#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include "gb.h" void GB_attributed_logv(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_log_attributes attributes, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char *string = NULL; vasprintf(&string, fmt, args); if (string) { if (gb->log_callback) { gb->log_callback(gb, string, attributes); } else { /* Todo: Add ANSI escape sequences for attributed text */ printf("%s", string); } } free(string); } void GB_attributed_log(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_log_attributes attributes, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); GB_attributed_logv(gb, attributes, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void GB_log(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); GB_attributed_logv(gb, 0, fmt, args); va_end(args); } static char *default_input_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { char *expression = NULL; size_t size = 0; #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ if (getline(&expression, &size, stdin) == -1) { /* The user doesn't have STDIN or used ^D. We make sure the program keeps running. */ GB_set_async_input_callback(gb, NULL); /* Disable async input */ return strdup("c"); } #endif if (!expression) { return strdup(""); } size_t length = strlen(expression); if (expression[length - 1] == '\n') { expression[length - 1] = 0; } return expression; } static char *default_async_input_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { #ifndef _WIN32 fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &set); struct timeval time = {0,}; if (select(1, &set, NULL, NULL, &time) == 1) { if (feof(stdin)) { GB_set_async_input_callback(gb, NULL); /* Disable async input */ return NULL; } return default_input_callback(gb); } #endif return NULL; } void GB_init(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { memset(gb, 0, sizeof(*gb)); gb->ram = malloc(gb->ram_size = 0x2000); gb->vram = malloc(gb->vram_size = 0x2000); gb->input_callback = default_input_callback; gb->async_input_callback = default_async_input_callback; gb->cartridge_type = &GB_cart_defs[0]; // Default cartridge type GB_reset(gb); } void GB_init_cgb(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { memset(gb, 0, sizeof(*gb)); gb->ram = malloc(gb->ram_size = 0x2000 * 8); gb->vram = malloc(gb->vram_size = 0x2000 * 2); gb->is_cgb = true; gb->input_callback = default_input_callback; gb->async_input_callback = default_async_input_callback; gb->cartridge_type = &GB_cart_defs[0]; // Default cartridge type GB_reset(gb); } void GB_free(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { gb->magic = 0; if (gb->ram) { free(gb->ram); } if (gb->vram) { free(gb->vram); } if (gb->mbc_ram) { free(gb->mbc_ram); } if (gb->rom) { free(gb->rom); } if (gb->apu_output.buffer) { free(gb->apu_output.buffer); } if (gb->breakpoints) { free(gb->breakpoints); } for (int i = 0x200; i--;) { if (gb->bank_symbols[i]) { GB_map_free(gb->bank_symbols[i]); } } for (int i = 0x400; i--;) { while (gb->reversed_symbol_map.buckets[i]) { GB_symbol_t *next = gb->reversed_symbol_map.buckets[i]->next; free(gb->reversed_symbol_map.buckets[i]); gb->reversed_symbol_map.buckets[i] = next; } } memset(gb, 0, sizeof(*gb)); } #ifdef __LIBRETRO__ #include "../libretro/cgb_boot.h" #include "../libretro/dmg_boot.h" int GB_load_boot_rom_dmg(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { memset(gb->boot_rom, 0xFF, sizeof(gb->boot_rom)); memcpy(gb->boot_rom, dmg_boot, dmg_boot_length); return 0; } int GB_load_boot_rom_cgb(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { memset(gb->boot_rom, 0xFF, sizeof(gb->boot_rom)); memcpy(gb->boot_rom, cgb_boot, cgb_boot_length); return 0; } #endif int GB_load_boot_rom(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *path) { FILE *f = fopen(path, "rb"); if (!f) { GB_log(gb, "Could not open boot ROM: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } fread(gb->boot_rom, sizeof(gb->boot_rom), 1, f); fclose(f); return 0; } int GB_load_rom(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *path) { FILE *f = fopen(path, "rb"); if (!f) { GB_log(gb, "Could not open ROM: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); gb->rom_size = (ftell(f) + 0x3FFF) & ~0x3FFF; /* Round to bank */ /* And then round to a power of two */ while (gb->rom_size & (gb->rom_size - 1)) { /* I promise this works. */ gb->rom_size |= gb->rom_size >> 1; gb->rom_size++; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (gb->rom) { free(gb->rom); } gb->rom = malloc(gb->rom_size); memset(gb->rom, 0xFF, gb->rom_size); /* Pad with 0xFFs */ fread(gb->rom, gb->rom_size, 1, f); fclose(f); GB_configure_cart(gb); return 0; } int GB_save_battery(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *path) { if (!gb->cartridge_type->has_battery) return 0; // Nothing to save. if (gb->mbc_ram_size == 0 && !gb->cartridge_type->has_rtc) return 0; /* Claims to have battery, but has no RAM or RTC */ FILE *f = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!f) { GB_log(gb, "Could not open battery save: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if (fwrite(gb->mbc_ram, 1, gb->mbc_ram_size, f) != gb->mbc_ram_size) { fclose(f); return EIO; } if (gb->cartridge_type->has_rtc) { if (fwrite(&gb->rtc_real, 1, sizeof(gb->rtc_real), f) != sizeof(gb->rtc_real)) { fclose(f); return EIO; } if (fwrite(&gb->last_rtc_second, 1, sizeof(gb->last_rtc_second), f) != sizeof(gb->last_rtc_second)) { fclose(f); return EIO; } } errno = 0; fclose(f); return errno; } /* Loading will silently stop if the format is incomplete */ void GB_load_battery(GB_gameboy_t *gb, const char *path) { FILE *f = fopen(path, "rb"); if (!f) { return; } if (fread(gb->mbc_ram, 1, gb->mbc_ram_size, f) != gb->mbc_ram_size) { goto reset_rtc; } if (fread(&gb->rtc_real, 1, sizeof(gb->rtc_real), f) != sizeof(gb->rtc_real)) { goto reset_rtc; } if (fread(&gb->last_rtc_second, 1, sizeof(gb->last_rtc_second), f) != sizeof(gb->last_rtc_second)) { goto reset_rtc; } if (gb->last_rtc_second > time(NULL)) { /* We must reset RTC here, or it will not advance. */ goto reset_rtc; } if (gb->last_rtc_second < 852076800) { /* 1/1/97. There weren't any RTC games that time, so if the value we read is lower it means it wasn't really RTC data. */ goto reset_rtc; } goto exit; reset_rtc: gb->last_rtc_second = time(NULL); gb->rtc_real.high |= 0x80; /* This gives the game a hint that the clock should be reset. */ exit: fclose(f); return; } void GB_run(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { GB_debugger_run(gb); GB_cpu_run(gb); if (gb->vblank_just_occured) { GB_update_joyp(gb); GB_rtc_run(gb); GB_debugger_handle_async_commands(gb); } } uint64_t GB_run_frame(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { /* Configure turbo temporarily, the user wants to handle FPS capping manually. */ bool old_turbo = gb->turbo; bool old_dont_skip = gb->turbo_dont_skip; gb->turbo = true; gb->turbo_dont_skip = true; gb->cycles_since_last_sync = 0; while (true) { GB_run(gb); if (gb->vblank_just_occured) { break; } } gb->turbo = old_turbo; gb->turbo_dont_skip = old_dont_skip; return gb->cycles_since_last_sync * FRAME_LENGTH * LCDC_PERIOD; } void GB_set_pixels_output(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint32_t *output) { gb->screen = output; } void GB_set_vblank_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_vblank_callback_t callback) { gb->vblank_callback = callback; } void GB_set_log_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_log_callback_t callback) { gb->log_callback = callback; } void GB_set_input_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_input_callback_t callback) { if (gb->input_callback == default_input_callback) { gb->async_input_callback = NULL; } gb->input_callback = callback; } void GB_set_async_input_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_input_callback_t callback) { gb->async_input_callback = callback; } void GB_set_rgb_encode_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_rgb_encode_callback_t callback) { if (!gb->rgb_encode_callback && !gb->is_cgb) { gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[4] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[0] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[0] = callback(gb, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[5] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[1] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[1] = callback(gb, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[6] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[2] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[2] = callback(gb, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[7] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[3] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[3] = callback(gb, 0, 0, 0); } gb->rgb_encode_callback = callback; } void GB_set_infrared_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_infrared_callback_t callback) { gb->infrared_callback = callback; } void GB_set_infrared_input(GB_gameboy_t *gb, bool state) { gb->infrared_input = state; gb->cycles_since_input_ir_change = 0; gb->ir_queue_length = 0; } void GB_queue_infrared_input(GB_gameboy_t *gb, bool state, long cycles_after_previous_change) { if (gb->ir_queue_length == GB_MAX_IR_QUEUE) { GB_log(gb, "IR Queue is full\n"); return; } gb->ir_queue[gb->ir_queue_length++] = (GB_ir_queue_item_t){state, cycles_after_previous_change}; } void GB_set_rumble_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_rumble_callback_t callback) { gb->rumble_callback = callback; } void GB_set_serial_transfer_start_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_serial_transfer_start_callback_t callback) { gb->serial_transfer_start_callback = callback; } void GB_set_serial_transfer_end_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_serial_transfer_end_callback_t callback) { gb->serial_transfer_end_callback = callback; } uint8_t GB_serial_get_data(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { if (gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SC] & 1) { /* Internal Clock */ GB_log(gb, "Serial read request while using internal clock. \n"); return 0xFF; } return gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SB]; } void GB_serial_set_data(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint8_t data) { if (gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SC] & 1) { /* Internal Clock */ GB_log(gb, "Serial write request while using internal clock. \n"); return; } gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SB] = data; gb->io_registers[GB_IO_IF] |= 8; } void GB_disconnect_serial(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { gb->serial_transfer_start_callback = NULL; gb->serial_transfer_end_callback = NULL; /* Reset any internally-emulated device. Currently, only the printer. */ memset(&gb->printer, 0, sizeof(gb->printer)); } bool GB_is_inited(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { return gb->magic == 'SAME'; } bool GB_is_cgb(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { return gb->is_cgb; } void GB_set_turbo_mode(GB_gameboy_t *gb, bool on, bool no_frame_skip) { gb->turbo = on; gb->turbo_dont_skip = no_frame_skip; } void GB_set_rendering_disabled(GB_gameboy_t *gb, bool disabled) { gb->disable_rendering = disabled; } void *GB_get_user_data(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { return gb->user_data; } void GB_set_user_data(GB_gameboy_t *gb, void *data) { gb->user_data = data; } void GB_reset(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { uint32_t mbc_ram_size = gb->mbc_ram_size; bool cgb = gb->is_cgb; memset(gb, 0, (size_t)GB_GET_SECTION((GB_gameboy_t *) 0, unsaved)); gb->version = GB_STRUCT_VERSION; gb->mbc_rom_bank = 1; gb->last_rtc_second = time(NULL); gb->cgb_ram_bank = 1; gb->io_registers[GB_IO_JOYP] = 0xF; gb->mbc_ram_size = mbc_ram_size; if (cgb) { gb->ram_size = 0x2000 * 8; memset(gb->ram, 0, gb->ram_size); gb->vram_size = 0x2000 * 2; memset(gb->vram, 0, gb->vram_size); gb->is_cgb = true; gb->cgb_mode = true; gb->io_registers[GB_IO_OBP0] = gb->io_registers[GB_IO_OBP1] = 0x00; } else { gb->ram_size = 0x2000; memset(gb->ram, 0, gb->ram_size); gb->vram_size = 0x2000; memset(gb->vram, 0, gb->vram_size); if (gb->rgb_encode_callback) { gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[4] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[0] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[0] = gb->rgb_encode_callback(gb, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[5] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[1] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[1] = gb->rgb_encode_callback(gb, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[6] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[2] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[2] = gb->rgb_encode_callback(gb, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55); gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[7] = gb->sprite_palettes_rgb[3] = gb->background_palettes_rgb[3] = gb->rgb_encode_callback(gb, 0, 0, 0); } gb->io_registers[GB_IO_OBP0] = gb->io_registers[GB_IO_OBP1] = 0xFF; } /* The serial interrupt always occur on the 0xF8th cycle of every 0x100 cycle since boot. */ gb->serial_cycles = 0x100 - 0xF8; gb->io_registers[GB_IO_SC] = 0x7E; gb->magic = (uintptr_t)'SAME'; } void GB_switch_model_and_reset(GB_gameboy_t *gb, bool is_cgb) { if (is_cgb) { gb->ram = realloc(gb->ram, gb->ram_size = 0x2000 * 8); gb->vram = realloc(gb->vram, gb->vram_size = 0x2000 * 2); } else { gb->ram = realloc(gb->ram, gb->ram_size = 0x2000); gb->vram = realloc(gb->vram, gb->vram_size = 0x2000); } gb->is_cgb = is_cgb; GB_reset(gb); } void *GB_get_direct_access(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_direct_access_t access, size_t *size, uint16_t *bank) { /* Set size and bank to dummy pointers if not set */ size_t dummy_size; uint16_t dummy_bank; if (!size) { size = &dummy_size; } if (!bank) { bank = &dummy_bank; } switch (access) { case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_ROM: *size = gb->rom_size; *bank = gb->mbc_rom_bank; return gb->rom; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_RAM: *size = gb->ram_size; *bank = gb->cgb_ram_bank; return gb->ram; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_CART_RAM: *size = gb->mbc_ram_size; *bank = gb->mbc_ram_bank; return gb->mbc_ram; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_VRAM: *size = gb->vram_size; *bank = gb->cgb_vram_bank; return gb->vram; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_HRAM: *size = sizeof(gb->hram); *bank = 0; return &gb->hram; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_IO: *size = sizeof(gb->io_registers); *bank = 0; return &gb->io_registers; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_BOOTROM: *size = gb->is_cgb? sizeof(gb->boot_rom) : 0x100; *bank = 0; return &gb->boot_rom; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_OAM: *size = sizeof(gb->oam); *bank = 0; return &gb->oam; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_BGP: *size = sizeof(gb->background_palettes_data); *bank = 0; return &gb->background_palettes_data; case GB_DIRECT_ACCESS_OBP: *size = sizeof(gb->sprite_palettes_data); *bank = 0; return &gb->sprite_palettes_data; default: *size = 0; *bank = 0; return NULL; } }