#import "JOYController.h" #import "JOYMultiplayerController.h" #import "JOYElement.h" #import "JOYSubElement.h" #import "JOYFullReportElement.h" #import "JOYEmulatedButton.h" #include #define PWM_RESOLUTION 16 static NSString const *JOYAxisGroups = @"JOYAxisGroups"; static NSString const *JOYReportIDFilters = @"JOYReportIDFilters"; static NSString const *JOYButtonUsageMapping = @"JOYButtonUsageMapping"; static NSString const *JOYAxisUsageMapping = @"JOYAxisUsageMapping"; static NSString const *JOYAxes2DUsageMapping = @"JOYAxes2DUsageMapping"; static NSString const *JOYCustomReports = @"JOYCustomReports"; static NSString const *JOYIsSwitch = @"JOYIsSwitch"; static NSString const *JOYRumbleUsage = @"JOYRumbleUsage"; static NSString const *JOYRumbleUsagePage = @"JOYRumbleUsagePage"; static NSString const *JOYConnectedUsage = @"JOYConnectedUsage"; static NSString const *JOYConnectedUsagePage = @"JOYConnectedUsagePage"; static NSString const *JOYRumbleMin = @"JOYRumbleMin"; static NSString const *JOYRumbleMax = @"JOYRumbleMax"; static NSString const *JOYSwapZRz = @"JOYSwapZRz"; static NSString const *JOYActivationReport = @"JOYActivationReport"; static NSString const *JOYIgnoredReports = @"JOYIgnoredReports"; static NSString const *JOYIsDualShock3 = @"JOYIsDualShock3"; static NSMutableDictionary *controllers; // Physical controllers static NSMutableArray *exposedControllers; // Logical controllers static NSDictionary *hacksByName = nil; static NSDictionary *hacksByManufacturer = nil; static NSMutableSet> *listeners = nil; static bool axesEmulateButtons = false; static bool axes2DEmulateButtons = false; static bool hatsEmulateButtons = false; @interface JOYController () + (void)controllerAdded:(IOHIDDeviceRef) device; + (void)controllerRemoved:(IOHIDDeviceRef) device; - (void)elementChanged:(IOHIDElementRef) element; - (void)gotReport:(NSData *)report; @end @interface JOYButton () - (instancetype)initWithElement:(JOYElement *)element; - (bool)updateState; @end @interface JOYAxis () - (instancetype)initWithElement:(JOYElement *)element; - (bool)updateState; @end @interface JOYHat () - (instancetype)initWithElement:(JOYElement *)element; - (bool)updateState; @end @interface JOYAxes2D () - (instancetype)initWithFirstElement:(JOYElement *)element1 secondElement:(JOYElement *)element2; - (bool)updateState; @end static NSDictionary *CreateHIDDeviceMatchDictionary(const UInt32 page, const UInt32 usage) { return @{ @kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey: @(page), @kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey: @(usage), }; } static void HIDDeviceAdded(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device) { [JOYController controllerAdded:device]; } static void HIDDeviceRemoved(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device) { [JOYController controllerRemoved:device]; } static void HIDInput(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDValueRef value) { [(__bridge JOYController *)context elementChanged:IOHIDValueGetElement(value)]; } static void HIDReport(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDReportType type, uint32_t reportID, uint8_t *report, CFIndex reportLength) { if (reportLength) { [(__bridge JOYController *)context gotReport:[[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:report length:reportLength freeWhenDone:NO]]; } } typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { uint8_t reportID; uint8_t sequence; uint8_t rumbleData[8]; uint8_t command; uint8_t commandData[26]; } JOYSwitchPacket; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { uint8_t reportID; uint8_t padding; uint8_t rumbleRightDuration; uint8_t rumbleRightStrength; uint8_t rumbleLeftDuration; uint8_t rumbleLeftStrength; uint32_t padding2; uint8_t ledsEnabled; struct { uint8_t timeEnabled; uint8_t dutyLength; uint8_t enabled; uint8_t dutyOff; uint8_t dutyOn; } __attribute__((packed)) led[5]; uint8_t padding3[13]; } JOYDualShock3Output; typedef union { JOYSwitchPacket switchPacket; JOYDualShock3Output ds3Output; } JOYVendorSpecificOutput; @implementation JOYController { IOHIDDeviceRef _device; NSMutableDictionary *_buttons; NSMutableDictionary *_axes; NSMutableDictionary *_axes2D; NSMutableDictionary *_hats; NSMutableDictionary *_fullReportElements; NSMutableDictionary *> *_multiElements; // Button emulation NSMutableDictionary *_axisEmulatedButtons; NSMutableDictionary *> *_axes2DEmulatedButtons; NSMutableDictionary *> *_hatEmulatedButtons; JOYElement *_rumbleElement; JOYElement *_connectedElement; NSMutableDictionary *_iokitToJOY; NSString *_serialSuffix; bool _isSwitch; // Does this controller use the Switch protocol? bool _isDualShock3; // Does this controller use DS3 outputs? JOYVendorSpecificOutput _lastVendorSpecificOutput; volatile double _rumbleAmplitude; bool _physicallyConnected; bool _logicallyConnected; NSDictionary *_hacks; NSMutableData *_lastReport; // Used when creating inputs JOYElement *_previousAxisElement; uint8_t _playerLEDs; double _sentRumbleAmp; unsigned _rumbleCounter; bool _deviceCantSendReports; dispatch_queue_t _rumbleQueue; } - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef) device hacks:(NSDictionary *)hacks { return [self initWithDevice:device reportIDFilter:nil serialSuffix:nil hacks:hacks]; } -(void)createOutputForElement:(JOYElement *)element { uint16_t rumbleUsagePage = (uint16_t)[_hacks[JOYRumbleUsagePage] unsignedIntValue]; uint16_t rumbleUsage = (uint16_t)[_hacks[JOYRumbleUsage] unsignedIntValue]; if (!_rumbleElement && rumbleUsage && rumbleUsagePage && element.usage == rumbleUsage && element.usagePage == rumbleUsagePage) { if (_hacks[JOYRumbleMin]) { element.min = [_hacks[JOYRumbleMin] unsignedIntValue]; } if (_hacks[JOYRumbleMax]) { element.max = [_hacks[JOYRumbleMax] unsignedIntValue]; } _rumbleElement = element; } } -(void)createInputForElement:(JOYElement *)element { uint16_t connectedUsagePage = (uint16_t)[_hacks[JOYConnectedUsagePage] unsignedIntValue]; uint16_t connectedUsage = (uint16_t)[_hacks[JOYConnectedUsage] unsignedIntValue]; if (!_connectedElement && connectedUsage && connectedUsagePage && element.usage == connectedUsage && element.usagePage == connectedUsagePage) { _connectedElement = element; _logicallyConnected = element.value != element.min; return; } if (element.usagePage == kHIDPage_Button) { button: { JOYButton *button = [[JOYButton alloc] initWithElement: element]; [_buttons setObject:button forKey:element]; NSNumber *replacementUsage = _hacks[JOYButtonUsageMapping][@(button.usage)]; if (replacementUsage) { button.usage = [replacementUsage unsignedIntValue]; } return; } } else if (element.usagePage == kHIDPage_GenericDesktop) { NSDictionary *axisGroups = @{ @(kHIDUsage_GD_X): @(0), @(kHIDUsage_GD_Y): @(0), @(kHIDUsage_GD_Z): @(1), @(kHIDUsage_GD_Rx): @(2), @(kHIDUsage_GD_Ry): @(2), @(kHIDUsage_GD_Rz): @(1), }; axisGroups = _hacks[JOYAxisGroups] ?: axisGroups; switch (element.usage) { case kHIDUsage_GD_X: case kHIDUsage_GD_Y: case kHIDUsage_GD_Z: case kHIDUsage_GD_Rx: case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry: case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz: { JOYElement *other = _previousAxisElement; _previousAxisElement = element; if (!other) goto single; if (other.usage >= element.usage) goto single; if (other.reportID != element.reportID) goto single; if (![axisGroups[@(other.usage)] isEqualTo: axisGroups[@(element.usage)]]) goto single; if (other.parentID != element.parentID) goto single; JOYAxes2D *axes = nil; if (other.usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Z && element.usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Rz && [_hacks[JOYSwapZRz] boolValue]) { axes = [[JOYAxes2D alloc] initWithFirstElement:element secondElement:other]; } else { axes = [[JOYAxes2D alloc] initWithFirstElement:other secondElement:element]; } NSNumber *replacementUsage = _hacks[JOYAxes2DUsageMapping][@(axes.usage)]; if (replacementUsage) { axes.usage = [replacementUsage unsignedIntValue]; } [_axisEmulatedButtons removeObjectForKey:@(_axes[other].uniqueID)]; [_axes removeObjectForKey:other]; _previousAxisElement = nil; _axes2D[other] = axes; _axes2D[element] = axes; if (axes2DEmulateButtons) { _axes2DEmulatedButtons[@(axes.uniqueID)] = @[ [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadLeft uniqueID:axes.uniqueID | 0x100000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadRight uniqueID:axes.uniqueID | 0x200000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadUp uniqueID:axes.uniqueID | 0x300000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadDown uniqueID:axes.uniqueID | 0x400000000L], ]; } /* for (NSArray *group in axes2d) { break; IOHIDElementRef first = (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)group[0]; IOHIDElementRef second = (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)group[1]; if (IOHIDElementGetUsage(first) > element.usage) continue; if (IOHIDElementGetUsage(second) > element.usage) continue; if (IOHIDElementGetReportID(first) != IOHIDElementGetReportID(element)) continue; if ((IOHIDElementGetUsage(first) - kHIDUsage_GD_X) / 3 != (element.usage - kHIDUsage_GD_X) / 3) continue; if (IOHIDElementGetParent(first) != IOHIDElementGetParent(element)) continue; [axes2d removeObject:group]; [axes3d addObject:@[(__bridge id)first, (__bridge id)second, _element]]; found = true; break; }*/ break; } single: case kHIDUsage_GD_Slider: case kHIDUsage_GD_Dial: case kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel: { JOYAxis *axis = [[JOYAxis alloc] initWithElement: element]; [_axes setObject:axis forKey:element]; NSNumber *replacementUsage = _hacks[JOYAxisUsageMapping][@(axis.usage)]; if (replacementUsage) { axis.usage = [replacementUsage unsignedIntValue]; } if (axesEmulateButtons && axis.usage >= JOYAxisUsageL1 && axis.usage <= JOYAxisUsageR3) { _axisEmulatedButtons[@(axis.uniqueID)] = [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:axis.usage - JOYAxisUsageL1 + JOYButtonUsageL1 uniqueID:axis.uniqueID]; } if (axesEmulateButtons && axis.usage >= JOYAxisUsageGeneric0) { _axisEmulatedButtons[@(axis.uniqueID)] = [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:axis.usage - JOYAxisUsageGeneric0 + JOYButtonUsageGeneric0 uniqueID:axis.uniqueID]; } break; } case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadUp: case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadDown: case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadRight: case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadLeft: case kHIDUsage_GD_Start: case kHIDUsage_GD_Select: case kHIDUsage_GD_SystemMainMenu: goto button; case kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch: { JOYHat *hat = [[JOYHat alloc] initWithElement: element]; [_hats setObject:hat forKey:element]; if (hatsEmulateButtons) { _hatEmulatedButtons[@(hat.uniqueID)] = @[ [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadLeft uniqueID:hat.uniqueID | 0x100000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadRight uniqueID:hat.uniqueID | 0x200000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadUp uniqueID:hat.uniqueID | 0x300000000L], [[JOYEmulatedButton alloc] initWithUsage:JOYButtonUsageDPadDown uniqueID:hat.uniqueID | 0x400000000L], ]; } break; } } } } - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device reportIDFilter:(NSArray *) filter serialSuffix:(NSString *)suffix hacks:(NSDictionary *)hacks { self = [super init]; if (!self) return self; _physicallyConnected = true; _logicallyConnected = true; _device = (IOHIDDeviceRef)CFRetain(device); _serialSuffix = suffix; _playerLEDs = -1; IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback(device, HIDInput, (void *)self); IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(device, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); NSArray *array = CFBridgingRelease(IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(device, NULL, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone)); _buttons = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _axes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _axes2D = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _hats = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _axisEmulatedButtons = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _axes2DEmulatedButtons = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _hatEmulatedButtons = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _iokitToJOY = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //NSMutableArray *axes3d = [NSMutableArray array]; _hacks = hacks; _isSwitch = [_hacks[JOYIsSwitch] boolValue]; _isDualShock3 = [_hacks[JOYIsDualShock3] boolValue]; NSDictionary *customReports = hacks[JOYCustomReports]; _lastReport = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:MAX( MAX( [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey)) unsignedIntValue], [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey)) unsignedIntValue] ), [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey)) unsignedIntValue] )]; IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback(device, _lastReport.mutableBytes, _lastReport.length, HIDReport, (void *)self); if (hacks[JOYCustomReports]) { _multiElements = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _fullReportElements = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (NSNumber *_reportID in customReports) { signed reportID = [_reportID intValue]; bool isOutput = false; if (reportID < 0) { isOutput = true; reportID = -reportID; } JOYFullReportElement *element = [[JOYFullReportElement alloc] initWithDevice:device reportID:reportID]; NSMutableArray *elements = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSDictionary *subElementDef in customReports[_reportID]) { if (filter && subElementDef[@"reportID"] && ![filter containsObject:subElementDef[@"reportID"]]) continue; JOYSubElement *subElement = [[JOYSubElement alloc] initWithRealElement:element size:subElementDef[@"size"].unsignedLongValue offset:subElementDef[@"offset"].unsignedLongValue + 8 // Compensate for the reportID usagePage:subElementDef[@"usagePage"].unsignedLongValue usage:subElementDef[@"usage"].unsignedLongValue min:subElementDef[@"min"].unsignedIntValue max:subElementDef[@"max"].unsignedIntValue]; [elements addObject:subElement]; if (isOutput) { [self createOutputForElement:subElement]; } else { [self createInputForElement:subElement]; } } _multiElements[element] = elements; if (!isOutput) { _fullReportElements[@(reportID)] = element; } } } id previous = nil; NSSet *ignoredReports = nil; if (hacks[ignoredReports]) { ignoredReports = [NSSet setWithArray:hacks[ignoredReports]]; } for (id _element in array) { if (_element == previous) continue; // Some elements are reported twice for some reason previous = _element; JOYElement *element = [[JOYElement alloc] initWithElement:(__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element]; bool isOutput = false; if (filter && ![filter containsObject:@(element.reportID)]) continue; switch (IOHIDElementGetType((__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element)) { /* Handled */ case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis: break; case kIOHIDElementTypeOutput: isOutput = true; break; /* Ignored */ default: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_NULL: case kIOHIDElementTypeFeature: case kIOHIDElementTypeCollection: continue; } if ((!isOutput && [ignoredReports containsObject:@(element.reportID)]) || (isOutput && [ignoredReports containsObject:@(-element.reportID)])) continue; if (IOHIDElementIsArray((__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element)) continue; if (isOutput) { [self createOutputForElement:element]; } else { [self createInputForElement:element]; } _iokitToJOY[@(IOHIDElementGetCookie((__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element))] = element; } [exposedControllers addObject:self]; if (_logicallyConnected) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controllerConnected:)]) { [listener controllerConnected:self]; } } } if (_hacks[JOYActivationReport]) { [self sendReport:hacks[JOYActivationReport]]; } if (_isSwitch) { [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:(uint8_t[]){0x80, 0x04} length:2]]; [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:(uint8_t[]){0x80, 0x02} length:2]]; } if (_isDualShock3) { _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output = (JOYDualShock3Output){ .reportID = 1, .led = { {.timeEnabled = 0xff, .dutyLength = 0x27, .enabled = 0x10, .dutyOff = 0, .dutyOn = 0x32}, {.timeEnabled = 0xff, .dutyLength = 0x27, .enabled = 0x10, .dutyOff = 0, .dutyOn = 0x32}, {.timeEnabled = 0xff, .dutyLength = 0x27, .enabled = 0x10, .dutyOff = 0, .dutyOn = 0x32}, {.timeEnabled = 0xff, .dutyLength = 0x27, .enabled = 0x10, .dutyOff = 0, .dutyOn = 0x32}, {.timeEnabled = 0, .dutyLength = 0, .enabled = 0, .dutyOff = 0, .dutyOn = 0}, } }; } _rumbleQueue = dispatch_queue_create([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Rumble Queue for %@", self.deviceName].UTF8String, NULL); return self; } - (NSString *)deviceName { if (!_device) return nil; return IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey)); } - (NSString *)uniqueID { if (!_device) return nil; NSString *serial = (__bridge NSString *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey)); if (!serial || [(__bridge NSString *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDTransportKey)) isEqualToString:@"USB"]) { serial = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%04x%04x%08x", [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey)) unsignedIntValue], [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey)) unsignedIntValue], [(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(_device, CFSTR(kIOHIDLocationIDKey)) unsignedIntValue]]; } if (_serialSuffix) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", serial, _serialSuffix]; } return serial; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p, %@, %@>", self.className, self, self.deviceName, self.uniqueID]; } - (NSArray *)buttons { NSMutableArray *ret = [[_buttons allValues] mutableCopy]; [ret addObjectsFromArray:_axisEmulatedButtons.allValues]; for (NSArray *array in _axes2DEmulatedButtons.allValues) { [ret addObjectsFromArray:array]; } for (NSArray *array in _hatEmulatedButtons.allValues) { [ret addObjectsFromArray:array]; } return ret; } - (NSArray *)axes { return [_axes allValues]; } - (NSArray *)axes2D { return [[NSSet setWithArray:[_axes2D allValues]] allObjects]; } - (NSArray *)hats { return [_hats allValues]; } - (void)gotReport:(NSData *)report { JOYFullReportElement *element = _fullReportElements[@(*(uint8_t *)report.bytes)]; if (element) { [element updateValue:report]; NSArray *subElements = _multiElements[element]; if (subElements) { for (JOYElement *subElement in subElements) { [self _elementChanged:subElement]; } } } dispatch_async(_rumbleQueue, ^{ [self updateRumble]; }); } - (void)elementChanged:(IOHIDElementRef)element { JOYElement *_element = _iokitToJOY[@(IOHIDElementGetCookie(element))]; if (_element) { [self _elementChanged:_element]; } else { //NSLog(@"Unhandled usage %x (Cookie: %x, Usage: %x)", IOHIDElementGetUsage(element), IOHIDElementGetCookie(element), IOHIDElementGetUsage(element)); } } - (void)_elementChanged:(JOYElement *)element { if (element == _connectedElement) { bool old = self.connected; _logicallyConnected = _connectedElement.value != _connectedElement.min; if (!old && self.connected) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controllerConnected:)]) { [listener controllerConnected:self]; } } } else if (old && !self.connected) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controllerDisconnected:)]) { [listener controllerDisconnected:self]; } } } } if (!self.connected) return; { JOYButton *button = _buttons[element]; if (button) { if ([button updateState]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:buttonChangedState:)]) { [listener controller:self buttonChangedState:button]; } } } return; } } { JOYAxis *axis = _axes[element]; if (axis) { if ([axis updateState]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:movedAxis:)]) { [listener controller:self movedAxis:axis]; } } JOYEmulatedButton *button = _axisEmulatedButtons[@(axis.uniqueID)]; if ([button updateStateFromAxis:axis]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:buttonChangedState:)]) { [listener controller:self buttonChangedState:button]; } } } } return; } } { JOYAxes2D *axes = _axes2D[element]; if (axes) { if ([axes updateState]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:movedAxes2D:)]) { [listener controller:self movedAxes2D:axes]; } } NSArray *buttons = _axes2DEmulatedButtons[@(axes.uniqueID)]; for (JOYEmulatedButton *button in buttons) { if ([button updateStateFromAxes2D:axes]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:buttonChangedState:)]) { [listener controller:self buttonChangedState:button]; } } } } } return; } } { JOYHat *hat = _hats[element]; if (hat) { if ([hat updateState]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:movedHat:)]) { [listener controller:self movedHat:hat]; } } NSArray *buttons = _hatEmulatedButtons[@(hat.uniqueID)]; for (JOYEmulatedButton *button in buttons) { if ([button updateStateFromHat:hat]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controller:buttonChangedState:)]) { [listener controller:self buttonChangedState:button]; } } } } } return; } } } - (void)disconnected { if (_logicallyConnected && [exposedControllers containsObject:self]) { for (id listener in listeners) { if ([listener respondsToSelector:@selector(controllerDisconnected:)]) { [listener controllerDisconnected:self]; } } } _physicallyConnected = false; [exposedControllers removeObject:self]; [self setRumbleAmplitude:0]; dispatch_sync(_rumbleQueue, ^{ [self updateRumble]; }); _device = nil; } - (void)sendReport:(NSData *)report { if (!report.length) return; if (!_device) return; if (_deviceCantSendReports) return; /* Some Macs fail to send reports to some devices, specifically the DS3, returning the bogus(?) error code 1 after freezing for 5 seconds. Stop sending reports if that's the case. */ if (IOHIDDeviceSetReport(_device, kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, *(uint8_t *)report.bytes, report.bytes, report.length) == 1) { _deviceCantSendReports = true; NSLog(@"This Mac appears to be incapable of sending output reports to %@", self); } } - (void)setPlayerLEDs:(uint8_t)mask { mask &= 0xF; if (mask == _playerLEDs) { return; } _playerLEDs = mask; if (_isSwitch) { _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.reportID = 0x1; // Rumble and LEDs _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.sequence++; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.sequence &= 0xF; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.command = 0x30; // LED _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.commandData[0] = mask; [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:&_lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket length:sizeof(_lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket)]]; } else if (_isDualShock3) { _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.reportID = 1; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.ledsEnabled = mask << 1; [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:&_lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output length:sizeof(_lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output)]]; } } - (void)updateRumble { if (!self.connected) { return; } if (!_rumbleElement && !_isSwitch && !_isDualShock3) { return; } if (_rumbleElement.max == 1 && _rumbleElement.min == 0) { double ampToSend = _rumbleCounter < round(_rumbleAmplitude * PWM_RESOLUTION); if (ampToSend != _sentRumbleAmp) { [_rumbleElement setValue:ampToSend]; _sentRumbleAmp = ampToSend; } _rumbleCounter += round(_rumbleAmplitude * PWM_RESOLUTION); if (_rumbleCounter >= PWM_RESOLUTION) { _rumbleCounter -= PWM_RESOLUTION; } } else { if (_rumbleAmplitude == _sentRumbleAmp) { return; } _sentRumbleAmp = _rumbleAmplitude; if (_isSwitch) { double frequency = 144; double amp = _rumbleAmplitude; uint8_t highAmp = amp * 0x64; uint8_t lowAmp = amp * 0x32 + 0x40; if (frequency < 0) frequency = 0; if (frequency > 1252) frequency = 1252; uint8_t encodedFrequency = (uint8_t)round(log2(frequency / 10.0) * 32.0); uint16_t highFreq = (encodedFrequency - 0x60) * 4; uint8_t lowFreq = encodedFrequency - 0x40; //if (frequency < 82 || frequency > 312) { if (amp) { highAmp = 0; } if (frequency < 40 || frequency > 626) { lowAmp = 0; } _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[0] = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[4] = highFreq & 0xFF; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[1] = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[5] = (highAmp << 1) + ((highFreq >> 8) & 0x1); _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[2] = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[6] = lowFreq; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[3] = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.rumbleData[7] = lowAmp; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.reportID = 0x10; // Rumble only _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.sequence++; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.sequence &= 0xF; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket.command = 0; // LED [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:&_lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket length:sizeof(_lastVendorSpecificOutput.switchPacket)]]; } else if (_isDualShock3) { _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.reportID = 1; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.rumbleLeftDuration = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.rumbleRightDuration = _rumbleAmplitude? 0xff : 0; _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.rumbleLeftStrength = _lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output.rumbleRightStrength = round(_rumbleAmplitude * 0xff); [self sendReport:[NSData dataWithBytes:&_lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output length:sizeof(_lastVendorSpecificOutput.ds3Output)]]; } else { [_rumbleElement setValue:_rumbleAmplitude * (_rumbleElement.max - _rumbleElement.min) + _rumbleElement.min]; } } } - (void)setRumbleAmplitude:(double)amp /* andFrequency: (double)frequency */ { if (amp < 0) amp = 0; if (amp > 1) amp = 1; _rumbleAmplitude = amp; } - (bool)isConnected { return _logicallyConnected && _physicallyConnected; } + (void)controllerAdded:(IOHIDDeviceRef) device { NSString *name = (__bridge NSString *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey)); NSDictionary *hacks = hacksByName[name]; if (!hacks) { hacks = hacksByManufacturer[(__bridge NSNumber *)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey))]; } NSArray *filters = hacks[JOYReportIDFilters]; JOYController *controller = nil; if (filters) { controller = [[JOYMultiplayerController alloc] initWithDevice:device reportIDFilters:filters hacks:hacks]; } else { controller = [[JOYController alloc] initWithDevice:device hacks:hacks]; } [controllers setObject:controller forKey:[NSValue valueWithPointer:device]]; } + (void)controllerRemoved:(IOHIDDeviceRef) device { [[controllers objectForKey:[NSValue valueWithPointer:device]] disconnected]; [controllers removeObjectForKey:[NSValue valueWithPointer:device]]; } + (NSArray *)allControllers { return exposedControllers; } + (void)load { #include "ControllerConfiguration.inc" } +(void)registerListener:(id)listener { [listeners addObject:listener]; } +(void)unregisterListener:(id)listener { [listeners removeObject:listener]; } + (void)startOnRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runloop withOptions: (NSDictionary *)options { axesEmulateButtons = [options[JOYAxesEmulateButtonsKey] boolValue]; axes2DEmulateButtons = [options[JOYAxes2DEmulateButtonsKey] boolValue]; hatsEmulateButtons = [options[JOYHatsEmulateButtonsKey] boolValue]; controllers = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; exposedControllers = [NSMutableArray array]; NSArray *array = @[ CreateHIDDeviceMatchDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick), CreateHIDDeviceMatchDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad), CreateHIDDeviceMatchDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_MultiAxisController), @{@kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey: @(kHIDPage_Game)}, ]; listeners = [NSMutableSet set]; static IOHIDManagerRef manager = nil; if (manager) { CFRelease(manager); // Stop the previous session } manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone); if (!manager) return; if (IOHIDManagerOpen(manager, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone)) { CFRelease(manager); return; } IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatchingMultiple(manager, (__bridge CFArrayRef)array); IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback(manager, HIDDeviceAdded, NULL); IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(manager, HIDDeviceRemoved, NULL); IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(manager, [runloop getCFRunLoop], kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); } - (void)dealloc { if (_device) { CFRelease(_device); _device = NULL; } } @end