - (IBAction)togglePause:(id)sender { if (running) { [self stop]; } else { [self start]; } } - (void)dealloc { [cameraSession stopRunning]; GB_free(&gb); if (cameraImage) { CVBufferRelease(cameraImage); } } - (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)aController { [super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController]; self.consoleOutput.textContainerInset = NSMakeSize(4, 4); [self.view becomeFirstResponder]; self.view.shouldBlendFrameWithPrevious = ![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DisableFrameBlending"]; CGRect window_frame = self.mainWindow.frame; window_frame.size.width = MAX([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"LastWindowWidth"], window_frame.size.width); window_frame.size.height = MAX([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"LastWindowHeight"], window_frame.size.height); [self.mainWindow setFrame:window_frame display:YES]; self.vramStatusLabel.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; [self.feedSaveButton removeFromSuperview]; /* contentView.superview.subviews.lastObject is the titlebar view */ NSView *titleView = self.printerFeedWindow.contentView.superview.subviews.lastObject; [titleView addSubview: self.feedSaveButton]; self.feedSaveButton.frame = (NSRect){{268, 2}, {48, 17}}; [self start]; } - (void) initMemoryView { hex_controller = [[HFController alloc] init]; [hex_controller setBytesPerColumn:1]; [hex_controller setFont:[NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize:12]]; [hex_controller setEditMode:HFOverwriteMode]; [hex_controller setByteArray:[[GBMemoryByteArray alloc] initWithDocument:self]]; /* Here we're going to make three representers - one for the hex, one for the ASCII, and one for the scrollbar. To lay these all out properly, we'll use a fourth HFLayoutRepresenter. */ HFLayoutRepresenter *layoutRep = [[HFLayoutRepresenter alloc] init]; HFHexTextRepresenter *hexRep = [[HFHexTextRepresenter alloc] init]; HFStringEncodingTextRepresenter *asciiRep = [[HFStringEncodingTextRepresenter alloc] init]; HFVerticalScrollerRepresenter *scrollRep = [[HFVerticalScrollerRepresenter alloc] init]; lineRep = [[HFLineCountingRepresenter alloc] init]; HFStatusBarRepresenter *statusRep = [[HFStatusBarRepresenter alloc] init]; lineRep.lineNumberFormat = HFLineNumberFormatHexadecimal; /* Add all our reps to the controller. */ [hex_controller addRepresenter:layoutRep]; [hex_controller addRepresenter:hexRep]; [hex_controller addRepresenter:asciiRep]; [hex_controller addRepresenter:scrollRep]; [hex_controller addRepresenter:lineRep]; [hex_controller addRepresenter:statusRep]; /* Tell the layout rep which reps it should lay out. */ [layoutRep addRepresenter:hexRep]; [layoutRep addRepresenter:scrollRep]; [layoutRep addRepresenter:asciiRep]; [layoutRep addRepresenter:lineRep]; [layoutRep addRepresenter:statusRep]; [(NSView *)[hexRep view] setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; /* Grab the layout rep's view and stick it into our container. */ NSView *layoutView = [layoutRep view]; NSRect layoutViewFrame = self.memoryView.frame; [layoutView setFrame:layoutViewFrame]; [layoutView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [self.memoryView addSubview:layoutView]; self.memoryBankItem.enabled = false; } + (BOOL)autosavesInPlace { return YES; } - (NSString *)windowNibName { // Override returning the nib file name of the document // If you need to use a subclass of NSWindowController or if your document supports multiple NSWindowControllers, you should remove this method and override -makeWindowControllers instead. return @"Document"; } - (BOOL)readFromFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)type { if (is_inited++) { return YES; } GB_load_rom(&gb, [fileName UTF8String]); GB_load_battery(&gb, [[[fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"sav"] UTF8String]); GB_debugger_load_symbol_file(&gb, [[[fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"sym"] UTF8String]); return YES; } - (void)close { [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:self.mainWindow.frame.size.width forKey:@"LastWindowWidth"]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:self.mainWindow.frame.size.height forKey:@"LastWindowHeight"]; [self stop]; [self.consoleWindow close]; [super close]; } - (IBAction) interrupt:(id)sender { [self log:"^C\n"]; gb.debug_stopped = true; if (!running) { [self start]; } [self.consoleInput becomeFirstResponder]; } - (IBAction)mute:(id)sender { if (self.audioClient.isPlaying) { [self.audioClient stop]; } else { [self.audioClient start]; } [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:!self.audioClient.isPlaying forKey:@"Mute"]; } - (IBAction)toggleBlend:(id)sender { self.view.shouldBlendFrameWithPrevious ^= YES; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:!self.view.shouldBlendFrameWithPrevious forKey:@"DisableFrameBlending"]; } - (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id)anItem { if([anItem action] == @selector(mute:)) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:!self.audioClient.isPlaying]; } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(togglePause:)) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:(!running) || (gb.debug_stopped)]; return !gb.debug_stopped; } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(reset:) && anItem.tag != 0) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:(anItem.tag == 1 && !gb.is_cgb) || (anItem.tag == 2 && gb.is_cgb)]; } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(toggleBlend:)) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:self.view.shouldBlendFrameWithPrevious]; } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(interrupt:)) { if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DeveloperMode"]) { return false; } } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(disconnectAllAccessories:)) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:accessory == GBAccessoryNone]; } else if ([anItem action] == @selector(connectPrinter:)) { [(NSMenuItem*)anItem setState:accessory == GBAccessoryPrinter]; } return [super validateUserInterfaceItem:anItem]; } - (void) windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification { fullScreen = true; self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = running; } - (void) windowWillExitFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification { fullScreen = false; self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = NO; } - (NSRect)windowWillUseStandardFrame:(NSWindow *)window defaultFrame:(NSRect)newFrame { if (fullScreen) { return newFrame; } NSRect rect = window.contentView.frame; int titlebarSize = window.contentView.superview.frame.size.height - rect.size.height; int step = 160 / [[window screen] backingScaleFactor]; rect.size.width = floor(rect.size.width / step) * step + step; rect.size.height = rect.size.width / 10 * 9 + titlebarSize; if (rect.size.width > newFrame.size.width) { rect.size.width = 160; rect.size.height = 144 + titlebarSize; } else if (rect.size.height > newFrame.size.height) { rect.size.width = 160; rect.size.height = 144 + titlebarSize; } rect.origin = window.frame.origin; rect.origin.y -= rect.size.height - window.frame.size.height; return rect; } - (void) log: (const char *) string withAttributes: (GB_log_attributes) attributes { if (pendingLogLines > 128) { /* The ROM causes so many errors in such a short time, and we can't handle it. */ tooMuchLogs = true; return; } pendingLogLines++; /* Make sure mouse is not hidden while debugging */ self.view.mouseHidingEnabled = NO; NSString *nsstring = @(string); // For ref-counting dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [hex_controller reloadData]; [self reloadVRAMData: nil]; NSFont *font = [NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize:12]; NSUnderlineStyle underline = NSUnderlineStyleNone; if (attributes & GB_LOG_BOLD) { font = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont:font toHaveTrait:NSBoldFontMask]; } if (attributes & GB_LOG_UNDERLINE_MASK) { underline = (attributes & GB_LOG_UNDERLINE_MASK) == GB_LOG_DASHED_UNDERLINE? NSUnderlinePatternDot | NSUnderlineStyleSingle : NSUnderlineStyleSingle; } NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraph_style = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init]; [paragraph_style setLineSpacing:2]; NSAttributedString *attributed = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:nsstring attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: font, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [NSColor whiteColor], NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(underline), NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paragraph_style}]; [self.consoleOutput.textStorage appendAttributedString:attributed]; if (pendingLogLines == 1) { if (tooMuchLogs) { tooMuchLogs = false; [self log:"[...]\n"]; } [self.consoleOutput scrollToEndOfDocument:nil]; if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DeveloperMode"]) { [self.consoleWindow orderBack:nil]; } } pendingLogLines--; }); } - (IBAction)showConsoleWindow:(id)sender { [self.consoleWindow orderBack:nil]; } - (IBAction)consoleInput:(NSTextField *)sender { NSString *line = [sender stringValue]; if ([line isEqualToString:@""] && lastConsoleInput) { line = lastConsoleInput; } else if (line) { lastConsoleInput = line; } else { line = @""; } if (!in_sync_input) { [self log:">"]; } [self log:[line UTF8String]]; [self log:"\n"]; [has_debugger_input lock]; [debugger_input_queue addObject:line]; [has_debugger_input unlockWithCondition:1]; [sender setStringValue:@""]; } - (const char *) getDebuggerInput { [self log:">"]; in_sync_input = true; [has_debugger_input lockWhenCondition:1]; NSString *input = [debugger_input_queue firstObject]; [debugger_input_queue removeObjectAtIndex:0]; [has_debugger_input unlockWithCondition:[debugger_input_queue count] != 0]; in_sync_input = false; return [input UTF8String]; } - (const char *) getAsyncDebuggerInput { [has_debugger_input lock]; NSString *input = [debugger_input_queue firstObject]; if (input) { [debugger_input_queue removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } [has_debugger_input unlockWithCondition:[debugger_input_queue count] != 0]; return [input UTF8String]; } - (IBAction)saveState:(id)sender { bool was_running = running; if (!gb.debug_stopped) { [self stop]; } GB_save_state(&gb, [[[self.fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"s%ld", (long)[sender tag] ]] UTF8String]); if (was_running) { [self start]; } } - (IBAction)loadState:(id)sender { bool was_running = running; if (!gb.debug_stopped) { [self stop]; } GB_load_state(&gb, [[[self.fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"s%ld", (long)[sender tag] ]] UTF8String]); if (was_running) { [self start]; } } - (IBAction)clearConsole:(id)sender { [self.consoleOutput setString:@""]; } - (void)log:(const char *)log { [self log:log withAttributes:0]; } - (uint8_t) readMemory:(uint16_t)addr { while (!is_inited); return GB_read_memory(&gb, addr); } - (void) writeMemory:(uint16_t)addr value:(uint8_t)value { while (!is_inited); GB_write_memory(&gb, addr, value); } - (void) performAtomicBlock: (void (^)())block { while (!is_inited); bool was_running = running && !gb.debug_stopped; if (was_running) { [self stop]; } block(); if (was_running) { [self start]; } } + (NSImage *) imageFromData:(NSData *)data width:(NSUInteger) width height:(NSUInteger) height scale:(double) scale { CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((CFDataRef) data); CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault; CGColorRenderingIntent renderingIntent = kCGRenderingIntentDefault; CGImageRef iref = CGImageCreate(width, height, 8, 32, 4 * width, colorSpaceRef, bitmapInfo, provider, NULL, YES, renderingIntent); return [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:iref size:NSMakeSize(width * scale, height * scale)]; } - (void) reloadMemoryView { if (self.memoryWindow.isVisible) { [hex_controller reloadData]; } } - (IBAction) reloadVRAMData: (id) sender { if (self.vramWindow.isVisible) { switch ([self.vramTabView.tabViewItems indexOfObject:self.vramTabView.selectedTabViewItem]) { case 0: /* Tileset */ { GB_palette_type_t palette_type = GB_PALETTE_NONE; NSUInteger palette_menu_index = self.tilesetPaletteButton.indexOfSelectedItem; if (palette_menu_index) { palette_type = palette_menu_index > 8? GB_PALETTE_OAM : GB_PALETTE_BACKGROUND; } size_t bufferLength = 256 * 192 * 4; NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:bufferLength]; data.length = bufferLength; GB_draw_tileset(&gb, (uint32_t *)data.mutableBytes, palette_type, (palette_menu_index - 1) & 7); self.tilesetImageView.image = [Document imageFromData:data width:256 height:192 scale:1.0]; self.tilesetImageView.layer.magnificationFilter = kCAFilterNearest; } break; case 1: /* Tilemap */ { GB_palette_type_t palette_type = GB_PALETTE_NONE; NSUInteger palette_menu_index = self.tilemapPaletteButton.indexOfSelectedItem; if (palette_menu_index > 1) { palette_type = palette_menu_index > 9? GB_PALETTE_OAM : GB_PALETTE_BACKGROUND; } else if (palette_menu_index == 1) { palette_type = GB_PALETTE_AUTO; } size_t bufferLength = 256 * 256 * 4; NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:bufferLength]; data.length = bufferLength; GB_draw_tilemap(&gb, (uint32_t *)data.mutableBytes, palette_type, (palette_menu_index - 2) & 7, (GB_map_type_t) self.tilemapMapButton.indexOfSelectedItem, (GB_tileset_type_t) self.TilemapSetButton.indexOfSelectedItem); self.tilemapImageView.image = [Document imageFromData:data width:256 height:256 scale:1.0]; self.tilemapImageView.layer.magnificationFilter = kCAFilterNearest; } break; case 2: /* OAM */ { oamCount = GB_get_oam_info(&gb, oamInfo); oamHeight = (gb.io_registers[GB_IO_LCDC] & 4) ? 16:8; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ if (!oamUpdating) { oamUpdating = true; [self.spritesTableView reloadData]; oamUpdating = false; } }); } break; case 3: /* Palettes */ { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.paletteTableView reloadData]; }); } break; } } } - (IBAction) showMemory:(id)sender { if (!hex_controller) { [self initMemoryView]; } [self.memoryWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; } - (IBAction)hexGoTo:(id)sender { [self performAtomicBlock:^{ uint16_t addr; if (GB_debugger_evaluate(&gb, [[sender stringValue] UTF8String], &addr, NULL)) { NSBeep(); return; } addr -= lineRep.valueOffset; if (addr >= hex_controller.byteArray.length) { NSBeep(); return; } [hex_controller setSelectedContentsRanges:@[[HFRangeWrapper withRange:HFRangeMake(addr, 0)]]]; [hex_controller _ensureVisibilityOfLocation:addr]; [self.memoryWindow makeFirstResponder:self.memoryView.subviews[0].subviews[0]]; }]; } - (IBAction)hexUpdateBank:(NSControl *)sender { [self performAtomicBlock:^{ uint16_t addr, bank; if (GB_debugger_evaluate(&gb, [[sender stringValue] UTF8String], &addr, &bank)) { NSBeep(); return; } if (bank == (uint16_t) -1) { bank = addr; } uint16_t n_banks = 1; switch ([(GBMemoryByteArray *)(hex_controller.byteArray) mode]) { case GBMemoryROM: n_banks = gb.rom_size / 0x4000; break; case GBMemoryVRAM: n_banks = gb.is_cgb ? 2 : 1; break; case GBMemoryExternalRAM: n_banks = (gb.mbc_ram_size + 0x1FFF) / 0x2000; break; case GBMemoryRAM: n_banks = gb.is_cgb ? 8 : 1; break; case GBMemoryEntireSpace: break; } bank %= n_banks; [sender setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"$%x", bank]]; [(GBMemoryByteArray *)(hex_controller.byteArray) setSelectedBank:bank]; [hex_controller reloadData]; }]; } - (IBAction)hexUpdateSpace:(NSPopUpButtonCell *)sender { self.memoryBankItem.enabled = [sender indexOfSelectedItem] != GBMemoryEntireSpace; GBMemoryByteArray *byteArray = (GBMemoryByteArray *)(hex_controller.byteArray); [byteArray setMode:(GB_memory_mode_t)[sender indexOfSelectedItem]]; switch ((GB_memory_mode_t)[sender indexOfSelectedItem]) { case GBMemoryEntireSpace: case GBMemoryROM: lineRep.valueOffset = 0; byteArray.selectedBank = gb.mbc_rom_bank; break; case GBMemoryVRAM: lineRep.valueOffset = 0x8000; byteArray.selectedBank = gb.cgb_vram_bank; break; case GBMemoryExternalRAM: lineRep.valueOffset = 0xA000; byteArray.selectedBank = gb.mbc_ram_bank; break; case GBMemoryRAM: lineRep.valueOffset = 0xC000; byteArray.selectedBank = gb.cgb_ram_bank; break; } [self.memoryBankInput setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"$%x", byteArray.selectedBank]]; [hex_controller reloadData]; [self.memoryView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (GB_gameboy_t *) gameboy { return &gb; } + (BOOL)canConcurrentlyReadDocumentsOfType:(NSString *)typeName { return YES; } - (void)cameraRequestUpdate { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ @try { if (!cameraSession) { NSError *error; AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo]; AVCaptureDeviceInput *input = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice: device error: &error]; CMVideoDimensions dimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions([[[device formats] firstObject] formatDescription]); if (!input) { GB_camera_updated(&gb); return; } cameraOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init]; /* Greyscale is not widely supported, so we use YUV, whose first element is the brightness. */ [cameraOutput setOutputSettings: @{(id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey: @(kYUVSPixelFormat), (id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey: @(MAX(128, 112 * dimensions.width / dimensions.height)), (id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey: @(MAX(112, 128 * dimensions.height / dimensions.width)),}]; cameraSession = [AVCaptureSession new]; cameraSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto; [cameraSession addInput: input]; [cameraSession addOutput: cameraOutput]; [cameraSession startRunning]; cameraConnection = [cameraOutput connectionWithMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo]; } [cameraOutput captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection: cameraConnection completionHandler: ^(CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer, NSError *error) { if (error) { GB_camera_updated(&gb); } else { if (cameraImage) { CVBufferRelease(cameraImage); cameraImage = NULL; } cameraImage = CVBufferRetain(CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)); /* We only need the actual buffer, no need to ever unlock it. */ CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cameraImage, 0); } GB_camera_updated(&gb); }]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { /* I have not tested camera support on many devices, so we catch exceptions just in case. */ GB_camera_updated(&gb); } }); } - (uint8_t)cameraGetPixelAtX:(uint8_t)x andY:(uint8_t) y { if (!cameraImage) { return 0; } uint8_t *baseAddress = (uint8_t *)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(cameraImage); size_t bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(cameraImage); uint8_t offsetX = (CVPixelBufferGetWidth(cameraImage) - 128) / 2; uint8_t offsetY = (CVPixelBufferGetHeight(cameraImage) - 112) / 2; uint8_t ret = baseAddress[(x + offsetX) * 2 + (y + offsetY) * bytesPerRow]; return ret; } - (IBAction)toggleTilesetGrid:(NSButton *)sender { if (sender.state) { self.tilesetImageView.horizontalGrids = @[ [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.25] size:8], [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.5] size:128], ]; self.tilesetImageView.verticalGrids = @[ [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.25] size:8], [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.5] size:64], ]; self.tilemapImageView.horizontalGrids = @[ [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.25] size:8], ]; self.tilemapImageView.verticalGrids = @[ [[GBImageViewGridConfiguration alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.25] size:8], ]; } else { self.tilesetImageView.horizontalGrids = nil; self.tilesetImageView.verticalGrids = nil; self.tilemapImageView.horizontalGrids = nil; self.tilemapImageView.verticalGrids = nil; } } - (IBAction)vramTabChanged:(NSSegmentedControl *)sender { [self.vramTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:[sender selectedSegment]]; [self reloadVRAMData:sender]; [self.vramTabView.selectedTabViewItem.view addSubview:self.gridButton]; self.gridButton.hidden = [sender selectedSegment] >= 2; NSUInteger height_diff = self.vramWindow.frame.size.height - self.vramWindow.contentView.frame.size.height; CGRect window_rect = self.vramWindow.frame; window_rect.origin.y += window_rect.size.height; switch ([sender selectedSegment]) { case 0: window_rect.size.height = 384 + height_diff + 48; break; case 1: case 2: window_rect.size.height = 512 + height_diff + 48; break; case 3: window_rect.size.height = 20 * 16 + height_diff + 24; break; default: break; } window_rect.origin.y -= window_rect.size.height; [self.vramWindow setFrame:window_rect display:YES animate:YES]; } - (void)mouseDidLeaveImageView:(GBImageView *)view { self.vramStatusLabel.stringValue = @""; } - (void)imageView:(GBImageView *)view mouseMovedToX:(NSUInteger)x Y:(NSUInteger)y { if (view == self.tilesetImageView) { uint8_t bank = x >= 128? 1 : 0; x &= 127; uint16_t tile = x / 8 + y / 8 * 16; self.vramStatusLabel.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tile number $%02x at %d:$%04x", tile & 0xFF, bank, 0x8000 + tile * 0x10]; } else if (view == self.tilemapImageView) { uint16_t map_offset = x / 8 + y / 8 * 32; uint16_t map_base = 0x1800; GB_map_type_t map_type = (GB_map_type_t) self.tilemapMapButton.indexOfSelectedItem; GB_tileset_type_t tileset_type = (GB_tileset_type_t) self.TilemapSetButton.indexOfSelectedItem; if (map_type == GB_MAP_9C00 || (map_type == GB_MAP_AUTO && gb.io_registers[GB_IO_LCDC] & 0x08)) { map_base = 0x1c00; } if (tileset_type == GB_TILESET_AUTO) { tileset_type = (gb.io_registers[GB_IO_LCDC] & 0x10)? GB_TILESET_8800 : GB_TILESET_8000; } uint8_t tile = gb.vram[map_base + map_offset]; uint16_t tile_address = 0; if (tileset_type == GB_TILESET_8000) { tile_address = 0x8000 + tile * 0x10; } else { tile_address = 0x9000 + (int8_t)tile * 0x10; } if (gb.is_cgb) { uint8_t attributes = gb.vram[map_base + map_offset + 0x2000]; self.vramStatusLabel.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tile number $%02x (%d:$%04x) at map address $%04x (Attributes: %c%c%c%d%d)", tile, attributes & 0x8? 1 : 0, tile_address, 0x8000 + map_base + map_offset, (attributes & 0x80) ? 'P' : '-', (attributes & 0x40) ? 'V' : '-', (attributes & 0x20) ? 'H' : '-', attributes & 0x8? 1 : 0, attributes & 0x7 ]; } else { self.vramStatusLabel.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tile number $%02x ($%04x) at map address $%04x", tile, tile_address, 0x8000 + map_base + map_offset ]; } } } - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView { if (tableView == self.paletteTableView) { return 16; /* 8 BG palettes, 8 OBJ palettes*/ } else if (tableView == self.spritesTableView) { return oamCount; } return 0; } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { NSUInteger columnIndex = [[tableView tableColumns] indexOfObject:tableColumn]; if (tableView == self.paletteTableView) { if (columnIndex == 0) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s %d", row >=8? "Object" : "Background", (int)(row & 7)]; } uint16_t index = columnIndex - 1 + (row & 7) * 4; return @(((row >= 8? gb.sprite_palletes_data : gb.background_palletes_data)[(index << 1) + 1] << 8) | (row >= 8? gb.sprite_palletes_data : gb.background_palletes_data)[(index << 1)]); } else if (tableView == self.spritesTableView) { switch (columnIndex) { case 0: return [Document imageFromData:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:oamInfo[row].image length:64 * 4] width:8 height:oamHeight scale:16.0/oamHeight]; case 1: return @((int)oamInfo[row].x - 8); case 2: return @((int)oamInfo[row].y - 16); case 3: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"$%02x", oamInfo[row].tile]; case 4: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"$%04x", 0x8000 + oamInfo[row].tile * 0x10]; case 5: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"$%04x", oamInfo[row].oam_addr]; case 6: if (gb.cgb_mode) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c%c%c%d%d", oamInfo[row].flags & 0x80? 'P' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x40? 'Y' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x20? 'X' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x08? 1 : 0, oamInfo[row].flags & 0x07]; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c%c%c%d", oamInfo[row].flags & 0x80? 'P' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x40? 'Y' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x20? 'X' : '-', oamInfo[row].flags & 0x10? 1 : 0]; case 7: return oamInfo[row].obscured_by_line_limit? @"Dropped: Too many sprites in line": @""; } } return nil; } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldSelectRow:(NSInteger)row { return tableView == self.spritesTableView; } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldEditTableColumn:(nullable NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { return NO; } - (IBAction)showVRAMViewer:(id)sender { [self.vramWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; } - (void) printImage:(uint32_t *)imageBytes height:(unsigned) height topMargin:(unsigned) topMargin bottomMargin: (unsigned) bottomMargin exposure:(unsigned) exposure { uint32_t paddedImage[160 * (topMargin + height + bottomMargin)]; memset(paddedImage, 0xFF, sizeof(paddedImage)); memcpy(paddedImage + (160 * topMargin), imageBytes, 160 * height * sizeof(imageBytes[0])); if (!self.printerFeedWindow.isVisible) { currentPrinterImageData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; } [currentPrinterImageData appendBytes:paddedImage length:sizeof(paddedImage)]; self.feedImageView.image = [Document imageFromData:currentPrinterImageData width:160 height:currentPrinterImageData.length / 160 / sizeof(imageBytes[0]) scale:2.0]; /* UI related code must run on main thread. */ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSRect frame = self.printerFeedWindow.frame; frame.size = self.feedImageView.image.size; frame.size.height += self.printerFeedWindow.frame.size.height - self.printerFeedWindow.contentView.frame.size.height; [self.printerFeedWindow setMaxSize:frame.size]; [self.printerFeedWindow setFrame:frame display:NO animate: self.printerFeedWindow.isVisible]; [self.printerFeedWindow orderFront:NULL]; }); } - (IBAction)savePrinterFeed:(id)sender { bool shouldResume = running; [self stop]; NSSavePanel * savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [savePanel setAllowedFileTypes:@[@"png"]]; [savePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.printerFeedWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result){ if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) { [savePanel orderOut:self]; CGImageRef cgRef = [self.feedImageView.image CGImageForProposedRect:NULL context:nil hints:nil]; NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:cgRef]; [imageRep setSize:(NSSize){160, self.feedImageView.image.size.height / 2}]; NSData *data = [imageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:@{}]; [data writeToURL:savePanel.URL atomically:NO]; [self.printerFeedWindow setIsVisible:NO]; } if (shouldResume) { [self start]; } }]; } - (IBAction)disconnectAllAccessories:(id)sender { [self performAtomicBlock:^{ accessory = GBAccessoryNone; GB_disconnect_serial(&gb); }]; } - (IBAction)connectPrinter:(id)sender { [self performAtomicBlock:^{ accessory = GBAccessoryPrinter; GB_connect_printer(&gb, printImage); }]; } @end