#include "camera.h" uint8_t GB_camera_read_image(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint16_t addr) { if (gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_FLAGS] & 1) { /* Forbid reading the image while the camera is busy. */ return 0xFF; } uint8_t tile_x = addr / 0x10 % 0x10; uint8_t tile_y = addr / 0x10 / 0x10; uint8_t y = ((addr >> 1) & 0x7) + tile_y * 8; uint8_t bit = addr & 1; uint8_t ret = 0; for (uint8_t x = tile_x * 8; x < tile_x * 8 + 8; x++) { long color = gb->camera_get_pixel_callback? gb->camera_get_pixel_callback(gb, x,y) : (rand() & 0xFF); /* Color is multiplied by the multiplier register. */ /* It is unknown what register 1 does, but changing bits 2-3 from 0x4 to 0x8 seems equivalent to adding 0x2000 to the multiplier. Is it related to actual exposure time? */ unsigned long multiplier_bias = (gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_UNKNOWN_FLAGS] & 0xF) * 0x800; color = color * ((gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_MULTIPLIER_HIGH] << 8) + gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_MULTIPLIER_LOW] + multiplier_bias) / 0x3000; /* The camera's registers are used as a threshold pattern, which defines the dithering */ uint8_t pattern_base = ((x & 3) + (y & 3) * 4) * 3 + GB_CAMERA_DITHERING_PATTERN_START; /* Todo: I have absolutely no reason to assume that this does not go backwards! */ if (color < gb->camera_registers[pattern_base]) { color = 3; } else if (color < gb->camera_registers[pattern_base + 1]) { color = 2; } else if (color < gb->camera_registers[pattern_base + 2]) { color = 1; } else { color = 0; } ret <<= 1; ret |= (color >> bit) & 1; } return ret; } void GB_set_camera_get_pixel_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_camera_get_pixel_callback_t callback) { gb->camera_get_pixel_callback = callback; } void GB_set_camera_update_request_callback(GB_gameboy_t *gb, GB_camera_update_request_callback_t callback) { gb->camera_update_request_callback = callback; } void GB_camera_updated(GB_gameboy_t *gb) { gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_FLAGS] &= ~1; } void GB_camera_write_register(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint16_t addr, uint8_t value) { addr &= 0x7F; if (addr == GB_CAMERA_FLAGS) { if ((value & 1) && !(gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_FLAGS] & 1) && gb->camera_update_request_callback) { /* If no callback is set, ignore the write as if the camera is instantly done */ gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_FLAGS] |= 1; gb->camera_update_request_callback(gb); } } else { if (addr >= 0x36) { GB_log(gb, "Wrote invalid camera register %02x: %2x\n", addr, value); return; } /* Todo: find out what these registers do */ gb->camera_registers[addr] = value; } } uint8_t GB_camera_read_register(GB_gameboy_t *gb, uint16_t addr) { if ((addr & 0x7F) == 0) { return gb->camera_registers[GB_CAMERA_FLAGS]; } return 0; }