mirror of https://github.com/wbbaddons/Tims-Chat.git synced 2025-02-22 06:10:40 +00:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/privateChannels'

This commit is contained in:
Tim Düsterhus 2013-07-24 16:22:20 +02:00
commit 0be6efa345
4 changed files with 216 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -33,13 +33,17 @@ exposed by a function if necessary.
newMessageCount = 0
scrollUpNotifications = off
chatSession = Date.now()
userList =
current: {}
allTime: {}
currentRoom = {}
errorVisible = false
inputErrorHidingTimer = null
lastMessage = null
openChannel = 0
remainingFailures = 3
events =
@ -113,6 +117,11 @@ Insert the appropriate smiley code into the input when a smiley is clicked.
$('#smilies').on 'click', 'img', ->
insertText " #{$(@).attr('alt')} "
Handle private channel menu
$('#privateChannelsMenu').on 'click', '.privateChannel', ->
openPrivateChannel $(@).data 'privateChannelID'
Handle submitting the form. The message will be validated by some basic checks, passed to the `submit` eventlisteners
and afterwards sent to the server by an AJAX request.
@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ and afterwards sent to the server by an AJAX request.
return false if text.length is 0
unless openChannel is 0
text = "/whisper #{$("#timsChatMessageContainer#{openChannel}").data 'username'}, #{text}"
text = "/whisper #{userList.allTime[openChannel].username}, #{text}"
# Free the fish!
do freeTheFish if text.toLowerCase() is '/free the fish'
@ -190,7 +199,10 @@ The the word the caret is in will be passed to `autocomplete` and replaced if a
toComplete = '/' + commands[autocomplete.offset++ % commands.length] + ' ' if commands.length isnt 0
regex = new RegExp "^#{WCF.String.escapeRegExp toComplete}", "i"
users = (username for user in $('.timsChatUser') when regex.test(username = $(user).data('username')))
users = [ ]
for userID, user of userList.current
users.push user.username if regex.test user.username
toComplete = users[autocomplete.offset++ % users.length] + ', ' if users.length isnt 0
@ -267,8 +279,11 @@ Toggle checkboxes.
Hide topic container.
$('.jsTopicCloser').on 'click', ->
$('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'hidden'
if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') is 0
$('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'hidden'
closePrivateChannel $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID')
Visibly mark the message once the associated checkbox is checked.
$(document).on 'click', '.timsChatMessage :checkbox', (event) ->
@ -438,10 +453,10 @@ Insert the given messages into the chat stream.
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').trigger 'scroll'
for message in messages
message.isInPrivateChannel = (String(message.type) is v.config.messageTypes.WHISPER) and ($.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver}") or $.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender}"))
events.newMessage.fire message
message.isInPrivateChannel = (String(message.type) is v.config.messageTypes.WHISPER) and ($.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.receiver}") or $.wcfIsset("timsChatMessageContainer#{message.sender}"))
createNewMessage = yes
if $('.timsChatMessage:last-child .text').is('ul') and lastMessage isnt null and lastMessage.type in [ 0, 7 ]
if lastMessage.type is message.type and lastMessage.sender is message.sender and lastMessage.receiver is message.receiver and lastMessage.isInPrivateChannel is message.isInPrivateChannel
@ -488,9 +503,12 @@ Rebuild the userlist based on the given `users`.
handleUsers = (users) ->
foundUsers = { }
userList.current = { }
for user in users
do (user) ->
userList.current[user.userID] = userList.allTime[user.userID] = user
id = "timsChatUser#{user.userID}"
Move the user to the new position if he was found in the old list.
@ -583,6 +601,17 @@ Send out notifications for the given `message`. The number of unread messages wi
if scrollUpNotifications
$('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').addClass 'notification'
if message.isInPrivateChannel
if message.sender is WCF.User.userID
privateChannelID = message.receiver
privateChannelID = message.sender
if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') isnt privateChannelID
$("#privateChannel#{privateChannelID}").addClass 'notify'
else if $('.timsChatMessageContainer.active').data('userID') isnt 0
$("#privateChannel0").addClass 'notify'
return if isActive or $('#timsChatNotify').data('status') is 0
document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch
@ -678,45 +707,97 @@ Joins a room.
loading = false
$('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'hidden'
currentRoom = data.returnValues
currentRoom.roomID = roomID
$('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text data.returnValues.topic
if data.returnValues.topic.trim() is ''
$('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text currentRoom.topic
if currentRoom.topic.trim() is ''
$('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'empty'
$('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'empty'
$('.timsChatMessage').addClass 'unloaded'
document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch data.returnValues
handleMessages data.returnValues.messages
document.title = v.titleTemplate.fetch currentRoom
handleMessages currentRoom.messages
do getMessages
do refreshRoomList
failure: ->
showError WCF.Language.get 'chat.error.join'
Open private channel
openPrivateChannel = (userID) ->
userID = parseInt userID
console.log "Opening private channel #{userID}"
unless $.wcfIsset "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}"
return unless $.wcfIsset "timsChatUser#{userID}"
return unless userList.allTime[userID]?
div = $('<div>')
div = $ '<div>'
div.attr 'id', "timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}"
div.data 'userID', userID
div.addClass 'timsChatMessageContainer'
div.addClass 'marginTop'
div.addClass 'container'
div.data 'username', $("#timsChatUser#{userID}").data 'username'
div.wrapInner '<ul>'
$('#timsChatMessageContainer0').after div
$('.privateChannel').removeClass 'active'
if userID isnt 0
$('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'hidden empty'
$('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.privateChannelTopic', {username: userList.allTime[userID].username}
$('#timsChatTopic > .jsTopicCloser').attr 'title', WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.closePrivateChannel'
unless $.wcfIsset "privateChannel#{userID}"
li = $ '<li>'
li.attr 'id', "privateChannel#{userID}"
li.data 'privateChannelID', userID
li.addClass 'privateChannel'
span = $ '<span class="userAvatar framed" />'
avatar = $ userList.allTime[userID].avatar[16]
avatar.addClass 'jsTooltip'
avatar.attr 'title', userList.allTime[userID].username
avatar.wrap span
li.append avatar.parent().addClass 'small'
avatar = $ userList.allTime[userID].avatar[32]
avatar.addClass 'jsTooltip'
avatar.attr 'title', userList.allTime[userID].username
avatar.wrap span
li.append avatar.parent().addClass 'large'
$('#privateChannelsMenu ul').append li
$('#privateChannelsMenu').addClass 'shown'
$('#timsChatTopic > .topic').text currentRoom.topic
$('#timsChatTopic > .jsTopicCloser').attr 'title', WCF.Language.get 'chat.general.closeTopic'
if currentRoom.topic.trim() is ''
$('#timsChatTopic').addClass 'empty'
$('#timsChatTopic').removeClass 'empty'
do WCF.DOMNodeInsertedHandler.execute
$('.timsChatMessageContainer').removeClass 'active'
$("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").addClass 'active'
$("#privateChannel#{userID}").addClass('active').removeClass 'notify'
openChannel = userID
Close private channel
closePrivateChannel = (userID) ->
do $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").remove unless userID is 0
unless userID is 0
do $("#privateChannel#{userID}").remove
do $("#timsChatMessageContainer#{userID}").remove
if $('#privateChannelsMenu li').length <= 1
$('#privateChannelsMenu').removeClass 'shown'
openPrivateChannel 0
Bind the given callback to the given event.
@ -749,7 +830,7 @@ And finally export the public methods and variables.
add: addListener
remove: removeListener
window.be ?= {}
be.bastelstu ?= {}
window.be.bastelstu.Chat = Chat

View File

@ -58,6 +58,100 @@
#privateChannelsMenu {
.transition(opacity, .2s);
z-index: -1;
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
&.shown {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 130;
~ .timsChatMessageContainer {
margin-left: 35px;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
> ul {
text-align: right;
> li:first-child {
> .userAvatar.framed {
img, > canvas, > .icon {
border-radius: @wcfContainerBorderRadius 0 0 0;
> li:last-child {
> .userAvatar.framed {
img, > canvas, > .icon {
border-radius: 0 0 0 @wcfContainerBorderRadius;
> li {
margin-bottom: -1px;
background-color: @wcfContainerBackgroundColor;
> .userAvatar, .userAvatar > .icon {
cursor: pointer;
> .userAvatar {
&.large {
display: none;
&.small {
display: block;
&.framed {
> .icon {
background-color: @wcfContentBackgroundColor;
border: 1px solid @wcfContainerBorderColor;
padding: 1px;
&.active {
> .userAvatar {
&.large {
display: block;
&.small {
display: none;
&.framed {
> img, > canvas, > .icon {
border-right-color: @wcfContentBackgroundColor;
border-radius: @wcfContainerBorderRadius 0 0 @wcfContainerBorderRadius;
&.notify {
> .userAvatar {
> * {
opacity: .4;
.timsChatMessageContainer {
height: 320px;
overflow-y: scroll;

View File

@ -137,6 +137,10 @@
<item name="chat.general.information"><![CDATA[Information]]></item>
<item name="chat.general.information.chatUpdate"><![CDATA[Der Chat wurde aktualisiert. Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu, da es sonst zu Fehlern kommen kann.]]></item>
<item name="chat.general.information.suspension"><![CDATA[{lang}chat.suspension.{$suspension->type}{/lang} ({if $room}{$room}{else}{lang}chat.room.global{/lang}{/if})]]></item>
<item name="chat.general.privateChannelTopic"><![CDATA[{literal}Sie befinden sich in einem privaten Kanal mit „{$username}“, um diesen zu schließen, klicken Sie einfach auf das Kreuz rechts.{/literal}]]></item>
<item name="chat.general.closePrivateChannel"><![CDATA[Privaten Kanal schließen]]></item>
<item name="chat.general.closeTopic"><![CDATA[Thema ausblenden]]></item>
<category name="chat.header">

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
'chat.general.ban': '{lang}chat.general.ban{/lang}',
'chat.general.profile': '{lang}chat.general.profile{/lang}',
'chat.general.notify.title': '{lang}chat.general.notify.title{/lang}',
'chat.general.privateChannelTopic': '{lang}chat.general.privateChannelTopic{/lang}',
'chat.general.closePrivateChannel': '{lang}chat.general.closePrivateChannel{/lang}',
'chat.general.closeTopic': '{lang}chat.general.closeTopic{/lang}',
'chat.error.onMessageLoad': '{lang}chat.error.onMessageLoad{/lang}',
'chat.error.duplicateTab': '{lang}chat.error.duplicateTab{/lang}',
'chat.error.join': '{lang}chat.error.join{/lang}',
@ -71,11 +74,24 @@
{include file='header' sandbox=false sidebarOrientation='right'}
<div id="timsChatTopic" class="container{if $room->topic|language === ''} empty{/if}">
<span class="icon icon16 icon-remove jsTopicCloser"></span>
<span class="icon icon16 icon-remove jsTopicCloser jsTooltip" title="{lang}chat.general.closeTopic{/lang}"></span>
<span class="topic">{$room->topic|language}</span>
<div id="timsChatMessageContainer0" class="timsChatMessageContainer marginTop container active">
<div id="privateChannelsMenu">
<li id="privateChannel0" class="privateChannel active" data-private-channel-id="0">
<span class="userAvatar framed small">
<span class="icon icon16 icon-comment-alt jsTooltip" title="{lang}chat.general.room{/lang}"></span>
<span class="userAvatar framed large">
<span class="icon icon32 icon-comment-alt jsTooltip" title="{lang}chat.general.room{/lang}"></span>
<div id="timsChatMessageContainer0" class="timsChatMessageContainer marginTop container active" data-user-id="0">
<p class="error noJsOnly" style="display: none;">{lang}chat.general.noJs{/lang}</p>