/* Based on this (really good) article: http://blog.pkh.me/p/19-butchering-hqx-scaling-filters.html */ /* Todo: Add the real YUV difference from HQ2x*/ bool is_different(vec4 a, vec4 b) { return length(a - b) > 0.15; } #define P(m, r) ((pattern & (m)) == (r)) vec4 interp_2px(vec4 c1, float w1, vec4 c2, float w2) { return (c1 * w1 + c2 * w2) / (w1 + w2); } vec4 interp_3px(vec4 c1, float w1, vec4 c2, float w2, vec4 c3, float w3) { return (c1 * w1 + c2 * w2 + c3 * w3) / (w1 + w2 + w3); } vec4 scale(sampler2D image) { // o = offset, the width of a pixel vec2 o = 1.0 / textureDimensions; vec2 texCoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, uResolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y) / uResolution; /* We always calculate the top left pixel. If we need a different pixel, we flip the image */ // p = the position within a pixel [0...1] vec2 p = fract(texCoord * textureDimensions); if (p.x > 0.5) o.x = -o.x; if (p.y > 0.5) o.y = -o.y; vec4 w0 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( -o.x, -o.y)); vec4 w1 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( 0, -o.y)); vec4 w2 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( o.x, -o.y)); vec4 w3 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( -o.x, 0)); vec4 w4 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( 0, 0)); vec4 w5 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( o.x, 0)); vec4 w6 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( -o.x, o.y)); vec4 w7 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( 0, o.y)); vec4 w8 = texture(image, texCoord + vec2( o.x, o.y)); int pattern = 0; if (is_different(w0, w4)) pattern |= 1; if (is_different(w1, w4)) pattern |= 2; if (is_different(w2, w4)) pattern |= 4; if (is_different(w3, w4)) pattern |= 8; if (is_different(w5, w4)) pattern |= 16; if (is_different(w6, w4)) pattern |= 32; if (is_different(w7, w4)) pattern |= 64; if (is_different(w8, w4)) pattern |= 128; if ((P(0xbf,0x37) || P(0xdb,0x13)) && is_different(w1, w5)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w3, 1.0); if ((P(0xdb,0x49) || P(0xef,0x6d)) && is_different(w7, w3)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w1, 1.0); if ((P(0x0b,0x0b) || P(0xfe,0x4a) || P(0xfe,0x1a)) && is_different(w3, w1)) return w4; if ((P(0x6f,0x2a) || P(0x5b,0x0a) || P(0xbf,0x3a) || P(0xdf,0x5a) || P(0x9f,0x8a) || P(0xcf,0x8a) || P(0xef,0x4e) || P(0x3f,0x0e) || P(0xfb,0x5a) || P(0xbb,0x8a) || P(0x7f,0x5a) || P(0xaf,0x8a) || P(0xeb,0x8a)) && is_different(w3, w1)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w0, 1.0); if (P(0x0b,0x08)) return interp_3px(w4, 2.0, w0, 1.0, w1, 1.0); if (P(0x0b,0x02)) return interp_3px(w4, 2.0, w0, 1.0, w3, 1.0); if (P(0x2f,0x2f)) return interp_3px(w4, 1.04, w3, 1.0, w1, 1.0); if (P(0xbf,0x37) || P(0xdb,0x13)) return interp_3px(w4, 5.0, w1, 2.0, w3, 1.0); if (P(0xdb,0x49) || P(0xef,0x6d)) return interp_3px(w4, 5.0, w3, 2.0, w1, 1.0); if (P(0x1b,0x03) || P(0x4f,0x43) || P(0x8b,0x83) || P(0x6b,0x43)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w3, 1.0); if (P(0x4b,0x09) || P(0x8b,0x89) || P(0x1f,0x19) || P(0x3b,0x19)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w1, 1.0); if (P(0x7e,0x2a) || P(0xef,0xab) || P(0xbf,0x8f) || P(0x7e,0x0e)) return interp_3px(w4, 2.0, w3, 3.0, w1, 3.0); if (P(0xfb,0x6a) || P(0x6f,0x6e) || P(0x3f,0x3e) || P(0xfb,0xfa) || P(0xdf,0xde) || P(0xdf,0x1e)) return interp_2px(w4, 3.0, w0, 1.0); if (P(0x0a,0x00) || P(0x4f,0x4b) || P(0x9f,0x1b) || P(0x2f,0x0b) || P(0xbe,0x0a) || P(0xee,0x0a) || P(0x7e,0x0a) || P(0xeb,0x4b) || P(0x3b,0x1b)) return interp_3px(w4, 2.0, w3, 1.0, w1, 1.0); return interp_3px(w4, 6.0, w3, 1.0, w1, 1.0); }