#include #include #include "utils.h" #include "gui.h" #include "font.h" static const SDL_Color gui_palette[4] = {{8, 24, 16,}, {57, 97, 57,}, {132, 165, 99}, {198, 222, 140}}; static uint32_t gui_palette_native[4]; SDL_Window *window = NULL; SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; SDL_Texture *texture = NULL; SDL_PixelFormat *pixel_format = NULL; enum pending_command pending_command; unsigned command_parameter; #ifdef __APPLE__ #define MODIFIER_NAME " " CMD_STRING #else #define MODIFIER_NAME CTRL_STRING #endif configuration_t configuration = { { SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT, SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, SDL_SCANCODE_UP, SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN, SDL_SCANCODE_X, SDL_SCANCODE_Z, SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE, SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN, SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE }, GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_EMULATE_HARDWARE, GB_SDL_SCALING_INTEGER_FACTOR, }; static const char *help[] ={ "Drop a GB or GBC ROM\n" "file to play.\n" "\n" "Keyboard Shortcuts:\n" " Open Menu: Escape\n" " Reset: " MODIFIER_NAME "+R\n" " Pause: " MODIFIER_NAME "+P\n" " Toggle DMG/CGB: " MODIFIER_NAME "+T\n" " Save state: " MODIFIER_NAME "+(0-9)\n" " Load state: " MODIFIER_NAME "+" SHIFT_STRING "+(0-9)\n" #ifdef __APPLE__ " Mute/Unmute: " MODIFIER_NAME "+" SHIFT_STRING "+M\n" #else " Mute/Unmute: " MODIFIER_NAME "+M\n" #endif " Break Debugger: " CTRL_STRING "+C" }; void update_viewport(void) { int win_width, win_height; SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &win_width, &win_height); double x_factor = win_width / 160.0; double y_factor = win_height / 144.0; if (configuration.scaling_mode == GB_SDL_SCALING_INTEGER_FACTOR) { x_factor = (int)(x_factor); y_factor = (int)(y_factor); } if (configuration.scaling_mode != GB_SDL_SCALING_ENTIRE_WINDOW) { if (x_factor > y_factor) { x_factor = y_factor; } else { y_factor = x_factor; } } unsigned new_width = x_factor * 160; unsigned new_height = y_factor * 144; SDL_Rect rect = (SDL_Rect){(win_width - new_width) / 2, (win_height - new_height) /2, new_width, new_height}; SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &rect); } /* Does NOT check for bounds! */ static void draw_char(uint32_t *buffer, unsigned char ch, uint32_t color) { if (ch < ' ' || ch > font_max) { ch = '?'; } uint8_t *data = &font[(ch - ' ') * GLYPH_WIDTH * GLYPH_HEIGHT]; for (unsigned y = GLYPH_HEIGHT; y--;) { for (unsigned x = GLYPH_WIDTH; x--;) { if (*(data++)) { (*buffer) = color; } buffer++; } buffer += 160 - GLYPH_WIDTH; } } static void draw_unbordered_text(uint32_t *buffer, unsigned x, unsigned y, const char *string, uint32_t color) { unsigned orig_x = x; while (*string) { if (*string == '\n') { x = orig_x; y += GLYPH_HEIGHT + 4; string++; continue; } if (x > 160 - GLYPH_WIDTH || y == 0 || y > 144 - GLYPH_HEIGHT) { break; } draw_char(&buffer[x + 160 * y], *string, color); x += GLYPH_WIDTH; string++; } } static void draw_text(uint32_t *buffer, unsigned x, unsigned y, const char *string, uint32_t color, uint32_t border) { draw_unbordered_text(buffer, x - 1, y, string, border); draw_unbordered_text(buffer, x + 1, y, string, border); draw_unbordered_text(buffer, x, y - 1, string, border); draw_unbordered_text(buffer, x, y + 1, string, border); draw_unbordered_text(buffer, x, y, string, color); } enum decoration { DECORATION_NONE, DECORATION_SELECTION, DECORATION_ARROWS, }; static void draw_text_centered(uint32_t *buffer, unsigned y, const char *string, uint32_t color, uint32_t border, enum decoration decoration) { unsigned x = 160 / 2 - (unsigned) strlen(string) * GLYPH_WIDTH / 2; draw_text(buffer, x, y, string, color, border); switch (decoration) { case DECORATION_SELECTION: draw_text(buffer, x - GLYPH_WIDTH, y, SELECTION_STRING, color, border); break; case DECORATION_ARROWS: draw_text(buffer, x - GLYPH_WIDTH, y, LEFT_ARROW_STRING, color, border); draw_text(buffer, 160 - x, y, RIGHT_ARROW_STRING, color, border); break; case DECORATION_NONE: break; } } struct menu_item { const char *string; void (*handler)(unsigned); const char *(*value_getter)(unsigned); void (*backwards_handler)(unsigned); }; static const struct menu_item *current_menu = NULL; static const struct menu_item *root_menu = NULL; static unsigned current_selection = 0; static enum { SHOWING_DROP_MESSAGE, SHOWING_MENU, SHOWING_HELP, WAITING_FOR_KEY, WAITING_FOR_JBUTTON, } gui_state; unsigned auto_detect_progress = 0; unsigned auto_detect_inputs[3]; static void item_exit(unsigned index) { pending_command = GB_SDL_QUIT_COMMAND; } static unsigned current_help_page = 0; static void item_help(unsigned index) { current_help_page = 0; gui_state = SHOWING_HELP; } static void enter_graphics_menu(unsigned index); static void enter_controls_menu(unsigned index); static void enter_joypad_menu(unsigned index); static const struct menu_item paused_menu[] = { {"Resume", NULL}, {"Graphic Options", enter_graphics_menu}, {"Keyboard", enter_controls_menu}, {"Joypad", enter_joypad_menu}, {"Help", item_help}, {"Exit", item_exit}, {NULL,} }; static const struct menu_item nonpaused_menu[] = { {"Graphic Options", enter_graphics_menu}, {"Keyboard", enter_controls_menu}, {"Joypad", enter_joypad_menu}, {"Help", item_help}, {"Exit", item_exit}, {NULL,} }; const char *current_scaling_mode(unsigned index) { return (const char *[]){"Fill Entire Window", "Retain Aspect Ratio", "Retain Integer Factor"} [configuration.scaling_mode]; } const char *current_color_correction_mode(unsigned index) { return (const char *[]){"Disabled", "Correct Color Curves", "Emulate Hardware", "Preserve Brightness"} [configuration.color_correction_mode]; } void cycle_scaling(unsigned index) { configuration.scaling_mode++; if (configuration.scaling_mode == GB_SDL_SCALING_MAX) { configuration.scaling_mode = 0; } update_viewport(); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } void cycle_scaling_backwards(unsigned index) { if (configuration.scaling_mode == 0) { configuration.scaling_mode = GB_SDL_SCALING_MAX - 1; } else { configuration.scaling_mode--; } update_viewport(); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } static void cycle_color_correction(unsigned index) { if (configuration.color_correction_mode == GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_PRESERVE_BRIGHTNESS) { configuration.color_correction_mode = GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_DISABLED; } else { configuration.color_correction_mode++; } } static void cycle_color_correction_backwards(unsigned index) { if (configuration.color_correction_mode == GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_DISABLED) { configuration.color_correction_mode = GB_COLOR_CORRECTION_PRESERVE_BRIGHTNESS; } else { configuration.color_correction_mode--; } } static void return_to_root_menu(unsigned index) { current_menu = root_menu; current_selection = 0; } static const struct menu_item graphics_menu[] = { {"Scaling Mode:", cycle_scaling, current_scaling_mode, cycle_scaling_backwards}, {"Color Correction:", cycle_color_correction, current_color_correction_mode, cycle_color_correction_backwards}, {"Back", return_to_root_menu}, {NULL,} }; static void enter_graphics_menu(unsigned index) { current_menu = graphics_menu; current_selection = 0; } static const char *key_name(unsigned index) { return SDL_GetScancodeName(configuration.keys[index]); } static void modify_key(unsigned index) { gui_state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; } static const struct menu_item controls_menu[] = { {"Right:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Left:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Up:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Down:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"A:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"B:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Select:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Start:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Turbo:", modify_key, key_name,}, {"Back", return_to_root_menu}, {NULL,} }; static void enter_controls_menu(unsigned index) { current_menu = controls_menu; current_selection = 0; } static unsigned joypad_index = 0; SDL_Joystick *joystick = NULL; const char *current_joypad_name(unsigned index) { static char name[23] = {0,}; const char *orig_name = joystick? SDL_JoystickName(joystick) : NULL; if (!orig_name) return "Not Found"; unsigned i = 0; // SDL returns a name with repeated and trailing spaces while (*orig_name && i < sizeof(name) - 2) { if (orig_name[0] != ' ' || orig_name[1] != ' ') { name[i++] = *orig_name; } orig_name++; } if (i && name[i - 1] == ' ') { i--; } name[i] = 0; return name; } static void cycle_joypads(unsigned index) { joypad_index++; if (joypad_index >= SDL_NumJoysticks()) { joypad_index = 0; } if (joystick) { SDL_JoystickClose(joystick); } joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(joypad_index); } unsigned fix_joypad_button(unsigned button) { if (configuration.div_joystick) { button >>= 1; } if (button < 4) { if (configuration.swap_joysticks_bits_1_and_2) { button = (int[]){0, 2, 1, 3}[button]; } if (configuration.flip_joystick_bit_1) { button ^= 1; } } return button; } static void cycle_joypads_backwards(unsigned index) { joypad_index++; if (joypad_index >= SDL_NumJoysticks()) { joypad_index = SDL_NumJoysticks() - 1; } if (joystick) { SDL_JoystickClose(joystick); } joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(joypad_index); } static void detect_joypad_layout(unsigned index) { gui_state = WAITING_FOR_JBUTTON; auto_detect_progress = 0; } static const struct menu_item joypad_menu[] = { {"Joypad:", cycle_joypads, current_joypad_name, cycle_joypads_backwards}, {"Detect layout", detect_joypad_layout}, {NULL,} }; static void enter_joypad_menu(unsigned index) { current_menu = joypad_menu; current_selection = 0; } extern void set_filename(const char *new_filename, bool new_should_free); void run_gui(bool is_running) { if (joystick && !SDL_NumJoysticks()) { SDL_JoystickClose(joystick); joystick = NULL; } else if (!joystick && SDL_NumJoysticks()) { joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0); } /* Draw the background screen */ static SDL_Surface *converted_background = NULL; if (!converted_background) { SDL_Surface *background = SDL_LoadBMP(executable_relative_path("background.bmp")); SDL_SetPaletteColors(background->format->palette, gui_palette, 0, 4); converted_background = SDL_ConvertSurface(background, pixel_format, 0); SDL_LockSurface(converted_background); SDL_FreeSurface(background); for (unsigned i = 4; i--; ) { gui_palette_native[i] = SDL_MapRGB(pixel_format, gui_palette[i].r, gui_palette[i].g, gui_palette[i].b); } } uint32_t pixels[160 * 144]; SDL_Event event = {0,}; gui_state = is_running? SHOWING_MENU : SHOWING_DROP_MESSAGE; bool should_render = true; current_menu = root_menu = is_running? paused_menu : nonpaused_menu; current_selection = 0; do { /* Convert Joypad events (We only generate down events) */ if (gui_state != WAITING_FOR_KEY && gui_state != WAITING_FOR_JBUTTON) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.jbutton.button = fix_joypad_button(event.jbutton.button); if (event.jbutton.button < 4) { event.key.keysym.scancode = (event.jbutton.button & 1) ? SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN : SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE; } else if (event.jbutton.button == 8 || event.jbutton.button == 9) { event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE; } break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: { static bool axis_active[2] = {false, false}; if ((event.jaxis.axis >> configuration.div_joystick) & 1) { if (event.jaxis.value > 0x4000) { if (!axis_active[1]) { event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN; } axis_active[1] = true; } else if (event.jaxis.value < -0x4000) { if (!axis_active[0]) { event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_UP; } axis_active[1] = true; } else { axis_active[1] = false; } } else { if (event.jaxis.value > 0x4000) { if (!axis_active[0]) { event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT; } axis_active[0] = true; } else if (event.jaxis.value < -0x4000) { if (!axis_active[0]) { event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT; } axis_active[0] = true; } else { axis_active[0] = false; } } } } } switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: { if (!is_running) { exit(0); } else { pending_command = GB_SDL_QUIT_COMMAND; return; } } case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { update_viewport(); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } break; } case SDL_DROPFILE: { set_filename(event.drop.file, true); pending_command = GB_SDL_NEW_FILE_COMMAND; return; } case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: { if (gui_state == WAITING_FOR_JBUTTON) { should_render = true; auto_detect_inputs[auto_detect_progress++] = event.jbutton.button; if (auto_detect_progress == 3) { gui_state = SHOWING_MENU; configuration.div_joystick = ((auto_detect_inputs[0] | auto_detect_inputs[1] | auto_detect_inputs[2]) & 1) == 0 && auto_detect_inputs[0] > 9; if (configuration.div_joystick) { auto_detect_inputs[0] >>= 1; auto_detect_inputs[1] >>= 1; auto_detect_inputs[2] >>= 1; } configuration.swap_joysticks_bits_1_and_2 = (auto_detect_inputs[1] & 1) == (auto_detect_inputs[2] & 1); if (configuration.swap_joysticks_bits_1_and_2) { auto_detect_inputs[1] = (int[]){0, 2, 1, 3}[auto_detect_inputs[1]]; auto_detect_inputs[2] = (int[]){0, 2, 1, 3}[auto_detect_inputs[2]]; } configuration.flip_joystick_bit_1 = auto_detect_inputs[2] & 1; } } } case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) { if (is_running) { return; } else { if (gui_state == SHOWING_DROP_MESSAGE) { gui_state = SHOWING_MENU; } else if (gui_state == SHOWING_MENU) { gui_state = SHOWING_DROP_MESSAGE; } current_selection = 0; current_menu = root_menu; should_render = true; } } if (gui_state == SHOWING_MENU) { if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN && current_menu[current_selection + 1].string) { current_selection++; should_render = true; } else if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_UP && current_selection) { current_selection--; should_render = true; } else if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN) { if (current_menu[current_selection].handler) { current_menu[current_selection].handler(current_selection); if (pending_command) { if (!is_running && pending_command == GB_SDL_QUIT_COMMAND) { exit(0); } return; } should_render = true; } else { return; } } else if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT && current_menu[current_selection].backwards_handler) { current_menu[current_selection].handler(current_selection); should_render = true; } else if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT && current_menu[current_selection].backwards_handler) { current_menu[current_selection].backwards_handler(current_selection); should_render = true; } } else if (gui_state == SHOWING_HELP) { current_help_page++; if (current_help_page == sizeof(help) / sizeof(help[0])) { gui_state = SHOWING_MENU; } should_render = true; } else if (gui_state == WAITING_FOR_KEY) { configuration.keys[current_selection] = event.key.keysym.scancode; gui_state = SHOWING_MENU; should_render = true; } break; } if (should_render) { should_render = false; memcpy(pixels, converted_background->pixels, sizeof(pixels)); switch (gui_state) { case SHOWING_DROP_MESSAGE: draw_text_centered(pixels, 116, "Drop a GB or GBC", gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], false); draw_text_centered(pixels, 128, "file to play", gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], false); break; case SHOWING_MENU: draw_text_centered(pixels, 8, "SameBoy", gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], false); unsigned i = 0, y = 24; for (const struct menu_item *item = current_menu; item->string; item++, i++) { if (item->value_getter && !item->backwards_handler) { char line[25]; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s%*s", item->string, 24 - (int)strlen(item->string), item->value_getter(i)); draw_text_centered(pixels, y, line, gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], i == current_selection ? DECORATION_SELECTION : DECORATION_NONE); y += 12; } else { draw_text_centered(pixels, y, item->string, gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], i == current_selection && !item->value_getter ? DECORATION_SELECTION : DECORATION_NONE); y += 12; if (item->value_getter) { draw_text_centered(pixels, y, item->value_getter(i), gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], i == current_selection ? DECORATION_ARROWS : DECORATION_NONE); y += 12; } } } break; case SHOWING_HELP: draw_text(pixels, 2, 2, help[current_help_page], gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0]); break; case WAITING_FOR_KEY: draw_text_centered(pixels, 68, "Press a Key", gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], DECORATION_NONE); break; case WAITING_FOR_JBUTTON: draw_text_centered(pixels, 68, (const char *[]) { "Press button for Start", "Press button for A", "Press button for B", } [auto_detect_progress], gui_palette_native[3], gui_palette_native[0], DECORATION_NONE); break; } SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, NULL, pixels, 160 * sizeof (uint32_t)); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } } while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)); }