// // HFRepresenterLayoutView.m // HexFiend_2 // // Copyright 2007 ridiculous_fish. All rights reserved. // #import <HexFiend/HFLayoutRepresenter.h> @interface HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo : NSObject { @public HFRepresenter *rep; NSView *view; NSPoint layoutPosition; NSRect frame; NSUInteger autoresizingMask; } @end @implementation HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@ : %@>", view, NSStringFromRect(frame)]; } @end @implementation HFLayoutRepresenter static NSInteger sortByLayoutPosition(id a, id b, void *self) { USE(self); NSPoint pointA = [a layoutPosition]; NSPoint pointB = [b layoutPosition]; if (pointA.y < pointB.y) return -1; else if (pointA.y > pointB.y) return 1; else if (pointA.x < pointB.x) return -1; else if (pointA.x > pointB.x) return 1; else return 0; } - (NSArray *)arraysOfLayoutInfos { if (! representers) return nil; NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array]; NSArray *reps = [representers sortedArrayUsingFunction:sortByLayoutPosition context:self]; NSMutableArray *currentReps = [NSMutableArray array]; CGFloat currentRepY = - CGFLOAT_MAX; FOREACH(HFRepresenter*, rep, reps) { HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *info = [[HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo alloc] init]; info->rep = rep; info->view = [rep view]; info->frame = [info->view frame]; info->layoutPosition = [rep layoutPosition]; info->autoresizingMask = [info->view autoresizingMask]; if (info->layoutPosition.y != currentRepY && [currentReps count] > 0) { [result addObject:[[currentReps copy] autorelease]]; [currentReps removeAllObjects]; } currentRepY = info->layoutPosition.y; [currentReps addObject:info]; [info release]; } if ([currentReps count]) [result addObject:[[currentReps copy] autorelease]]; return result; } - (NSRect)boundsRectForLayout { NSRect result = [[self view] bounds]; /* Sometimes when we are not yet in a window, we get wonky bounds, so be paranoid. */ if (result.size.width < 0 || result.size.height < 0) result = NSZeroRect; return result; } - (CGFloat)_computeMinHeightForLayoutInfos:(NSArray *)infos { CGFloat result = 0; HFASSERT(infos != NULL); HFASSERT([infos count] > 0); FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, infos) { if (! (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewHeightSizable)) result = MAX(result, NSHeight([info->view frame])); } return result; } - (void)_applyYLocation:(CGFloat)yLocation andMinHeight:(CGFloat)height toInfos:(NSArray *)layoutInfos { FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, layoutInfos) { info->frame.origin.y = yLocation; if (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewHeightSizable) info->frame.size.height = height; } } - (void)_layoutInfosHorizontally:(NSArray *)infos inRect:(NSRect)layoutRect withBytesPerLine:(NSUInteger)bytesPerLine { CGFloat nextX = NSMinX(layoutRect); NSUInteger numHorizontallyResizable = 0; FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, infos) { CGFloat minWidth = [info->rep minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:bytesPerLine]; info->frame.origin.x = nextX; info->frame.size.width = minWidth; nextX += minWidth; numHorizontallyResizable += !! (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewWidthSizable); } CGFloat remainingWidth = NSMaxX(layoutRect) - nextX; if (numHorizontallyResizable > 0 && remainingWidth > 0) { NSView *view = [self view]; CGFloat remainingPixels = [view convertSize:NSMakeSize(remainingWidth, 0) toView:nil].width; HFASSERT(remainingPixels > 0); CGFloat pixelsPerView = HFFloor(HFFloor(remainingPixels) / (CGFloat)numHorizontallyResizable); if (pixelsPerView > 0) { CGFloat pointsPerView = [view convertSize:NSMakeSize(pixelsPerView, 0) fromView:nil].width; CGFloat pointsAdded = 0; FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, infos) { info->frame.origin.x += pointsAdded; if (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewWidthSizable) { info->frame.size.width += pointsPerView; pointsAdded += pointsPerView; } } } } } - (CGFloat)minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:(NSUInteger)bytesPerLine { CGFloat result = 0; NSArray *arraysOfLayoutInfos = [self arraysOfLayoutInfos]; FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfos, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { CGFloat minWidthForRow = 0; FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, layoutInfos) { minWidthForRow += [info->rep minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:bytesPerLine]; } result = MAX(result, minWidthForRow); } return result; } - (NSUInteger)_computeBytesPerLineForArraysOfLayoutInfos:(NSArray *)arraysOfLayoutInfos forLayoutInRect:(NSRect)layoutRect { /* The granularity is our own granularity (probably 1), LCMed with the granularities of all other representers */ NSUInteger granularity = [self byteGranularity]; FOREACH(HFRepresenter *, representer, representers) { granularity = HFLeastCommonMultiple(granularity, [representer byteGranularity]); } HFASSERT(granularity >= 1); NSUInteger newNumGranules = (NSUIntegerMax - 1) / granularity; FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfos, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { NSUInteger maxKnownGood = 0, minKnownBad = newNumGranules + 1; while (maxKnownGood + 1 < minKnownBad) { CGFloat requiredSpace = 0; NSUInteger proposedNumGranules = maxKnownGood + (minKnownBad - maxKnownGood)/2; NSUInteger proposedBytesPerLine = proposedNumGranules * granularity; FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, layoutInfos) { requiredSpace += [info->rep minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:proposedBytesPerLine]; if (requiredSpace > NSWidth(layoutRect)) break; } if (requiredSpace > NSWidth(layoutRect)) minKnownBad = proposedNumGranules; else maxKnownGood = proposedNumGranules; } newNumGranules = maxKnownGood; } return MAX(1u, newNumGranules) * granularity; } - (BOOL)_anyLayoutInfoIsVerticallyResizable:(NSArray *)vals { HFASSERT(vals != NULL); FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, vals) { if (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewHeightSizable) return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)_addVerticalHeight:(CGFloat)heightPoints andOffset:(CGFloat)offsetPoints toLayoutInfos:(NSArray *)layoutInfos { BOOL isVerticallyResizable = [self _anyLayoutInfoIsVerticallyResizable:layoutInfos]; CGFloat totalHeight = [self _computeMinHeightForLayoutInfos:layoutInfos] + heightPoints; FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, layoutInfos) { info->frame.origin.y += offsetPoints; if (isVerticallyResizable) { if (info->autoresizingMask & NSViewHeightSizable) { info->frame.size.height = totalHeight; } else { CGFloat diff = totalHeight - info->frame.size.height; HFASSERT(diff >= 0); info->frame.origin.y += HFFloor(diff); } } } return isVerticallyResizable; } - (void)_distributeVerticalSpace:(CGFloat)space toArraysOfLayoutInfos:(NSArray *)arraysOfLayoutInfos { HFASSERT(space >= 0); HFASSERT(arraysOfLayoutInfos != NULL); NSUInteger consumers = 0; FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfos, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { if ([self _anyLayoutInfoIsVerticallyResizable:layoutInfos]) consumers++; } if (consumers > 0) { NSView *view = [self view]; CGFloat availablePixels = [view convertSize:NSMakeSize(0, space) toView:nil].height; HFASSERT(availablePixels > 0); CGFloat pixelsPerView = HFFloor(HFFloor(availablePixels) / (CGFloat)consumers); CGFloat pointsPerView = [view convertSize:NSMakeSize(0, pixelsPerView) fromView:nil].height; CGFloat yOffset = 0; if (pointsPerView > 0) { FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfos, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { if ([self _addVerticalHeight:pointsPerView andOffset:yOffset toLayoutInfos:layoutInfos]) { yOffset += pointsPerView; } } } } } - (void)performLayout { HFController *controller = [self controller]; if (! controller) return; if (! representers) return; NSArray *arraysOfLayoutInfos = [self arraysOfLayoutInfos]; if (! [arraysOfLayoutInfos count]) return; NSUInteger transaction = [controller beginPropertyChangeTransaction]; NSRect layoutRect = [self boundsRectForLayout]; NSUInteger bytesPerLine; if (maximizesBytesPerLine) bytesPerLine = [self _computeBytesPerLineForArraysOfLayoutInfos:arraysOfLayoutInfos forLayoutInRect:layoutRect]; else bytesPerLine = [controller bytesPerLine]; CGFloat yPosition = NSMinY(layoutRect); FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfos, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { HFASSERT([layoutInfos count] > 0); CGFloat minHeight = [self _computeMinHeightForLayoutInfos:layoutInfos]; [self _applyYLocation:yPosition andMinHeight:minHeight toInfos:layoutInfos]; yPosition += minHeight; [self _layoutInfosHorizontally:layoutInfos inRect:layoutRect withBytesPerLine:bytesPerLine]; } CGFloat remainingVerticalSpace = NSMaxY(layoutRect) - yPosition; if (remainingVerticalSpace > 0) { [self _distributeVerticalSpace:remainingVerticalSpace toArraysOfLayoutInfos:arraysOfLayoutInfos]; } FOREACH(NSArray *, layoutInfoArray, arraysOfLayoutInfos) { FOREACH(HFRepresenterLayoutViewInfo *, info, layoutInfoArray) { [info->view setFrame:info->frame]; } } [controller endPropertyChangeTransaction:transaction]; } - (NSArray *)representers { return representers ? [[representers copy] autorelease] : @[]; } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; maximizesBytesPerLine = YES; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:[self view]]; [representers release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { HFASSERT([coder allowsKeyedCoding]); [super encodeWithCoder:coder]; [coder encodeObject:representers forKey:@"HFRepresenters"]; [coder encodeBool:maximizesBytesPerLine forKey:@"HFMaximizesBytesPerLine"]; } - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { HFASSERT([coder allowsKeyedCoding]); self = [super initWithCoder:coder]; representers = [[coder decodeObjectForKey:@"HFRepresenters"] retain]; maximizesBytesPerLine = [coder decodeBoolForKey:@"HFMaximizesBytesPerLine"]; NSView *view = [self view]; [view setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(frameChanged:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:view]; return self; } - (void)addRepresenter:(HFRepresenter *)representer { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(representer); if (! representers) representers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; HFASSERT([representers indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:representer] == NSNotFound); [representers addObject:representer]; HFASSERT([[representer view] superview] != [self view]); [[self view] addSubview:[representer view]]; [self performLayout]; } - (void)removeRepresenter:(HFRepresenter *)representer { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(representer); HFASSERT([representers indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:representer] != NSNotFound); NSView *view = [representer view]; HFASSERT([view superview] == [self view]); [view removeFromSuperview]; [representers removeObjectIdenticalTo:representer]; [self performLayout]; } - (void)frameChanged:(NSNotification *)note { USE(note); [self performLayout]; } - (void)initializeView { NSView *view = [self view]; [view setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(frameChanged:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:view]; } - (NSView *)createView { return [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)]; } - (void)setMaximizesBytesPerLine:(BOOL)val { maximizesBytesPerLine = val; } - (BOOL)maximizesBytesPerLine { return maximizesBytesPerLine; } - (NSUInteger)maximumBytesPerLineForLayoutInProposedWidth:(CGFloat)proposedWidth { NSArray *arraysOfLayoutInfos = [self arraysOfLayoutInfos]; if (! [arraysOfLayoutInfos count]) return 0; NSRect layoutRect = [self boundsRectForLayout]; layoutRect.size.width = proposedWidth; NSUInteger bytesPerLine = [self _computeBytesPerLineForArraysOfLayoutInfos:arraysOfLayoutInfos forLayoutInRect:layoutRect]; return bytesPerLine; } - (CGFloat)minimumViewWidthForLayoutInProposedWidth:(CGFloat)proposedWidth { NSUInteger bytesPerLine; if ([self maximizesBytesPerLine]) { bytesPerLine = [self maximumBytesPerLineForLayoutInProposedWidth:proposedWidth]; } else { bytesPerLine = [[self controller] bytesPerLine]; } CGFloat newWidth = [self minimumViewWidthForBytesPerLine:bytesPerLine]; return newWidth; } - (void)controllerDidChange:(HFControllerPropertyBits)bits { [super controllerDidChange:bits]; if (bits & (HFControllerViewSizeRatios | HFControllerBytesPerColumn | HFControllerByteGranularity)) { [self performLayout]; } } @end